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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Risem View Post
    Also, Rodney said the cocoons were warm then freezing outside of them. So I'd say the ships are cold and damp. Rather like where bugs like to hang out. Keeping the cocoons warm is a sign it's mostly done for the benefit of their food storage.
    McKay does say that an Iratus bug nest would be in a cool, dark and damp cave. Wraith hives are very gloomy places and the research facility and cloning factory areas which had better lighting weren't exactly bright by human standards. It would make sense, then, if Wraith retained a preference for cool and damp as well as gloomy.

    Originally posted by GoSpikey
    Look at Kanan's hair.

    Then scroll down to the part where you see a shot of Michael. Now look at *his* hair.

    Aren't they like identical?
    I thought Michael looks like he's got a bad case of receding hairline, unlike Kanan if that really is him in the other photo.


      [QUOTE=GoSpikey]"Urgh. Yeah, gossiping about real people isn't nice. I had a job somewhere for 2 weeks once, and always as one of the girls turned her back, the others would start talking about her. Urgh. Not the greatest experience."

      Yeah gossiping about real people particularly about youself, can be nasty, 2 years I've been on the recieving end of nasty gossiping/shunning. Why didn't I leave? Cos I'm stubborn. But finally I did sort things out.

      One distraction was Stargate and if I'd had Steve Todd or Michael at work!!
      Thanks to DS for my siggy


        You guys are awesome. If I ever get another bird now, chances are I may call it Rodney McCaw.

        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        I could go on, but will stop there. Of course, McKay thinks he looks like Steve, but that leads into a whole different exchange, and I'm not inclined to fanfic this, so leave it to your imaginations....
        Please go further, that was so fun.

        I laughed at Rodney saying "lovely" white hair. Is there something we don't know about him? XD

        L I V E J O U R N A L
        because I tend to disappear


          Originally posted by ciannwn
          McKay does say that an Iratus bug nest would be in a cool, dark and damp cave. Wraith hives are very gloomy places and the research facility and cloning factory areas which had better lighting weren't exactly bright by human standards. It would make sense, then, if Wraith retained a preference for cool and damp as well as gloomy.
          Sooooo....basically you're saying that the Wraith are from Scotland...



            Hey Wraithies I'm just quickly stopping by again to post this in case non of you have seen it yet.
            Gateworld has posted details from the first episode of Atlantis season 5 Search and Rescue.

            Theres not much information about the episode but the article mentions that
            Michael is going to be in it and is in command of a Wraith cruiser.

            Here's the link to the article if you want to read it.

            Originally posted by Alien_Bug_Person View Post
            So my iPod deleted itself the other day and I lost my "Common Ground" episode. I feel kinda helpess and bummed knowing I can't just whip out my iPod whenever I want and watch my show.

            Also...Im posting this because I thought it was funny at the time. I was trying to explain Stargate Atlantis to a friend who never even heard of the show, but was curious about my desktop, which has that picture of Todd and know, the one where he's looking like "I'm going to eat your face"? This is as much of the convo as I can remember:

            "What the hell is that?"


            "Why do you have a lizard man as a picture? That's lame."

            "He's not a lizard, he's a bug man."

            "That's even worse. Is that a tribal tattoo on his face?"

            "He's a space vampire. And a pirate."

            "A vampirate?"

            "Oh yeah. He's got a mechanical leg that shoot outs missles. That, you know...he never uses cuz that's kinda weird to have explosives shoot out of your knee caps."

            "So he's a robot, vampirate bug man?"

            "Yup. He's got a parrot. An alien parrot. *chokes up* He named it Rodney McCaw. He's a hardcore pirate."

            "He's got holes in his face."

            "That where the flames shoot out."

            I can't believe I had her going for all that.


              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
              Sooooo....basically you're saying that the Wraith are from Scotland...
              Going by the weather during my holiday in Scotland it's a place that would be far too cool and damp to appeal to Wraith.


                Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                Going by the weather during my holiday in Scotland it's a place that would be far too cool and damp to appeal to Wraith.
                Belgium, on the other hand, little less humid, but not that much, just right for them...

                *Kicks old bed out, orders King Size one*

                *Pokes the boys from her siggy*

                Oh boys, come on over here...

                In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                I wish I got to know you better.


                  Originally posted by GoSpikey
                  Belgium, on the other hand, little less humid, but not that much, just right for them...

