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    OH! I forgot to add:
    I have a question. Do wraith have just the one feeder on the right hand or both? I think it would be a great disadvantage on just one hand but every wraith attack I see is with their right hand and todd's gloved hand on common ground was only his right from the look of it. I've tried looking around for pictures of both hands but the ones I do, I cannot tell very well.
    Also, I'm surprised no one has done a fanfic on Elia. Maybe an alternative ending or that the retrovirus got out of her system and she was barely able to recover and then rejoins the wraith....oooooo ^o^ thats sounds fun.
    500,000 years ago the wraith were different but fate brought her to him.


      When I came downstairs to make coffee, we greeted each other with a "murrrh" like we do every morning and he was talkative as always. He's been spunky all day. He's not holding his eye shut and moping like he was yesterday morning. I'm trying not to get too hopeful, because something will need to be done. He will probably lose his eye. But his vision apparently has been limited in that eye for some time now and he's adjusted fine.

      That's all really great news! I'm glad the pain meds are making him comfortable so he can rest which means YOU can rest, too. If it turns out that he has to lose the eye maybe one of the artists in the WDC could make him a kitty eye patch with a Wraith tatoo. Take care and keep us updated.



        Originally posted by Sevenofnine View Post
        We are just small, thats why I have to work as well, but I do understand what you mean by med to big organisations, as I work in a medium organization - school - and it can be very difficult at times! But I do enjoy you comments!
        Thank you, and I completely wasn't referring to smaller family owned businesses. In fact I appreciate these types of business very much simply because they produce good quality products at honest prices. In my area, for instance I only buy locally and from small business owners. I strongly dislike large box store corporations such as WallMart, because they devastate local business in small towns (they've done this in Cornwall Ontario where the down town is dead), and family stores are bled dry by them because they want to drown local business. Once they destroy a town, they move on to the next. They do this in North America they actively exploit people abroad. So, a large part of my value system is being politically and socially responsible/active therefore I only buy at large chain stores when I have few options left in my community.

        Speaking of which, my husband works for a small company hired by a larger corporation and he was telling me about how corrupt the docking industry is. It's run by the Mafia. He found out because he needed to order skids? (those wooden slat thingies that boxes and crates rest on, on the pier). Anyhow, that whole industry is very corrupt because the Italian Mafia runs this business. In fact, he was speaking to the vice president of the larger company he is affiliated with, I'll call him "Sam". Sam told my husband that dealing with those shipping people at the docks was rather frightening, and it was the first time in business where he actually felt like he was physically threatened. Last week apparently, these people called a colleague of my husband and said they could save my husband's company a great deal of money if they buy these new fangled slats. Well it turns out the slats still belonged to my husband's company--so in effect they were trying to sell product back to the original owner of the product. So, anytime you get those wooden flat skids (or whatever they're called), the company who makes them are heavily linked to the crime syndicate. Interesting eh?

        And I'm sorry again, I really wasn't referring to smaller companies. It's typically (though not always) larger ones, who feel less accountable that step all over smaller family run businesses and employees in general. They are so driven by greed they lose sight of important values that made their company good to begin with.

        So, anyway, thank you for responding back, because I was feeling badly that I had upset you.

        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


          Originally posted by Elentari View Post
          Welcome! Thanks to you, and to everyone, for offering support to MFW...

          Thanks for the warm welcome! I've been "lurking" for some time now and finally decided to come join the fun.

          Welcome to WDC, join in the fun and any new ides/comments are welcome!
          I came, I saw, I conquered!
          We are unique! Created unique!


            Originally posted by Norvely View Post
            OH! I forgot to add:
            I have a question. Do wraith have just the one feeder on the right hand or both? I think it would be a great disadvantage on just one hand but every wraith attack I see is with their right hand and todd's gloved hand on common ground was only his right from the look of it. I've tried looking around for pictures of both hands but the ones I do, I cannot tell very well.
            Also, I'm surprised no one has done a fanfic on Elia. Maybe an alternative ending or that the retrovirus got out of her system and she was barely able to recover and then rejoins the wraith....oooooo ^o^ thats sounds fun.
            As far as we can tell they only have the one hand--"the feeding" hand. The other hand they use for getting their palm read. Or maybe in wraith society, they just have "feet readers."


            Seriously though, I think they just have one feeding hand.
            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


              Originally posted by Norvely View Post
              OH! I forgot to add:
              I have a question. Do wraith have just the one feeder on the right hand or both? I think it would be a great disadvantage on just one hand but every wraith attack I see is with their right hand and todd's gloved hand on common ground was only his right from the look of it. I've tried looking around for pictures of both hands but the ones I do, I cannot tell very well.
              Also, I'm surprised no one has done a fanfic on Elia. Maybe an alternative ending or that the retrovirus got out of her system and she was barely able to recover and then rejoins the wraith....oooooo ^o^ thats sounds fun.
              They only have the feeder on their right hand, so if they loose there right hand they will die! A fic about Elia would be good and interesting.

              How is the next chapter of you fic coming along? Looking forward to reading it.
              I came, I saw, I conquered!
              We are unique! Created unique!


                Also, thanks WK - its good to clear things up.
                I certainly don't envy your husband or the vice president guy in the jobs he has to do with dealing with the docks. I think it is all over the world, I often remember my dad saying years ago that the docks here are corrupt as well, that you had to watch out for the stevedores. I'm not too sure whether the government has stamped it out yet, but I doubt it. I have heard that the mafia and the Asian equivalent are ripe on the docks here in Aus. But the unions have a very big input into things that happen there, so who knows, I just steer clear of it.
                I came, I saw, I conquered!
                We are unique! Created unique!


                  Originally posted by Sevenofnine View Post
                  Its a shame they didn't show more of the offspring of wraith - I would imagine that the males would tend to do a lot more hands on in bringing up the offspring as the females just produce (I'm talking about faced wraith, not drones, cause I think there is a different process for both). So once the queen / female produces the child the male takes over until puberty where it is then instructed on the warrior life or something like that, they probably even have a creche for babies while the males are working, and I do think there would be more females than just one, logically to produce so many faced wraith. This would have made an interest ep, but then again it would have given the wraith a softer side and TPTB wouldn't want to do that, keep them as monsters is there motto I'm sure.

                  Just thinking about the ship that Elia was on, I think it showed that they had killed only males, no females, so maybe they were her carers! Who knows!

                  As far as Sheppard naming Todd, yeah I agree with you WK, TPTB could have done sooo much more with the characters.
                  Dang! They've left us with too much to wonder about, and anyone's guess is game. But I agree it would make sense that there are less powerful females that raised the babies until puberty, like hand-maids of a sort.

                  "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                    Originally posted by Norvely View Post
                    I agree. I loved the episodes that did go into more wraith society but from what we have, I agree that there has to be more females behind the scenes. The fact that we have not seen any in the show could just be part of the male territorial-protectiveness from the wraith-happy-killing humans. Now I think I have seen it potrayed differently but on Allies the commander/scientist/ubur cute wraith mentioned not being used to fixing the ships and about there not being keepers.
                    I thought and still think that was refering to not have females that normally take care of the hive/nest to a certain level.
                    There are some species that females do not care for their young but I think it is very possible that the female wraith (based of humans) would care for their young and their nest.
                    >.< There really is not enough evidence of wraith just being wraith. Only instance I saw was on Midway and Lost Tribe. The rare female spots hardly give much to their character but so far they seem like us just with a need to fed on humans and territorial tendencies over land and food. Hardly that farfetched from human countries.
                    As far as Elia goes, I think it was a runaway transport ship, possibly from a battle and Elia was the only female they could get on that particular ship. There might have been more but Elia's ship was the only one to get hit and crash and the other ships did not know where as they were escaping.
                    To me this would explain why more wraith ships never went out to look for her and them.
                    I would have loved more Wraith interactions but I suppose that is what fanfics are for ^_^. *gets cranking*

                    This makes sense and is quite an interesting idea indeed. I'll have to go back and watch that episode again to see the context for how her ship crashed.

