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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Leeta View Post
    Random picture time :O !!!

    I saw someone else do this on another forum for a different fandom. I had to make a wraith version.
    omg indeed That's gorgeous!!!
    Last edited by Rosehawk; 12 October 2010, 09:13 PM. Reason: Remove IMG tags

    Michael signature by Draygon. Others by me - My Wraith Art


      I found Wraith listed in this category on the TV Tropes website.

      Villain Decay

      Go to examples and click the open/close all folders button to see the entry.

      The Wraith in Stargate Atlantis also went the way of the Goa'uld, as first the Atlantis Expedition develop a retrovirus to turn Wraith into humans, but then get reduced to in-fighting amongst themselves over dwindling food (read: human) resources. The Wraith lost their powers to cause hallucinations after their first appearance. Even though they can regenerate from wounds quickly, their scab-masked grunts quickly become just so much cannon fodder. Back around "The Lost Boys" (season 2), it was a difficult prospect for a small team to infiltrate a Wraith hive; by the later seasons ("The Queen" or "The Shrine"), the good guys are almost nonchalant about walking into Wraith territory. Of course, the Wraith's decay wasn't helped by the introduction of the new Big Bads on the block, the Asurans (who were really just the Replicators, but less threatening).


        Random thoughts: the Lanteans had a glaring hole in their plan to take away Wraith feeding slits: where was all the solid food going to come from? Something like that would take years of planning, setting up more farms, and teaching the Wraith how to farm, lest there be a food shortage with humans dying of starvation from the Wraith culling their food supplies instead of them. Also, no feeding slits means no more Gift of Life, possibly needed for Wraith young.

        Moreover, humans should learn from the Wraith too. While Wraith could be taught how to farm, humans could be taught how to make environmentally-safe housing and travel options. This would be all the more important with the human population boom that would come from no longer being culled.

        Of course, I like better the gameworld idea of devices that harvest unlimited energy from the universe. No work is involved, the Wraith keep their feeding slits, and everyone is happy. Whatever alternative method is used, not being reliant on human populations for food, the Wraith could also afford increase their population. More faced-officers would be a plus!


          Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
          Random thoughts: the Lanteans had a glaring hole in their plan to take away Wraith feeding slits: where was all the solid food going to come from? Something like that would take years of planning, setting up more farms, and teaching the Wraith how to farm, lest there be a food shortage with humans dying of starvation from the Wraith culling their food supplies instead of them.
          Many Earthlike planets in Pegasus are uninhabited now. Communities on inhabited worlds tend to be near the planet's stargate so only a small area of these worlds would have humans. There would be plenty of food around so the Wraith could survive by adopting a hunter/gatherer lifestyle until they'd got farms going.


            Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
            Many Earthlike planets in Pegasus are uninhabited now. Communities on inhabited worlds tend to be near the planet's stargate so only a small area of these worlds would have humans. There would be plenty of food around so the Wraith could survive by adopting a hunter/gatherer lifestyle until they'd got farms going.
            I would hope the Wraith would know where to look! The new Lanteans were always looking for food and suitable planets to relocate people, but this could be because Wraith territory had the better planets.


              Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
              I would hope the Wraith would know where to look!
              Todd used Keller's treatment on himself and his crew so I'm guessing he knew where he could find food. Wraith are also familiar with the idea of eating food and some still eat it for pleasure. If they saw a vast herd of wildebeest thundering across a plain they'd recognise meat on the hoof.

              Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
              The new Lanteans were always looking for food and suitable planets to relocate people, but this could be because Wraith territory had the better planets.
              The new Lanteans didn't have enough personnel to spare some for full time food gathering. They started out hoping to trade for food and 'Harmony' tells us they continued to trade after they were getting supplies from Earth.

              Relocating Pegasus humans involved looking for planets which had a stargate located in a suitable area for societies without advanced transport. The Wraith wouldn't have to rely on where a stargate was located because they can go anywhere they choose on a planet.


                Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                Todd used Keller's treatment on himself and his crew so I'm guessing he knew where he could find food. Wraith are also familiar with the idea of eating food and some still eat it for pleasure. If they saw a vast herd of wildebeest thundering across a plain they'd recognise meat on the hoof.
                Sally might call dibs on the hippos.


                  Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                  Sally might call dibs on the hippos.
                  This is true. Shawn would probably grab all the grapes.


                    Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                    This is true. Shawn would probably grab all the grapes.
                    We also know where the mushrooms are going.


                      And Eddie all the Nutella (because in the Pegasus Galaxy Nutella grows on trees. That's why the Ancients went there in the first place.)

                      I kind of agree with Orb's first point though. Surely the influx of hungry Wraith would decimate pre-existing food supplies. I mean, we have seven billion people on earth, and our planet can only sustain about half that number. At the same time, I seriously doubt any Pegasus residents will welcome the Wraith into their villages with open arms. You would need planning. You'd need to clear one of those lovely planets that our Wraith boys decimated (my word of the day), till it, grow some crops and then convert the Wraith.

                      Okay, I just had a mental image of Shawn dancing in a Roman toga through a wine grove. He kind of looks like Bacchus, god of wine


                        Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post

                        Okay, I just had a mental image of Shawn dancing in a Roman toga through a wine grove. He kind of looks like Bacchus, god of wine
                        That is a good thought, and I am gonna snurch it for bed time. *nabs imagery of dancing Wraith boys in togas and scarpers* G'night all.


                          Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                          And Eddie all the Nutella (because in the Pegasus Galaxy Nutella grows on trees. That's why the Ancients went there in the first place.)

                          I kind of agree with Orb's first point though. Surely the influx of hungry Wraith would decimate pre-existing food supplies. I mean, we have seven billion people on earth, and our planet can only sustain about half that number. At the same time, I seriously doubt any Pegasus residents will welcome the Wraith into their villages with open arms. You would need planning. You'd need to clear one of those lovely planets that our Wraith boys decimated (my word of the day), till it, grow some crops and then convert the Wraith.

                          Okay, I just had a mental image of Shawn dancing in a Roman toga through a wine grove. He kind of looks like Bacchus, god of wine :rolleyes:
                          A very interesting hypothesis...though I believe you are the only one seeing a wraith in a toga going through a grape grove...I almost dies laughing..


                            Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                            I kind of agree with Orb's first point though. Surely the influx of hungry Wraith would decimate pre-existing food supplies. I mean, we have seven billion people on earth, and our planet can only sustain about half that number.
                            There's probably less than one million Wraith now and a lot of uninhabited planets suitable for humans. Each hive could have a planet to itself with the Wraith having access to everywhere on a planet.

                            Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                            At the same time, I seriously doubt any Pegasus residents will welcome the Wraith into their villages with open arms. You would need planning. You'd need to clear one of those lovely planets that our Wraith boys decimated (my word of the day), till it, grow some crops and then convert the Wraith.
                            Humans have been around far longer than agriculture


                            Anatomically modern humans appear from about 200,000 years ago and after 70,000 years ago gradually marginalize the "archaic" varieties. Non-modern varieties of Homo are certain to have survived until after 30,000 years ago, and perhaps until as recent as 10,000 years ago. Which of these, if any, are included under the term "archaic Homo sapiens" is a matter of definition and varies among authors.


                            Agriculture started between 10,000 and 11,000 years ago.

                            Wraith, unlike out hunter/gathering ancestors wouldn't have a problem in hunting all those animals which must be proliferating on the planets without humans. They have stunner pistols and stunner staffs, not bows and arrows or spears. What else could they eat? Fish, nuts, berries, fruit and vegetables would be available too.

                            Wraith are mobile so they could do the equivalent of hunting and gathering in the US in spring, Africa in winter, Europe in summer and Asia in autumn. They certainly wouldn't starve while some hive members were growing crops.


                              Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                              There's probably less than one million Wraith now and a lot of uninhabited planets suitable for humans. Each hive could have a planet to itself with the Wraith having access to everywhere on a planet.
                              It would have been nice, though, if the Lanteans could have at least mentioned something like this for 30 seconds so we would have known that they were trying to consider all the possibilities, especially after they didn't think the whole Michael thing through very well.


                                At the same time you would hope that with their new food source they may try to be a little more sustainable. It's all well and good to say they can hunt, but humans have shown themselves unable to "take what they need". We cannot solely blame this on Western society either, as indigenous cultures (like the Maori's of New Zealand, and Aborigines of Australia) had their part to play in the eradication of many species. The Wraith in the canon have shown an inability to sustainably hunt their human food source, so what's to say that they won't simply decimate planet after planet?

                                Sorry... cynical cynical cynical

