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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by _Mari_ View Post
    Yupp, thought I'd peek me head in and squeek.

    Glad you did!



      Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
      Oh believe me, I do! That's probably why I would be on other folks' "first to be fed to the wraith" list!!!

      Like most human beings I believe that murder is wrong - but is what the wraith do "murder"? Is it any worse than me eating a steak? Is me eating a steak worse - in that I actually have the option NOT to eat a steak?

      I actually wrote a fanfic about Spike (Vegas) where the human female lured men to her trailer to feed Spike - then she buried the corpses in the desert!!! Quite frankly if I can think it to write it, then I can think it to do it!
      I stand by my belief that I will do whatever it takes to survive - including bringing my wraith "boyfriend" the occasional snack if it means he lets me carry on living.
      It's my conscience and I'll live with it - and to me, staying alive is all there is. The only life I am "biologically programmed to protect" is my own and my son's (for whom I would kill my wraithie boyfriend if I had to!)
      I believe in actions, not words

      Actually it’s the main reason why humans find their reasons for wraith extermination are OK and morally defensible. It’s all about personal survival and protection those they love.
      ~ Created by Draygon ~


        Originally posted by Solla View Post
        I believe in actions, not words

        Actually it’s the main reason why humans find their reasons for wraith extermination are OK and morally defensible. It’s all about personal survival and protection those they love.
        So what happens if a human loves a wraith????
        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


          Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
          Not sure what you mean by this, Solla... but if you had to work with my colleagues, you;d find it totally believeable that I am one happy human female who has no problem whatsoever with my green lovers feeding on my co-workers on as regular a basis as they like!!!!!
          Happy human female + well-fed wraith males = congenial interspecies relations!

          I think I'd like the wraith to feed on my students, or perhaps some of my relatives!!

          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


            Originally posted by Solla View Post
            I meant that taking human life away is considered to be murder amongst our kind. It’s hard to psychologically adapt yourself to such a feature of your boyfriend/husband. Especially when you are biologically «programmed» to give and protect life.

            One of my colleagues tempts me a great deal, too. But the point is that I’m not sure that I’m an extra pleasant person to deal with all the time. There are several people in my life who would feed me to a wraith with a great pleasure. For example, some relatives or authors I dared editing or even turning down .

            I have no idea about your current work situation, but you shouldn’t allow them to treat you with disrespect, especially if you don’t give cause for it. Stand up for yourself, TP.
            We have an administrator at work that rolls his eyes at staff meetings. Can you believe that? One of your direct supervisors rolls his/her eyes while staff are presenting information?

            So, we decided as an English department to sit together at staff meetings and just randomly roll our eyes whenever an administrator stands up to speak (Vice Principal and Principal). There are fifteen of us in the department. If we're asked "Is there a problem?" We've practiced to say "Noooo! What are talking about?" We'll say this while our arms are crossed and our eyes rolling. --Oh ya, and we'll be slouching while we say this.
            We practiced at lunch the other day and nearly peed ourselves laughing so hard.

            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


              Originally posted by Solla View Post
              I wonder how do your students treat you? Is this question too private? I am interested in your answer because too many people really find the questions you pose to the class threatening, tactless or abstract. You deal with teens who are already grown-up to discuss serious things and decide what to choose and young enough to become cluttered with mental garbage and settled models of thinking the world have to offer (or maybe I am too idealistic and naive about my supposition? )

              I think that most people who give such an answer (there is no morally right or morally wrong) simply confuse cultural norms that are different from society to society with conscience that is always here and now.

              Ha-ha-ha, you meet this "because everyone else does it" slogan everywhere. And who is this mysterious «everyone»? Your own family or friends or people you chronically attract into your life?? IMO, this reasoning is typically used when you want to justify your way of life. But it don’t work because if you change your attitude and guiding lines you will discover there are lot of people who have another qualities and life priorities. It’s pretty much like a radio-set, what you hear is exactly what you are tuned into. There are lot of stations and melodies in the world...

              Sorry, I promise not to forget our green friends.
              Oh no problem, you can ask, sure. Overall most of my students are too fearful to be outright rude. The problem with grade twelve students is that it can be a mixed bag. Some classes are lovely and are there to learn, other classes have a number of students that really shouldn't be applying to university, but their parents want them to go. However, they know and I know they (the students) do not have the skills or the study habits to perform well at a university. As a result, if they are immature (not accepting that they simply are not university material right now in their lives if ever), they will pick apart everything you say, and hound you for marks and be rude to you in class--scream at you (even if you kick them out, the VP will send them right back into your class. So, you as a teacher have little to no support from the office in terms of discipline). Even if you manage to settle down the class again, screaming at the teacher always causes tension in the atmosphere of the class.