                  *Kicks old bed out, orders King Size one*

                  *Pokes the boys from her siggy*

                  Oh boys, come on over here...

                  ONLY my fellow Wraith lovers will appreciate this...

                  My husband is VERY good at doing voice impersonations. Picks it up very fast, so he's always impersonating actors and all. So...last night he was trying to be romantic, and OUT OF THE BLUE he called me 'Sheppard' in TODD'S VOICE!!!


                  I was like, "SHEPPARD???! Why not TEYLA??!"...then we both started laughing hysterically...lolol. He said Sheppard's the only name he's had practice was his excuse. And I thought MY fantasies were weird...




                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    ONLY my fellow Wraith lovers will appreciate this...

                    My husband is VERY good at doing voice impersonations. Picks it up very fast, so he's always impersonating actors and all. So...last night he was trying to be romantic, and OUT OF THE BLUE he called me 'Sheppard' in TODD'S VOICE!!!


                    I was like, "SHEPPARD???! Why not TEYLA??!"...then we both started laughing hysterically...lolol. He said Sheppard's the only name he's had practice was his excuse. And I thought MY fantasies were weird...



                    Does your husband have funny tendencies or something? Hehe.

                    Well, I don't know for sure if Todd has ever said Teyla's name? I only remember the scene where Todd said "Impossible!" to Teyla taking over the Wraith Queen? They didn't do many scenes together, me thinks.

                    Oh man, what would Todd be like when playing to be on Michael's side, but trying to get Sheppard out of a sticky situation... *g*

                    Seen the spoilers for the first ep of season 5? (Ignore this if you commented already, but I'm too tired to remember.)

                    And oh, read my spoiler tag siggy (scroll down a bit under the calendar!).

                    In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                    I wish I got to know you better.


                      Originally posted by GoSpikey

                      Does your husband have funny tendencies or something? Hehe.

                      Well, I don't know for sure if Todd has ever said Teyla's name? I only remember the scene where Todd said "Impossible!" to Teyla taking over the Wraith Queen? They didn't do many scenes together, me thinks.
                      Yeah, my husband's a funny guy. But it was NOT the time to be funny!!! I'm like...what kind of fantasies does he have in his head about Todd...and SHEPPARD???!!

                      Oh man, what would Todd be like when playing to be on Michael's side, but trying to get Sheppard out of a sticky situation... *g*

                      Seen the spoilers for the first ep of season 5? (Ignore this if you commented already, but I'm too tired to remember.)

                      And oh, read my spoiler tag siggy (scroll down a bit under the calendar!).

                      I saw it - nice!! Is Todd going to be in the S5 opener? (Put answer in spoiler tags).

                      I really hope they bring Todd back - but I haven't heard a thing about it - so...I don't know. I'm afraid they're gonna kill him off... Then I'll be left to drool over the dead Wraith...Steve, Todd...that hawt guy Ronon shot in the head in Sateda....



                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        Yeah, my husband's a funny guy. But it was NOT the time to be funny!!! I'm like...what kind of fantasies does he have in his head about Todd...and SHEPPARD???!!

                        I saw it - nice!! Is Todd going to be in the S5 opener? (Put answer in spoiler tags).

                        I really hope they bring Todd back - but I haven't heard a thing about it - so...I don't know. I'm afraid they're gonna kill him off... Then I'll be left to drool over the dead Wraith...Steve, Todd...that hawt guy Ronon shot in the head in Sateda....

                        Lol yeah. Poor guy could only work with the name Sheppard, so cut him some slack. Although, you just don't call your wife 'Sheppard'...

                        I don't know if Todd's going to be in it, but I just read that there's "Wraith" in there that keep the gate open? So maybe that's him? He's supposed to be in The Last Man, so maybe he's featured in the next ep, too? He should be, right? OMG! Two episodes with Michael and Todd together would be ZOMG! *g* Favorite ep of all time? *g*


                        A woman can predrool, right?

                        But if Todd's gotta pretend, it might turn into a VERY FUNNY episode, with Todd only stepping in at the end? Hmm. Cos Todd really appreciates what Shep did for him, right? So he shouldn't betray them (yet). After all, Shep came for him in the cloning facility, too.

                        Nah, Todd gives the Wraith a face, as does Michael. Todd won't die yet, me thinks. Michael on the other hand... He's a slippery one, correct, but how many more episodes will they make with him... I don't know. A few per season would be kinda strange, right?

