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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Trillian52 View Post
    Some of us are from Australia too and we're very well practised at helping Todd, Steve, Erik and all apply their sunscreen properly!
    Yay for Australian worshippers!!!

    Considering there are Wraith living in the ancient limestone caves an hour from where I live (see: Blood Ties SGA novella #8) there are absolutely no Wraith worshippers in Tasmania (okay, so it's part of Australia, but it sometimes feel like a different country... a country full of rednecks and dinosaurs (of the political variety)). I'd be intrigued to know if there are any New Zealand Wraith worshippers


      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
      Just wanna say thanks for the howdys and welcome backs. I lurk now and then, but real life has me pretty busy, amongst other things. I do still go to Joe's blog, and every now and then I get something Wraithy off my chest there...but for the most part I just gush in private. I still love my fair-haired boys, though!

      I did ask Joe a Wraith-related question, and he just answered it the other day:

      *waves hello*

      Thanks for sharing this post. I hope that you got to see Ciannwn's Monty Python Dead Parrot sketch re-make and Rekala's Michael artwork while you were lurking.


        Just a pretty cool pic of Todd...a very dominant looking todd if I say so myself


          Originally posted by Leeta View Post
          I wonder if they secretly love them too and laugh at me because they are insecure about their love.
          AH! I HATE when that happens! I showed one of my best friends a picture of Steve and she was like "OMG he is ugly he scared me". WTF! ........................... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          I don't care if its unhealthy to image people as wraith 24/7 either, it just makes the vision more interesting


            Originally posted by geekywraith
            Kenny could use a little bit of help. *please*
            Kenny voting thread:



              Originally posted by Leeta View Post
              I had to make this.

              erik wants to get physical
              *saved* *greened* *continues laughing hard at Erik*


                Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                Yes but I meant in the:

                Heal & Hurt Wraith thread

                Todd in doing well but Kenny could use a little bit of help.
                Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                Nina: Everything else was taken.


                  Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                  Voting thread fun:

                  Various Wraiths are running for SG President:

                  You can now vote for Eddie's stunner in Favorite Weapons:

                  Todd is doing well in Hurt and Heal Extreme:

                  Added 2 new threads:
                  I've been watching these games for a while Time to start voting!!

                  Michael signature by Draygon. Others by me - My Wraith Art


                    Originally posted by Leleth View Post
                    Scifi shows are fairly popular around here and get decent ratings so I don't get it why there aren't more finnish Wraith fans. Maybe they are lurking and don't dare to come and say hello
                    I blame Big Brother. Half of the people it hooks and the other half starts to get sick of just seeing a tv set because it makes them remember how terrible the show is.

                    I just haven't been GWing lately... My computer has some issues with the site, or the site is just too heavy for my old laptop, and everything works so slow it gets tiring. (Now I am at school, trying to get some work done, but all my brain seems to be able to before noon is getting irritated by the smallest things.)

                    Also SGU isn't really my thing so for me, nothing is happening at SG fandom, spare Wraith fanfic, and all mine are hopelessly stuck at the moment xD (But if the guys drilling holes at the library walls won't stop soon, I may start to feel angry enough to get the violent chapter done.) And when I check the site, I rarely have anything to say so I won't even log in...

                    But, hi to you and and all other old and new Wraith fans


                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      Answer: The need to feed is a physiological drive, so Rodney in Todd’s body would have the desire to feed but his mind would undoubtedly be revolted at the prospect.

                      I so wish they would have done something like that! Could you imagine Rodney having the physical urge to feed on Ronon or Shep, but his head is sick over the very thought of it? I wonder if Rodney would eventually convince himself that it's okay to at least have a the name of science, and all.
                      I agree that Rodney in Todd's body would make a very interesting scenario. JM's answer isn't official because it's never been done in the show itself. If Stargate made it clear that the Wraith urge to feed is physiological, it would answer the question of what would happen if Wraith ascended - they wouldn't need to feed on humans any more than ascended Ancients need to eat ordinary food.