              In terms of my teaching method, it is the Socratic method where you ask a student the question they just asked you. Or you give them examples (blocks of information) for the purposes of reclarifying their point of view, or helping them to think more thoroughly about the issue they have presented. Because English is one of the those subjects where you not only teach literature, you must also teach history, politics, philosophy and so on, often what skills you are actually helping students to acquire is the skill of critical thinking and the skill of thinking logically.

              As a result we go through different forms of faulty logic--
              Logical Fallacies :circular reasoning, faulty syllogisms, fallacies of relevance, Appeal to Improper Authority (Argumentum Ad Verecundium, literally "argument from that which is improper") etcetera. All of these types of reasonings obfuscate an issue. They do not make the issue discussed plane and clear.

              Anyway, I'll speak more on this later. I have to run.


              Okay I'm back--had to run out for the evening.
              And to respond to what I've highlighted in bold: generally the way the conversation runs is, I put a question on the board and the kids vigorously debate it with each other. The only stipulation I add when they debate like this is no "Ad Hominem" attacks--literally attacking the person and not their reasoning. And there is a huge difference--reasoning is a line of conclusions someone has come to based on their own values/background knowledge/ and information available. If one of these variables changes, then so does the reasoning. Therefore, at the very least it is unproductive to attack the person, at the worst is it undignified.

              I insert the "devil's advocate" alternate argument when I think the discussion has run its course with a particular line of reasoning. For instance, if one student responds to my questions (Are all ethic situational or are there some universal standards?) with: I think all ethics are situational because bla bla bla bla...and no one challenges that opinion, I say "Interesting point of view, however how does situation 'X' fit into this argument?" Then someone else jumps in and the discussion is set in motion again. Another student now feels confident to say "Well, I think everything is black and white..." and the students debate and debate and I moderate so that it doesn't get too hairy and finally I add as an addendum: "Well had you considered argument 'Y'?" And then the ball gets rolling again.

              Students look the most forward to these sorts of discussions because this is where they can offer up their opinion. And students love to add their opinion, which is a good thing--part of learning to account for your opinion.
              So, I guess in other words, before we begin the debate some "rules" of decorum must be established so no one gets offended. If the debate gets too heated, it is my job to defuse the situation, but 99.9999% of the time, it is me flogging a dead horse so to speak.

              Oh ya...Todd wraith Tayla wraith wraith wraith!!
              Last edited by Wraith Cake; 06 May 2009, 06:21 PM.
              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                We have an administrator at work that rolls his eyes at staff meetings. Can you believe that? One of your direct supervisors rolls his/her eyes while staff are presenting information?
                um...yeah! we have CFO that does that to the CEO!

                Feel like slackin', read some fan fic.
                "It's actually safe to create a universe in your basement."
                Alan Guth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, On M Theory


                  I'd like the wraith to feed on the Vice Principal and thePrincipal and some of the students that I had last year. The Principal was a total ice queen from hell. She was cruel and made the school year a living hell for some of us. At least 5 of us made complaints against her. And at least 8 teachers and another school professional decided to change schools at the end of the school year. Guess what… She was promoted to be the official principal! She was only a replacement last year. Kept the “throne” seat warm… I now imagine that I bring a wraith at work and picture him feeding on a rude co-worker… I still haven't quite recovered from that crappy year...

                  wraith wraith wraith
                  Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                  Nina: Everything else was taken.


                    Originally posted by Solla View Post
                    Sadly, this is not an uncommon sight. Connecting is disconnecting. An even worse possibility is that a growing number of people only know how to «communicate» in this way. Moreover, people who live in the SAME CITY, with whom you have been communicating FOR YEARS send SMS to each other to say "happy birthday" or "happy new year" (as mass sending). Isn't that odd?? I have got such «greetings» myself and I am sorry, but that I can't tolerate. It sounds like you don’t want to take any time.

                    Speaking of Shep, he seems to be very conservative and very private to admit some things, especially openly. Maybe such people hope to feel better about themselves, by trying to pick-up girls and believing that they are cool and attractive. But I think that his previous painful life experience prevents him from being close to people, let alone alien people . You need to invest something of yourselves to develop close friendships or relationships, you need to be ready of potential changes and even blows (if things go wrong) while he is too exhausted for this. That's how I feel it.
                    You hit the nail right on the head with your comments about Shepherd.
                    He is damaged mentally, when your damaged the way he is it would take alot of courage to trust someone and to invest back into a relationship. Also you are always looking for the relationship to go wrong. When something small goes wrong it prove you are right and it can be magnified easily into something much larger.

                    Yet Shepherd does care for his team, he will not leave a member of his team behind. He will be there to defend them in a fight, he is a leader who leads from the front by example.

                    A convoluted and complicated man.

                    Thanks to DS for my siggy


                      Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                      Not sure what you mean by this, Solla... but if you had to work with my colleagues, you;d find it totally believeable that I am one happy human female who has no problem whatsoever with my green lovers feeding on my co-workers on as regular a basis as they like!!!!!
                      Happy human female + well-fed wraith males = congenial interspecies relations!

                      As I said before don't temp me, but I also include not only co-worker but some of the driver I deal with.

                      Humm in my dreams!!!!

                      Thanks to DS for my siggy


                        Originally posted by geekywraith View Post
                        I'd like the wraith to feed on the Vice Principal and thePrincipal and some of the students that I had last year. The Principal was a total ice queen from hell. She was cruel and made the school year a living hell for some of us. At least 5 of us made complaints against her. And at least 8 teachers and another school professional decided to change schools at the end of the school year. Guess what… She was promoted to be the official principal! She was only a replacement last year. Kept the “throne” seat warm… I now imagine that I bring a wraith at work and picture him feeding on a rude co-worker… I still haven't quite recovered from that crappy year...

                        wraith wraith wraith

                        Consider Principal WRAITHED

                        Remember this:- yes she makes life a living hell for you and others but if you keep remember what happened you are still letting her hurt you. Your worth more than that it not easy when the hurt goes deep but if you can let it go. SO WRAITH HER


                        Hum where everybody gone? ......Oh well sweet wraithy dreams everybody.
                        Thanks to DS for my siggy


                          Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                          I love the look on Todd's face here. It's like he's saying:

                          "Whaa? ... What? I'm exhausted. And you're a weirdo, can you just get to the point?"

                          You think? That's interesting take on it. I always thought this look and scene says to me - you are annoying me, stepping into my domain, like he doesn't want Jean Luc to get too close to the Queen and is I think it is along the lines of dominant male - as there are two dominate males vying for the attention of the Queen (if she were a real wraith Queen) so to speak. I hope I explained it well, anyway!
                          I came, I saw, I conquered!
                          We are unique! Created unique!


                            Originally posted by geekywraith View Post
                            I'd like the wraith to feed on the Vice Principal and thePrincipal and some of the students that I had last year. The Principal was a total ice queen from hell. She was cruel and made the school year a living hell for some of us. At least 5 of us made complaints against her. And at least 8 teachers and another school professional decided to change schools at the end of the school year. Guess what… She was promoted to be the official principal! She was only a replacement last year. Kept the “throne” seat warm… I now imagine that I bring a wraith at work and picture him feeding on a rude co-worker… I still haven't quite recovered from that crappy year...

                            wraith wraith wraith
                            Isn't that what happens though? Instead of getting demoted, they get promoted. I suppose this is the only way to get rid of them. No wonder the school system in the West is so kacked up!


                            wraith wraith wraith
                            Last edited by Wraith Cake; 06 May 2009, 06:19 PM.
                            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                              Originally posted by MCH View Post
                              You hit the nail right on the head with your comments about Shepherd.
                              He is damaged mentally, when your damaged the way he is it would take alot of courage to trust someone and to invest back into a relationship. Also you are always looking for the relationship to go wrong. When something small goes wrong it prove you are right and it can be magnified easily into something much larger.

                              Yet Shepherd does care for his team, he will not leave a member of his team behind. He will be there to defend them in a fight, he is a leader who leads from the front by example.

                              A convoluted and complicated man.


                              Ya! Exactly.


                              wraith wraith wraith
                              Last edited by Wraith Cake; 06 May 2009, 06:20 PM.
                              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                                Originally posted by Sevenofnine View Post

                                You think? That's interesting take on it. I always thought this look and scene says to me - you are annoying me, stepping into my domain, like he doesn't want Jean Luc to get too close to the Queen and is I think it is along the lines of dominant male - as there are two dominate males vying for the attention of the Queen (if she were a real wraith Queen) so to speak. I hope I explained it well, anyway!
                                This is true. I was just thinking that Todd looks a little sleepy--exhausted, and this is how I would respond to an irritating visitor...actually I probably would think this, not "actually" say "you're a weirdo, get to the point."

                                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells

