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Keep The Lion Rampant - SAVE CARSON! Sunday Spoilers

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    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
    It all goes back to the cancellation of SG1. Mark Stern, Idiot Director of Programming, wants to dump what SciFi feels are the least fav characters on SGA and bring over a few of the popular SG1 characters. Their warped thinking tells them this will satisfy fans of both shows, but all it will do is anger everyone!
    Eeek! Do you have a source for that? I've heard it elsewhere, but I just can't believe they would do that. *headdesk* I'd love to read an article or something about it. Where does everyone get this from?


      Originally posted by sueKay
      Even if this is 'jumping the gun'...

      Aren't we best supporting the character and the actor just in-case?
      Aye, better to be rather safe than sorry...even though I don't believe these "rumors".
      "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
      DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


        [mod snip - please, no personal attacks on actors or PTBs] let the gnashing of teeth begin
        Last edited by Madeleine; 24 September 2006, 09:46 PM.


          Originally posted by leelakin
          Eeek! Do you have a source for that? I've heard it elsewhere, but I just can't believe they would do that. *headdesk* I'd love to read an article or something about it. Where does everyone get this from?
          Go through the news articles and links at Mark Stern has already said they want to use SG1 characters over on SGA. Whether that means recurring, or as regs, no one knows at the moment.

          This is what Paul said at a recent convention:

          When all else fails, change channels.


            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
            This is what Paul said at a recent convention:


            This better not be another Fraiser incident. Stupid Sci-Fi....
            "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
            DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


              i've been poking my head in on this topic for a while but don't speak up much... but... correct me if i'm wrong, but it seems one of the major aspects for making carson a regular character was the fans. with the fans being so vocal at this particular moment with what's going on with SG-1, would they really get rid of a character who has such a dedicated fan base. TPTB know he's one of the most popular characters. that, and when have they ever been good about keeping secrets like this. I've yet to hear any rumors that i put any weight in, that support carson's demise...

              with that being said... if anyone... i mean ANYONE is even thinking about killing off my favorite character on either show... i fart in their general direction!!!
              "I didn't bring my bloody cellphone with me. What's happening?"


                Originally posted by SaberBlade

                How could anyone be so stupid to think this would actually work. It seems like they did it before, they had some success with Farscape, so they decide to bring over it's main male and female lead, but do this with Atlantis?
                It wasn't sci-fi that hired Ben or Claudia, it was TPTB at bridge studios. They are the ones that make the ultimate casting decisions for both SGA and SG-1.

                Everything that has been said concerning Carson has been pure speculation with little or no fact to back any of it up. At any rate, we will know soon enough, since Canada is going to get the episodes well before the US and I'm sure those of us in the US will hear all about what happens to Carson.


                  I think this is fitting. It'll only make sense if you've seen The Return.
                  "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                  DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                    Didn't they learn from their mistake when they killed off Janet? It left a gaping hole in the series that they have yet to adaquetly fill.


                      As far I can tell, this rumor is entirely fan-started. I would be very surprised to see even a hint of an idea to drop Carson from any official source.
                      Last edited by BubblingOverWithIdeas; 24 September 2006, 06:40 PM.


                        Originally posted by Descent
                        I think this is fitting. It'll only make sense if you've seen The Return.
                        The Wee Baby Turtles!

                        I'm not a huge SGA fan, but Carson is one of my fav characters. Losing him would be a strike against SGA when I finally become more focus on it after the end of SG-1.


                          When are they gonna get it through their heads that this pretty much happens with alot of shows they kill off a character that is much loved by many fans and they think it will improve the show more by bringing in and new character but they just end up losing heaps of fans like they did when they canceled SG1 and as you said Anise76 it just ends up comming to bite their bums after a while.
                          But overall I don't want Carson leaving he is a great character and he is loved by many loyal fans and no one can ever replace his character.


                            Originally posted by Descent
                            I think this is fitting. It'll only make sense if you've seen The Return.
                            Awwwwwwww! *pinches his cheek* Save the baby turtles! SAVE CARSON! XD *waves Greenpeace banner*

                            @Foolish: Thanks for the link! I'll check it out now.


                              I'm still not sure if the rumors are true or not, and I don't want to go screaming at TPTB because of an unreliable speculation, but I also don't want to ignore the chance to say something just incase the rumors are true.

                              Carson is one of the most important characters on Atlantis. Without him, I do not believe the show would be worth watching, and I know I'm not the only one who would no longer watch the show if he was gone. I think it would be horrible to kill off a character who just became apart of the main cast, and who is finnally getting his share of screen time. I don't understand what anyone would gain from such an atrosicty, and I really hope TPTB aren't going to make such a stupid, avoidable, and obvious mistake.

                              Like I said before, I'm not taking the rumors seriously, but I'd rather say something now anyways, then to find out they are true and to have missed my chance to try and change the minds of TPTB.

                              "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen


                                I really like Carson and sure hope that these rumors are just that rumors. Who knows this could be a smoke screen to cover who the real characters are that may be killed off.

                                I am actually surprised that tptb would be considering such drastic changes at a time when many fans are struggling with losing SG1 and the fans really do not need any more shock at this time.

                                Over the recent years, TV has gotten too much into killing off main characters for the dramatic impact it may have on the fans, I don't say storyline because it really is meant to impact the fans. I recognize that these things really do happen in real life, I have had to deal with several of those real life issues in my life already, maybe that's why I get tired of them killing off characters on shows that I like to watch.

                                I sure hope that Carson stays!!!!!!!!!!!


