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Wraith Defenders Club

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    about todds hair- in CG you can tell that it was straight at one time. It just has a few knots in it (like he was twirling it) and the start of dreads. Im sure a quick brushing would have fixed it.
    In S4 it was more dreaded, (which i think looks hot!) Im sure ita a different wig than the CG one. I think that its a age related thing. I see steve, kenney, shawn and erick as "younger" wraith and more "snotty". BOB, Gregg and Todd seem to have been around a bit longer. Their build id also different. The "younger" wraith are all slim and sleek, where as the Older ones are more built. I know todd not as built as bob and gregg seemed but he is broad shouldered and imposing. He looks like he could squash kenney if he chooses to.


      Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
      Friday the idea of Wraith worshippers as pets was discussed. Since we all love the Wraith and hopefully we all love our pets, that seemed like a cozy relationship to be a part of because some of us see our pets as extension of our core family group. But I live in a complex where people constantly dump their pets when they tired of them or move somewhere else. So sometimes this bond isn't strong at all.

      While I wouldn't mind being Todd's pet at all (yes, I can see several females in the background jumping up and down and telling me the position is already taken LOL), seriously I would probably guess that the relationship between Wraith and worshipper is probably close to owner and slave than owner and pet. And I would bet that any slave that thought affection was something they could bank on was inevitably disillusioned and betrayed. Any affection was totally dependent on the owner's whim and was not to be trusted.
      Interesting comparison. I haven't given as much thought to Wraithworshipers as some others here, but your comparison to slavery makes sense to me. And, like with slaves and slave-owners, the relationship probably varies a lot from individual to individual. Some Wraith probably do treat their worshipers well and honorably (some slave owners in the Old South did as well - more of an boss/employee relationship in some cases, though that was the exception (and I don't want to open a discussion of slavery, just replying to the topic) while for others, as you say, they are at the mercy of their owner's whims.

      Maybe some of the owner-pet thinking stems from the fact that they are different species (even though they are both humanoid). It seems like for a lot of people it leads to warm and fuzzy and sometimes kinky fanfics.

      @masterling: I agree! I think Todd could beat all of those cocky young Wraith any day! But I am unabashedly biased when it comes to Todd.
      Sparrow hawk



        I would agree that the relationship would most likely be more slave-master than pet. Maybe if the worshipers did something truly useful they could be regarded similarly to how people see work animals, like oxen who plough the field, or horses. Not necessarily loving them, but acknowledging their usefulness, caring for them and keeping them safe from harm (as long as it doesn't harm them or their reputation in any way).

        From what has been said in the show about Wraith society, I would find it very hard to believe they would show any kind of compassion or "warm fuzzy thoughts" for their worshipers. Compassion is a sign of weakness, is it not? Turns me away from the pet idea.


          Todd's hair/age:
          I vote for the messy hair, it suits him so much better. I also agree with the view that older wraith seem to be a bit rougher round the edges, more built and definitely easily able to knock back the young ones should they step too far out of line!

          Worshippers as pets/slaves:
          I would be inclined to agree that the relationship is more likely closer to that of owner/slave and that life for the "slave" my well be frought with fear and uncertainty.

          However, I believe the pet theory may have been brought up in the Todd thunk thread (if not it probably should have been) and so was pure flight of fancy and entirely MEANT to illicit thoughts of warm and fuzzy relations between Wraith and human - unlikely though that might be in "real life"!!!

          Having watched TLM I am currently having warm and fuzzy thoughts about Wraith, but I'll leave those thoughts in the Todd thunk thread...
          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


            Can I change the subject and ask a question, please?

            Those blue finger guard thingies the Wraith have... Are they meant to be part of their bodies, or are they some kind of armour, or possibly some sort of decoration (like we wear rings)?
            I notice that most of them only have one, some on the index finger some on the middle finger, though Shawn the wine drinker had two as I recall, on both index and middle fingers.
            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
              Can I change the subject and ask a question, please?

              Those blue finger guard thingies the Wraith have... Are they meant to be part of their bodies, or are they some kind of armour, or possibly some sort of decoration (like we wear rings)?
              I notice that most of them only have one, some on the index finger some on the middle finger, though Shawn the wine drinker had two as I recall, on both index and middle fingers.
              I don't know what anyone else thinks but I think they resemble finger armor which would make them a kind of ring. I believe the Keeper in Rising had her whole hand done that way. It's probably a really fragile piece of costuming though so I imagine they cut back on them so they wouldn't hamper the actors too much. I think they have problems with the nails as it is.

              This isn't anything I've read, just speculation on my part.
              Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris


                Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                Those blue finger guard thingies the Wraith have... Are they meant to be part of their bodies, or are they some kind of armour, or possibly some sort of decoration (like we wear rings)?
                I think they could be decoration. The 'Allies' scientist didn't have one.


                  Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                  I think they could be decoration. The 'Allies' scientist didn't have one.
                  Would that be Erik? I must watch that ep again - I always thought Erik was pretty stylish - perhaps they're like rank stripes, the more important you are the more you have? BUt then I suspect before Genii prison Todd may have been very high ranking and he only has one...
                  Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                    I though they were purely for decoration. Fits well with the whole theme of black leather, strips and corsages.


                      Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
                      @masterling: I agree! I think Todd could beat all of those cocky young Wraith any day! But I am unabashedly biased when it comes to Todd.
                      I like the way you think!
                      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                        Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
                        While I wouldn't mind being Todd's pet at all (yes, I can see several females in the background jumping up and down and telling me the position is already taken LOL
                        Too late, that'll be ME!
                        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                          Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                          Would that be Erik? I must watch that ep again - I always thought Erik was pretty stylish - perhaps they're like rank stripes, the more important you are the more you have?
                          Yes, that's Erik. Maybe removing it was all part of the image he was supposed to be presenting to the Atlantis expedition. His short jacket and the Queen's outfit were more human than Wraith as if they wanted to suggest they weren't like others of their kind.


                            Originally posted by chocolate_muffin View Post
                            I though they were purely for decoration. Fits well with the whole theme of black leather, strips and corsages.
                            And here we all were wondering just exactly what it is about Wraith that's so darned attractive... !!!
                            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                              And here we all were wondering just exactly what it is about Wraith that's so darned attractive... !!!
                              Glad to be of assistance


                                Originally posted by chocolate_muffin View Post
                                Glad to be of assistance

                                Tried to green ya but it wouldn't let me!
                                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar

