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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by MCH View Post
    Consider Principal WRAITHED

    Remember this:- yes she makes life a living hell for you and others but if you keep remember what happened you are still letting her hurt you. Your worth more than that it not easy when the hurt goes deep but if you can let it go. SO WRAITH HER

    Thanks. I will let it go eventually... SO WRAITH HER INDEED.

    Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
    Isn't that what happens though? Instead of getting demoted, they get promoted. I suppose this is the only way to get rid of them. No wonder the school system in the West is so kacked up!


    wraith wraith wraith

    Exactly WK. No wonder so many new teachers abandon the profession within 5 years… The worst people get promotions and get off crushing others and power tripping. A nice wraith culling could work...

    wraith wraith wraith
    Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
    Nina: Everything else was taken.


      Joe answered a Wraithy question of mine tonight - you might enjoy it:

      DasNdanger writes: “We know Wraith see such emotions as mercy, fear, compassion, etc., as weaknesses, and will do their best to suppress those feelings. But - in your mind - do you think Wraith still feel such things as guilt, regret, compassion, doubt, and other ‘angsty’ emotions inside, though not allowing them to show on the outside? Or are such emotions totally foreign to them?”

      Answer: They certainly do “feel” all those emotions but have matured in a social hierarchy that forces them to suppress them.

      Let the discussions begin!



        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        Joe answered a Wraithy question of mine tonight - you might enjoy it:

        DasNdanger writes: “We know Wraith see such emotions as mercy, fear, compassion, etc., as weaknesses, and will do their best to suppress those feelings. But - in your mind - do you think Wraith still feel such things as guilt, regret, compassion, doubt, and other ‘angsty’ emotions inside, though not allowing them to show on the outside? Or are such emotions totally foreign to them?”

        Answer: They certainly do “feel” all those emotions but have matured in a social hierarchy that forces them to suppress them.

        Let the discussions begin!

        Wow that was a good response.

        Maybe they are a bit like Vulcans from Star Trek, who suppress all emotion, where as wraith only suppress emotions that would make them appear weak. As weakness would be stamped out - so they would not indulge in love or compassion but would use this to manipulate humans for there own ends!
        I came, I saw, I conquered!
        We are unique! Created unique!


          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          Joe answered a Wraithy question of mine tonight - you might enjoy it:

          DasNdanger writes: “We know Wraith see such emotions as mercy, fear, compassion, etc., as weaknesses, and will do their best to suppress those feelings. But - in your mind - do you think Wraith still feel such things as guilt, regret, compassion, doubt, and other ‘angsty’ emotions inside, though not allowing them to show on the outside? Or are such emotions totally foreign to them?”

          Answer: They certainly do “feel” all those emotions but have matured in a social hierarchy that forces them to suppress them.

          Let the discussions begin!

          I personally never thought otherwise! If you can feel emotions on one side of the coin, then you feel the emotions on the other side, whether you supress them or not.
          just imagine
          what it would be like
          to get Todd alone somewhere
          where he wouldn't feel the need
          to supress his softer emotions

          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
            Joe answered a Wraithy question of mine tonight - you might enjoy it:
            DasNdanger writes: “We know Wraith see such emotions as mercy, fear, compassion, etc., as weaknesses, and will do their best to suppress those feelings. But - in your mind - do you think Wraith still feel such things as guilt, regret, compassion, doubt, and other ‘angsty’ emotions inside, though not allowing them to show on the outside? Or are such emotions totally foreign to them?”
            Answer: They certainly do “feel” all those emotions but have matured in a social hierarchy that forces them to suppress them.
            Let the discussions begin!
            Thanks das, it's nice to have that confirmed by Mallozzi.
            I like your new sig too das!

            Todd shows this "suppressing" of emotions when he's around other wraith.
            He's so different with them, like another person entirely.
            Think about the couple of times that we've heard that deep laugh of his?....mmmm *thunk* oops, sorry... he has never laughed in the presence of other wraith. Even with just Kenny&humans present, he only smiled.

            BTW Can I complain to Joe about the dvd release of Season 5? The US gets it on June 30, Australians have to wait until July 29. That's almost a whole month of NOT reading any of the spoiler tags on any of the wraithie threads. A WHOLE MONTH I'm not a happy worshipper
            Even if I order it from the US it'd take 2 weeks or more to arrive
            ....and there hasn't been any mention of Blu-ray either
            Cass Todd -


              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
              I personally never thought otherwise! If you can feel emotions on one side of the coin, then you feel the emotions on the other side, whether you supress them or not.
              just imagine
              what it would be like
              to get Todd alone somewhere
              where he wouldn't feel the need
              to supress his softer emotions

              Didn't think of it this way - mmm - lots of food for thought!
              A tropical island, no tech stuff, no contact with the outside world but enough to humans to keep him fed in storage. Methinks it would be very interesting.
              I came, I saw, I conquered!
              We are unique! Created unique!


                Originally posted by Sevenofnine View Post
                Didn't think of it this way - mmm - lots of food for thought!
                A tropical island, no tech stuff, no contact with the outside world but enough to humans to keep him fed in storage. Methinks it would be very interesting.
                No way, Jose! That's MY fantasy - go get yer own!!!!

                Oh well, seeing as it's you, Seven - bring Steve and some more humans for the fridge and you can join us!!!
                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                  Originally posted by Sevenofnine View Post
                  Wow that was a good response.

                  Maybe they are a bit like Vulcans from Star Trek, who suppress all emotion, where as wraith only suppress emotions that would make them appear weak. As weakness would be stamped out - so they would not indulge in love or compassion but would use this to manipulate humans for there own ends!
                  Yes, and here's another thing. Just because they suppress them doesn't mean that they don't feel them - they just don't show it. We got a glimpse of this with Spike, when he was alone in the trailer (which inspired my question in the first place). Anger alone wouldn't make him bury his face in his palms - but frustration, desperation, fear...perhaps even loneliness. More than any other Wraith - even more than Steve - I feel the most pity for Spike, stranded as he was in a strange world, just hoping for rescue.

                  Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                  I personally never thought otherwise! If you can feel emotions on one side of the coin, then you feel the emotions on the other side, whether you supress them or not.
                  just imagine
                  what it would be like
                  to get Todd alone somewhere
                  where he wouldn't feel the need
                  to supress his softer emotions


                  I tried to give you 'naughty green', but it wouldn't let me.'s some mental naughty green!

                  Originally posted by Todds worshipper View Post
                  Thanks das, it's nice to have that confirmed by Mallozzi.
                  I like your new sig too das!
                  Thanks. As I said, Spike inspired my sig...poor fing.

                  Todd shows this "suppressing" of emotions when he's around other wraith.
                  He's so different with them, like another person entirely.
                  Think about the couple of times that we've heard that deep laugh of his?....mmmm *thunk* oops, sorry... he has never laughed in the presence of other wraith. Even with just Kenny&humans present, he only smiled.
                  You know - this is a good point. You just can't imagine him having a good belly laugh around Kenny. Kenny would give him that same perturbed look he gave Shep & Co. when they were stranded with him in The Queen.

                  I can just see it now...

                  Todd (laughing heartily): "Did you see the look on Rodney's face when I mentioned the delicious fruit farmers?!" *his laughter dies down into a self-satisfied chuckle*

                  Kenny (unamused): "I do not get it. I'm not in on the joke."

                  Poor Kenny.

                  BTW Can I complain to Joe about the dvd release of Season 5? The US gets it on June 30, Australians have to wait until July 29. That's almost a whole month of NOT reading any of the spoiler tags on any of the wraithie threads. A WHOLE MONTH I'm not a happy worshipper
                  Even if I order it from the US it'd take 2 weeks or more to arrive
                  ....and there hasn't been any mention of Blu-ray either
                  Nope. Joe has absolutely no control over that - I think it's all MGM.

                  Originally posted by Sevenofnine View Post
                  Didn't think of it this way - mmm - lots of food for thought!
                  A tropical island, no tech stuff, no contact with the outside world but enough to humans to keep him fed in storage. Methinks it would be very interesting.
                  Yes, it would. I'm thinking strickly from a non-sexual standpoint, too.

                  First, we can imagine the range of emotion he may feel, especially if he was one of those Wraith who seek to be ruled. Now he's on his own, totally alienated and without guidance from a superior. It would be much like what happened to Greg, only we never got to see any emotional breakdown he may have had.

                  Also, what happens if in his isolation he becomes attached to one of his food 'animals' - it happens to humans, so why not Wraith? I'm not talking about a worshipper, or anything sexual. But perhaps there would be that one human that the Wraith would find amusing - entertaining. The guy who makes Mr. Cranky Pants smile on the inside, if not on the outside, much like the effect that Sheppard sometimes has on Todd. But unlike Shep this human wouldn't be in a position to threaten the Wraith, making things less like the pissing match we see between Todd and Sheppard now, and more like a cat who would rather watch the mouse scurry around instead of eating it.

                  Well...until he's down to that last human. Would finally taking the life of his 'pet' be devasting for him? No one around to witness it, so nothing to hide.

                  Just a thought.



                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    Also, what happens if in his isolation he becomes attached to one of his food 'animals' - it happens to humans, so why not Wraith? I'm not talking about a worshipper, or anything sexual. But perhaps there would be that one human that the Wraith would find amusing - entertaining. The guy who makes Mr. Cranky Pants smile on the inside, if not on the outside, much like the effect that Sheppard sometimes has on Todd. But unlike Shep this human wouldn't be in a position to threaten the Wraith, making things less like the pissing match we see between Todd and Sheppard now, and more like a cat who would rather watch the mouse scurry around instead of eating it.
                    Well...until he's down to that last human. Would finally taking the life of his 'pet' be devasting for him? No one around to witness it, so nothing to hide.
                    Just a thought.
                    Actually all innuendos and joking aside and being serious for just a teeny tiny moment...

                    I really would not like to frolik with Todd as "Todd's Pet" (and his fav one, I might add ) anywhere other than in a hive with a well-stocked larder because I am under no illusions whatsoever that, if push comes to shove, Todd will eat me! He may do so with a heavy heart, but if it's down to the wire, I become food!!!
                    I can't say I'd blame him, and his doing so with a heavy heart would be, frankly, no consolation to me, but I have to confess that I would do the same myself in the same position!
                    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                      Nothing personal, nothing negative -- I just want to know is there anybody of Wraith fans who do not like Todd? ))


                        Originally posted by Elsa_the_Wraith View Post
                        Nothing personal, nothing negative -- I just want to know is there anybody of Wraith fans who do not like Todd? ))
                        I have not seen the EP with Todd. I basically haven't watch SGA since the end of season 3 (mad about Dr. Weir and Dr. Beckett and loosing James Lafazanos). So I find it hard to judge Todd in anyway...maybe he has a cute quirky head tilt. Those head tilts get me every time.

                        at any rate, here's my fav. its the tilt.



                        Feel like slackin', read some fan fic.
                        "It's actually safe to create a universe in your basement."
                        Alan Guth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, On M Theory


                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                          Joe answered a Wraithy question of mine tonight - you might enjoy it:

                          DasNdanger writes: “We know Wraith see such emotions as mercy, fear, compassion, etc., as weaknesses, and will do their best to suppress those feelings. But - in your mind - do you think Wraith still feel such things as guilt, regret, compassion, doubt, and other ‘angsty’ emotions inside, though not allowing them to show on the outside? Or are such emotions totally foreign to them?”

                          Answer: They certainly do “feel” all those emotions but have matured in a social hierarchy that forces them to suppress them.

                          Let the discussions begin!

                          Of course, they have them. Does anyone here really think they are senseless robots? Both Michael and Ellia evidently show plenty of different emotions and, of course, Spike who lives between hope and desperation.
                          ~ Created by Draygon ~


                            Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                            So what happens if a human loves a wraith????
                            She writes fics and/or posts on the WDC
                            ~ Created by Draygon ~


                              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                              Actually all innuendos and joking aside and being serious for just a teeny tiny moment...

                              I really would not like to frolik with Todd as "Todd's Pet" (and his fav one, I might add ) anywhere other than in a hive with a well-stocked larder because I am under no illusions whatsoever that, if push comes to shove, Todd will eat me! He may do so with a heavy heart, but if it's down to the wire, I become food!!!
                              I can't say I'd blame him, and his doing so with a heavy heart would be, frankly, no consolation to me, but I have to confess that I would do the same myself in the same position!
                              This is it exactly. And the thing is, I don't think (from what we've seen of Todd) that he'd be delicate about it, heavy heart or not. Even the last time he fed on Sheppard he quite enjoyed himself, and probably thought little of the pain he was inflicting. For Wraith, necessity will always override compassion, at least as long as they nourish themselves the way that they do.

                              Originally posted by Elsa_the_Wraith View Post
                              Nothing personal, nothing negative -- I just want to know is there anybody of Wraith fans who do not like Todd? ))
                              Yes, I think there are a couple who prefer other Wraith, or who are just not taken by Todd in general due to how the show has humanized him more than other Wraith.

                              I'm not even considering physical appeal, since that will vary from person to person (some, like myself, think Chris!Todd is the sexiest beast alive, while others prefer the more youthful appearance of Penny!Todd who filled in for Chris in BAMSR). I'm just speaking of Todd's more 'human' disposition compared to that of other Wraith who assume a more menacing and/or superior air around their prey.

                              Of course, that's what I really love about Todd. With other Wraith you KNOW you have to be on your guard, but with Todd...well, one minute you're exchanging fruit farmer jokes with him, and the next he's giving you hand hickeys on your chest.

                              Originally posted by T'saria View Post
                              I have not seen the EP with Todd. I basically haven't watch SGA since the end of season 3 (mad about Dr. Weir and Dr. Beckett and loosing James Lafazanos). So I find it hard to judge Todd in anyway...maybe he has a cute quirky head tilt. Those head tilts get me every time.

                              at any rate, here's my fav. its the tilt.


                              Oh, Todd does a lot of cute things. You really should watch his episodes...he's not like James' Wraith (and we all love them!), but appealing in a different way. James' Wraith were beautiful and elegant and so very full of themselves, whereas Todd is far more commandeering, he's certainly a 'take charge' sort and probably why we find him so very sexy. He's more handsome than pretty, too. Plus...he flirts.



                                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                                Oh, Todd does a lot of cute things. You really should watch his episodes...he's not like James' Wraith (and we all love them!), but appealing in a different way. James' Wraith were beautiful and elegant and so very full of themselves, whereas Todd is far more commandeering, he's certainly a 'take charge' sort and probably why we find his so very sexy. Plus...he flirts.

                                guess it's time to begin my life as a pirate and find those EPs. flirting.... lordy lordy!

                                Feel like slackin', read some fan fic.
                                "It's actually safe to create a universe in your basement."
                                Alan Guth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, On M Theory