                    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                      Dang! Here I am, again, all by myself, having missed some good discussions. I guess I should pick a different hour to come here, not when everyone is in Wraithieland, or something.

                      Unquestionably, SGA has left a lot unresolved and a lot of gaps in the story of the Wraith. They threw things in only as needed for the plot, and at the end I think to stop harassment from the Wraith fans. But not nearly enough. So, quite frankly, they've left a very open field for the fertile imagination. Now that the series is finished, and we're not constrained by any possible future developments in the plot--such things as 'Todd really had a human mother', etc. I think fanfic can have a ball.

                      And while we're giving all these Wraith details a lot of thought--like why would the Wraith have only one feeding hand (because that's how the Ancients made them, or because it is part of the balance of nature, so that such a powerful species would also have powerful vulnerabilities--I don't know if that makes sense..., etc. etc.)--the creators of SGA and the writers have only really glossed over these things and put it whatever was more effective for the viewer.

                      Having said that, I think they took extra steps with Todd and really built him up. The contrast with the other Wraith, or the earlier Wraith, shows that they finally became more attached to the Wraith than they cared to admit, or the producers/marketer/whatever allowed them to show.

                      OK, I've been jabbering enough in the silence of the night.

                      Echo, echo, echo...

                      Good night all!

                      HONOR. A story.



                        Hello Elentari! *huggles and throws a wraith for you to huggle* we share.
                        Or maybe in wraith society, they just have "feet readers."
                        I wonder what wraith feet look like...YEAH FANFICTION ANSWERS!
                        They only have the feeder on their right hand, so if they loose there right hand they will die! A fic about Elia would be good and interesting.

                        How is the next chapter of you fic coming along? Looking forward to reading it.
                        Ok, I will focus on the one hand thing. I still think that is odd though. Wraith that can stand 15 bullets to the chest and survive 10,000 years and still look good but cut off their right hand and they are sol'd.
                        Though I suppose the gift of life thing from their brethern WOULD come in handy (ha!) in that situation.
                        I wonder if there are leftys.
                        I might just make a fanfic about day...when I run out of steam for Naming Fate.
                        Oh and I finally got my chapter up! Chapter 13 is a go! Only 3 hours past due time. I stayed up all night but its up gosh darn it (wired on sugar and lack of sleep).

                        Also, thanks WK - its good to clear things up.
                        I certainly don't envy your husband or the vice president guy in the jobs he has to do with dealing with the docks. I think it is all over the world, I often remember my dad saying years ago that the docks here are corrupt as well, that you had to watch out for the stevedores. I'm not too sure whether the government has stamped it out yet, but I doubt it. I have heard that the mafia and the Asian equivalent are ripe on the docks here in Aus. But the unions have a very big input into things that happen there, so who knows, I just steer clear of it.
                        About the moffia thing. Thats scary but not farfetched...which is scarier. Get em Todd!
                        Imagine what a better world it would be with the wraith dominating it....I give up my life as an accountant and worship him....^_^ weee! Invade! Please!
                        This makes sense and is quite an interesting idea indeed. I'll have to go back and watch that episode again to see the context for how her ship crashed.
                        Yeah, I want to watch the episode again now. After proper eight hours of sleep ZZzz

                        Unquestionably, SGA has left a lot unresolved and a lot of gaps in the story of the Wraith. They threw things in only as needed for the plot, and at the end I think to stop harassment from the Wraith fans. But not nearly enough. So, quite frankly, they've left a very open field for the fertile imagination. Now that the series is finished, and we're not constrained by any possible future developments in the plot--such things as 'Todd really had a human mother', etc. I think fanfic can have a ball.
                        ^_^ Yes, I think it was almost squeezed out of them but I like to think that Chris Heyerdahl and the other actors added more to the characters of wraith then the writers. I was really impressed with the interview of Chris on GW. He wanted to play a wraith from the getgo.
                        Yeah, when I finally watched 'The Queen' I had a completely different view on wraith before and after. When their were no more surprises (they hate citrus fruit and Rodney desides to become a worshiper ^_~) happening my work began....bum bum....buuuuuuummmmmm....*sneak attacks Todd* (still high on the sugar.)
                        500,000 years ago the wraith were different but fate brought her to him.


                          I'm away for a few days and I miss new people?

                          Hello all new people, and welcome to the WDC!


                            I was only away for one day and I missed new people!

                            Welcome to the WDC!


                              Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                              Cat OT again!

                              Hey everybody! Thank you Thank you Thank you for all your posts of love and support! Thank you Draygon, Jaded Wraith, Starry Waters, Wraith Cake, Ciannwn, Elentari, das and Solla. Just hearing from other animal lovers really helped.

                              Yesterday was such a rough day for me...and poor Big Boy! I can't remember the last time I cried that much. My poor vet, she didn't know what to do. Anyway, because of how much I wore myself out when I went to bed last night, I was down for the count. And thanks to his pain meds Big Boy slept like a log too! And this morning he's acting just like he always does, despite his eye looking not so hot. When I came downstairs to make coffee, we greeted each other with a "murrrh" like we do every morning and he was talkative as always. He's been spunky all day. He's not holding his eye shut and moping like he was yesterday morning. I'm trying not to get too hopeful, because something will need to be done. He will probably lose his eye. But his vision apparently has been limited in that eye for some time now and he's adjusted fine.

                              Elentari, it is as you said, I have to take Big Boy to an opthamologist/specialist and unfortunately, in my area, the closest ones are almost two hours away. They are only at the clinic for the last week of each month. They have to determine what is causing this before they take further action (i.e. worst case scenario, it's a tumor). If things get really bad, I can go and see an internist there sooner, but hopefully I won't have to. This is very unusual in cats. Dogs apparently can just be treated with meds and usually adjust to the lack of sight just fine. There is high pressure exerted on the eye that causes the pain - the meds work on dogs but not on cats. Big Boy is getting drops 3x a day to ease the pressure and pain meds to ease any additional pain and to make him rest.

                              *sigh* The wait is still going to be hell, but if he continues to behave somewhat normally like he is, I'll at least be able to sleep. Part of the reason I haven't done much internet research is the last time I did (for another cat's problem) I got so much misinformation it threw me into a huge panic and it was for nothing. I'm in a small city surrounded by rural area so we have lots of good "country" vets. My vet is also very up-to-date on the latest research, too. (She has friends from school that do behavior research with cats.) So I feel pretty confident Big Boy's in the best care he can get right now.

                              Thanks again for all the support. You have no idea how much it has helped. {{{{BIG HUGS}}}}

                              Please caress you feline friend from each of us. I hope he will recover.
                              ~ Created by Draygon ~


                                Originally posted by Norvely View Post
                                OH! I forgot to add:
                                I have a question. Do wraith have just the one feeder on the right hand or both? I think it would be a great disadvantage on just one hand but every wraith attack I see is with their right hand and todd's gloved hand on common ground was only his right from the look of it. I've tried looking around for pictures of both hands but the ones I do, I cannot tell very well.
                                Also, I'm surprised no one has done a fanfic on Elia. Maybe an alternative ending or that the retrovirus got out of her system and she was barely able to recover and then rejoins the wraith....oooooo ^o^ thats sounds fun.
                                Well, it seems to be true. I have seen only one fic with Ellia and that is really strange indeed. Her theme is very promising and even her tragically short life gives us a lot of space for imagination. Let alone AU. Perhaps you can improve the situation .

                                Although I suppose she may have problems with her own kind. I mean, psychologically she is humanlike.
                                ~ Created by Draygon ~