                        Oh, if Todd is in S&R, *crosses fingers for Penny...* j/k

                        In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                        I wish I got to know you better.


                          In many ways I'm ready to see Todd kick some he did at the end of Common Ground, after feeding on Shep. Ever since, Todd has been bossed around, put in prison bonds, threatened with death, and betrayed. The guy just can't catch a break. I really would like to see Todd fight some OTHER bad guys - I don't care who - other Wraith, Genii, whoever - just to prove he's still got what it takes to be called 'Wraith'.

                          Oh well...speculation and dreams won't get us anywhere - just gotta hope TPTB love the guy as much as we do, and treat him well.



                            Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                            Nah, Todd gives the Wraith a face, as does Michael. Todd won't die yet, me thinks. Michael on the other hand... He's a slippery one, correct, but how many more episodes will they make with him... I don't know. A few per season would be kinda strange, right?

                            Oh, if Todd is in S&R, *crosses fingers for Penny...* j/k

                            Michael can't die. I won't allow it.

                            BUT think about it: he seems at least a bit invaluable as a character. You've got all these boring, nameless (albeit gorgeous) Wraith; it's going to be impossible to create another character as unique as he. The human/wraith hybrid... there's so much to play with there, it'd be an incomprehensible mistake to kill him off at this point, when you could delve so much further. =/

                            L I V E J O U R N A L
                            because I tend to disappear


                              Originally posted by Inanna
                              Michael can't die. I won't allow it.

                              BUT think about it: he seems at least a bit invaluable as a character. You've got all these boring, nameless (albeit gorgeous) Wraith; it's going to be impossible to create another character as unique as he. The human/wraith hybrid... there's so much to play with there, it'd be an incomprehensible mistake to kill him off at this point, when you could delve so much further. =/

                              I hope you're right - both for Michael's, AND Todd's, sake. My fear is that TPTB will feel they only need ONE 'special' Wraith, and so kill one of them off in favor of the other. The show needs both - and maybe one or two more just like them - interesting, re-occuring Wraith characters that bring some depth to the 'enemy'.

                              In some ways, I think the makers of this show fail to realize the selling power of the Wraith. They are rarely featured in publicity photos, calendars,'s as if they don't exist in SGA, when in reality, they are the entire reason the Pegasus Galaxy is even interesting at all. Without them, the place would be quite boring. They make the show because they have made the current situation what it is - under-developed civilizations that live in constant fear of being fed upon. Good stuff - and because of it, we need the likes of Michael and Todd around for a good, long while.



                                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                                I hope you're right - both for Michael's, AND Todd's, sake. My fear is that TPTB will feel they only need ONE 'special' Wraith, and so kill one of them off in favor of the other. The show needs both - and maybe one or two more just like them - interesting, re-occuring Wraith characters that bring some depth to the 'enemy'.

                                In some ways, I think the makers of this show fail to realize the selling power of the Wraith. They are rarely featured in publicity photos, calendars,'s as if they don't exist in SGA, when in reality, they are the entire reason the Pegasus Galaxy is even interesting at all. Without them, the place would be quite boring. They make the show because they have made the current situation what it is - under-developed civilizations that live in constant fear of being fed upon. Good stuff - and because of it, we need the likes of Michael and Todd around for a good, long while.

                                Yeah... especially since in some seasons, the wraith hardly do exist. I'm not sure why it was necessary to replay the Replicator act again (though I did kind of like the Asurans) when there was still so much undiscovered potential with the Wraith. =/

                                Another reason I think the Wraith are a bit more interesting than most of the other enemy races we've dealt with so far is because of the human part of their nature. Unlike so many others, they're really not fully inhuman, as strange and bizarre as they are. And it's characters like Todd and Michael who, in completely different ways, highlight the similarities between Wraith and humanity that exist - whether they're good traits or not.

                                I really don't believe that Todd is going to be thrown away any time soon, and don't think he's in nearly as much danger as Michael. Todd's still a bit too ambivalent and unlikely to cross Atlantis (unless he manages to conquer all the Wraith, and that should take a while). Michael's the one who actively wants to destroy the Atlantis team - and who can blame him.

                                Anyway, haha, look what I've spent the last couple hours attempting to do. I fail at portrait style drawing, but meh, it almost looks presentable now.

                                *will need to continue working once her hand is functional again*


                                L I V E J O U R N A L
                                because I tend to disappear

