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    Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
    That explains a lot. Maybe it's only dedicated Wraith fans who study hairstyles and tattoos so we can tell the difference between individuals.
    Anyone who refers to a Wraith as an 'it' will not have that kind of dedication.


      Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
      Anyone who refers to a Wraith as an 'it' will not have that kind of dedication.
      This is true.


        Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
        Anyone who refers to a Wraith as an 'it' will not have that kind of dedication.
        Grrrrr... don't you hate that! The SGA novels are the same! In my latest chapter I had to write character dialogue where they were referring to Steve as "it"... it was painful to do


          Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
          Grrrrr... don't you hate that! The SGA novels are the same! In my latest chapter I had to write character dialogue where they were referring to Steve as "it"... it was painful to do
          One of my favorite TP fanfics does this in reverse: the Wraith Queen calls the human an 'it' and a 'creature.' If anyone has the right to use that impersonal pronoun, that would be the more advanced Wraiths with their telepathy, long life spans, gifting ability, clean technology, strength, speed, agility, sensory perception and vision, etc.
          Last edited by WraithTech; 01 October 2010, 06:22 AM.


            Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
            Grrrrr... don't you hate that! The SGA novels are the same! In my latest chapter I had to write character dialogue where they were referring to Steve as "it"... it was painful to do
            If you look at the transcript for 'Poisoning The Well', Sheppard, Ford, Beckett and Teyla refer to Steve as 'he' throughout the episode. (The transcriber also refers to Steve as 'he' or 'The Wraith' - maybe she started using 'it' for Wraith later on because this was easier when having to describe action involving several male characters.)


              Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
              If you look at the transcript for 'Poisoning The Well', Sheppard, Ford, Beckett and Teyla refer to Steve as 'he' throughout the episode. (The transcriber also refers to Steve as 'he' or 'The Wraith' - maybe she started using 'it' for Wraith later on because this was easier when having to describe action involving several male characters.)
              Aye, which is why I have the Hoffan Chancellor guy calling him an "it". Sheppard, at the end of that section makes an effort to call Steve he. I've done my research Except I'm still not sure if Hoffan guy was a "Chancellor"... I winged that. It has been a little while since I watched PTW


                Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                Except I'm still not sure if Hoffan guy was a "Chancellor"... I winged that. It has been a little while since I watched PTW

                SHEPPARD: Looks like you're accomplishing great things here, Chancellor.

                DRUHIN: Since the last Wraith culling we have worked diligently to rebuild our society.

                Druhin is definitely a chancellor.


                  Originally posted by WraithSlave View Post
                  *Shaun wraps his arm around Leleth's shoulder* "At least someone agrees with my sexiness then" *smiles widely at her*
                  Aww, you sure know how to treat a lady

                  Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                  Just found this in the GW news.

                  SGU Season Two opens with lackluster ratings

                  I hope Plan B for the movies isn't going to depend on SGU's success or failure.
                  Hmm... Not very good news. If the ratings keep going down I'm not sure if there will even be season 3. Or any SG movies! We just have to keep our fingers crossed the SGA movie will happen some day.

                  Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                  Anyone who refers to a Wraith as an 'it' will not have that kind of dedication.
                  I just can't understand why on earth would someone refer a Wraith as "it"?? I've always been under the impression native english speaking folk don't even refer their pets as "it".


                    Originally posted by Leleth View Post
                    I just can't understand why on earth would someone refer a Wraith as "it"?? I've always been under the impression native english speaking folk don't even refer their pets as "it".
                    That is correct; I only use "it" if I don't know the gender. It would be great to see Boris knock anyone across the room who dares to challenge his uber Wraith masculinity. Then, of course, there is Eddie, who makes his masculinity known in his own way...

                    ***EDIT/UPDATE 6 years later: I remember this convo from years ago and am still bothered by the objectifying use of the word "it." I wanted to say there has been social progress the past years and diversity advocates have been using "they/their" for when genders are not known. This also applies for when people do not want to identify as binary. We are living history and learning and getting better every day, including me, and I now use they/their.
                    Last edited by WraithTech; 09 July 2016, 02:32 PM.


                      Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                      One of my favorite TP fanfics does this in reverse: the Wraith Queen calls the human an 'it' and a 'creature.' If anyone has the right to use that impersonal pronoun, that would be the more advanced Wraiths with their telepathy, long life spans, gifting ability, clean technology, strength, speed, agility, sensory perception and vision, etc.
                      Thanks - that was The Runners. And thanks for noticing that as I did it quite deliberately in order to get across the queen's contempt for the woman, her means of debasing her to the lowest level. The woman's wraith lover stood up to the queen and told her "She is not an 'it'."

                      Originally posted by Leleth View Post
                      I just can't understand why on earth would someone refer a Wraith as "it"?? I've always been under the impression native english speaking folk don't even refer their pets as "it".
                      That's quite correct - refering to someone as "it" would be deeply insulting. Pets likewise, though some people might do so if they donlt know the gender.

                      Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                      That is correct; I only use "it" if I don't know the gender.
                      I would only do so in the first instance to ask "Is it a he or she?" and would thereafter only refer to the cat, dog, etc as he or she. In wouldn't use "it" routinely.

                      It seemed very disrespectful to me, since it was plainly obvious what gender each wraith was and there was no ambiguity even in their "alien-ness". But as was mentioned earlier, I don't think these people see the wraith quite the way we do

                      Indeed IMHO Todd in particular could not be any more of a "he" - he's just pure, raw maleness on legs! *sigh*
                      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                        Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                        It seemed very disrespectful to me, since it was plainly obvious what gender each wraith was and there was no ambiguity even in their "alien-ness". But as was mentioned earlier, I don't think these people see the wraith quite the way we do

                        Indeed IMHO Todd in particular could not be any more of a "he" - he's just pure, raw maleness on legs! *sigh*
                        In danish, it's gramatically correct to refer to all animals and pets as "it". It always seemed impersonal to me, compared to how it is in english.
                        Likewise, I noticed several episodes where the danish subtitles used "it" for some wraith, even when they said he or she in the episode. :/

                        Michael signature by Draygon. Others by me - My Wraith Art


                          Originally posted by Rekala View Post
                          In danish, it's gramatically correct to refer to all animals and pets as "it". It always seemed impersonal to me, compared to how it is in english.
                          Same here. We think it's a bit weird if an animal is called he or she. We also don't use different word to define gender when talking about people. On the other hand it's not concidered rude if a person is reffered to as "it" because it's extremely common slang around here. But yeah, languages are strange But in english referring a person or animal as an "it" is very offensive IMO.


                            Originally posted by Leleth View Post
                            Same here. We think it's a bit weird if an animal is called he or she. We also don't use different word to define gender when talking about people. On the other hand it's not concidered rude if a person is reffered to as "it" because it's extremely common slang around here. But yeah, languages are strange But in english referring a person or animal as an "it" is very offensive IMO.
                            Wow! It's not quite that common here. We still refer to other people as he and she. And most people with pets will refer to them as he and she. I do too, with my pets

                            Michael signature by Draygon. Others by me - My Wraith Art


                              Originally posted by ciannwn View Post

                              SHEPPARD: Looks like you're accomplishing great things here, Chancellor.

                              DRUHIN: Since the last Wraith culling we have worked diligently to rebuild our society.

                              Druhin is definitely a chancellor.
                              Sigh! What a relief. My knowledge of PTW is better than I thought! Cheers!

                              I totally agree with what everyone is saying about the "it" title. To me it is extremely disrespectful, especially from a culture that gives gender to inanimate objects like boats, cars and planes. As I mentioned before, using the "it" title in my fanfiction was painful, but I really dislike the Hoffans! I wanted to shine a negative light on the Chancellor by making him call Steve "it". I mean, we condone chemical warfare in our society, yet we're meant to feel sympathy for a people who created a drug that would kill millions of Wraith!!!



                                I was shocked to find the Wraith were refered to as 'it' rather than 'he' or 'she'. In German it's highly offensive to call a person 'it' and the Wraith are without any doubt persons and not inanimate objects.

                                Animals are routinely discerned as he or she. An unknown dog is always a he until the owner informs you of its gender, then it's either he or she.

                                We do have strange exceptions though, a horse is grammatically considered an 'it' until you know its gender. And in some regions dialects utilise 'it' for refering to human females in slang - non-offensive though.
                                Last edited by Draco-Stellaris; 02 October 2010, 02:07 AM. Reason: typo