                        Originally posted by WraithSlave
                        AH! I HATE when that happens! I showed one of my best friends a picture of Steve and she was like "OMG he is ugly he scared me". WTF! ........................... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        I don't care if its unhealthy to image people as wraith 24/7 either, it just makes the vision more interesting

                        lol! One of my friends said Steve looked like he had too much botox and was in need of a chin shave Ignorant savages!

                        On the plus side today, I had a friend admit that Steve was sexy, but this admission was at the expense of Todd... something along the lines of "Steve is so much sexier, why does everyone like Todd?"


                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

                          I so wish they would have done something like that! Could you imagine Rodney having the physical urge to feed on Ronon or Shep, but his head is sick over the very thought of it? I wonder if Rodney would eventually convince himself that it's okay to at least have a the name of science, and all.

                          Ahh, thank you!! I would have loved to ask that question of someone in the show, or even better, to have one episode where something like that happened. A sort of "forced identification process", for the humans at any rate, there isn't too much empathy around when they're dealing with Wraith (or wondering why Wraith did this or that or whatever) - It would be intersting to explore how far your body actually influences your head as well...maybe humans will look VERY TASTY once you have a Wraith's body....Or perhaps I just assume because I'm not a big fan of the great mind/body-divide. lol Though a human with a Wraith appetite (no pun intended! ) might not have any idea how to feed even when he really wants to. Duh.
                          Sorry for the rambling, I should be preparing a presentation and I suck at multitasking XD

                          edit: ohhh, wow, I just got promoted yay!
                          "We become our memories and what we believe. We become the terminal creeds we speak. Our words limit the animals we would become...soaring through words from memories and visions. We are all incomplete...imperfect. Lost limbs and lost visions stand with the same phantoms."
                          Gerald Vizenor, Bearheart


                            Originally posted by WraithSlave View Post
                            AH! I HATE when that happens! I showed one of my best friends a picture of Steve and she was like "OMG he is ugly he scared me". WTF! ........................... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            LOOOOL I do get those reactions as well when un-wraithed people visit and find themselves surrounded by wraithy accessoires and posters. Most comment unfavourably on the postering-habit as such ("aren't you grown-up enough by now?!", but a lot go like "Urgh, what's that? They look horrible! I wouldn't want to meet them in the dark." Duh! Talk about different concepts of aesthetics...
                            "We become our memories and what we believe. We become the terminal creeds we speak. Our words limit the animals we would become...soaring through words from memories and visions. We are all incomplete...imperfect. Lost limbs and lost visions stand with the same phantoms."
                            Gerald Vizenor, Bearheart


                              Originally posted by hunter_wraith_1980 View Post
                              LOOOOL I do get those reactions as well when un-wraithed people visit and find themselves surrounded by wraithy accessoires and posters. Most comment unfavourably on the postering-habit as such ("aren't you grown-up enough by now?!", but a lot go like "Urgh, what's that? They look horrible! I wouldn't want to meet them in the dark." Duh! Talk about different concepts of aesthetics...
                              You can never be too old for postering up your room/house/apartment with Wraith. Because I've been writing my thesis and therefore have become extremely skilled at anti-social behaviour, my friends are yet to see my Wraith decor. The fact that it spans my bedroom, study and bathroom ought to raise a few eyebrows.

                              Everyone who says the Wraith are ugly are evidently blind or are lacking in taste As for meeting a Wraith in the dark, that's what I dream about


                                Originally posted by hunter_wraith_1980 View Post
                                edit: ohhh, wow, I just got promoted yay!

                                Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                                As for meeting a Wraith in the dark, that's what I dream about
                                Sounds good to me! I don't know what people complain about in the Wraith. Someone recently told me that Todd looks like he could be a dignified, highly-decorated Medieval knight. I like that comparison better.

