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Elizabeth Weir/Torri Higginson WOW Thread - Part 2

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    From New Atlantis:

    "We have just released the official Promotion Pictures and now New Atlantis will continue with the additional ones.

    The releasing calendar: JOE FLANIGAN (online), TORRI HIGGINSON (07-02-13), RACHEL LUTTRELL (07-02-14), DAVID HEWLETT (07-02-15), JASON MOMOA (07-02-16), PAUL MCGILLION (07-02-17) and ENSEMBLE (07-02-18).

    The new pictures are available under the category REPRO EXTRA. A high quality release is not possible at the moment."

    More promo piccies!! Can't wait til wednesday!
    Last edited by ubiquitous; 11 February 2007, 11:52 PM.

    Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


      Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
      Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


        Originally posted by Vicky View Post

        This reminds me of something! At the only con I was at so far, there was a music vid contest and well, there was only one vid, Mélanie, and it was a mostly gen vid, but there was that scene in Grace and we were all "Woooo!" And the same day, during a break, we watched Grace and of course "WOoo" again!
        Dark_Faith (well the Jess part of Dark_Faith) was here. You remember that hon? I know you haven't forgotten the ep and what happened while we were watching the ep!

        Sorry for OT!
        Are you kidding? Colin's hand is forever tatooed on my leg lol And it's not that OT actually, if I remember correctly it was the same day I was beaten up in the street by my own best friend because I claimed Torri was as awesome as Amanda... everybody was like Torri who? And two months later they were all 'ZOMG Torri rawks' and 'Sparky Rulz'...

        I miss con too. I miss the fangirling and the crazyness and the siliness that somehow means a lot more than a lot of supposedly important things in your life...
        *~'.:GTA 199:.'~*
        Je me souviens


          Originally posted by dark_faith View Post
          Are you kidding? Colin's hand is forever tatooed on my leg lol And it's not that OT actually, if I remember correctly it was the same day I was beaten up in the street by my own best friend because I claimed Torri was as awesome as Amanda... everybody was like Torri who? And two months later they were all 'ZOMG Torri rawks' and 'Sparky Rulz'...

          I miss con too. I miss the fangirling and the crazyness and the siliness that somehow means a lot more than a lot of supposedly important things in your life...
          I miss you!!!
          Hey, remember, I heard you! You convinced me that Torri was the best and for Sparky as well even before I saw a single ep! I'll never forget that night in that sort of bar (we should have gone to The O'Neills or The Thor instead!).

          wOOt for more promo pics!! Torri tomorrow!!


            Thanks for the heads-up, Ubi! Yay, more pics. I've just looked at the ones of JF and some of them look a lot more natural. I predict Wednesday will be a good day, lol.


              I don't really mean to be a downer, but this sort of thing just... GAH!!!
              ***TRIGGER WARNING***

              This was an opinion article written by a man who is on the newspaper staff at CCSU:

              "Rape Only Hurts If You Fight It"

              Most people today would claim that rape is a terrible crime almost akin to murder, but I strongly disagree. Far from a vile act, rape is a magical experience that benifits society as a whole. I realize many of you will disagree with this thesis, but lend me your ears and I'm sure I'll sway you towards a darkened alley.

              If it weren't for rape, Western Civilization might not exist as we know it today. When the Romans were faced with a disproportionate ratio of women to men in the early kingdom, they had to do something, lest their flidgling society die for lack of sons. To solvetheir little dilemma, they did what any reasonable man would do: they threw a festival for their little dilemma, they threw a festival for their Sabine neighbors, and then stole and raped their women. It's quite logical; in fact I don't understand why the settlers at Plymoth didn't do the same to the local Indians--it certainly would have saved on shipping costs.

              Obviously, in the case of the Rape of the Sabines, rape was a tremendous help to society. The Sabine women, for their part, didn't seem to mind so much, as they threw themselves between their brutish old Sabine husbands and their charming new Roman ones to prevent bloodshed when the Sabine men came to relaim their wives. Yet even when society was totally against a rape, the raunchy act has benifited society too. Where would the Romans be, after all, if it weren't for the Rape of the Lucretia infuriating the people to the point of overthrowing their last king, Lucius Tarpuinius Superbus? If it weren't for that event, the world might have never had the Roman Republic for a pristine example of a flawless government.

              Rapes glorious advantages are not, however, exclusively found from 2,000 year old examples. In actuality rape advantages can very much be seen today. Take ugly women for example. If it wern't for rape, how would they ever know the joys of intercourse with a man who isn't drunk. In a society as plastic-conscious as our own we are really to believe that some man would ever sleep with a girl resembling a wildebeest if he didn't have a few schnapps in him? Of course he wouldn't--atleast no self-respecting man would--but there in lies the beauty of rape. No self respecting man would rape in the first palce, so ugly women are guarenteed a romp with not only a sober man, but a bad boy too; and we all know how much ladies like the bad boy.

              Ugly women are not, however, the only people who benifit from rape--prisoners enjoy as many perks too. What, after all, could be possibly be more boring than spending years of your life confined to some tiny cell 23 hours a day? Then answer, of course, is spending years of your life confined to some tiny cell 23 hours a day and never getting some hot action. With rape, prisoners never have to worry about that. Instead, they merely need worry about treating their rapist with enough love and respect to earn a quick reach-around.

              But if there is one bread and butter reason for why rape should not only be accepted, but even endorsed, it is because our news editors are in dire need of interesting stories for our front page. Bookstore stories? Fossils? One dollar coins? Please. Now, some saucy circle-jerk rape action? Yeah, that's the ticket.

              This is just sick and wrong. It was posted the other day on this livejournal

              Anyway, since this is still off topic, I just printed out half the info and a volunteer application for a local domestic abuse/violence program. None of this is right.

              EDIT: Mods, I apologize if this breaks any of the rules. That wasn't what I meant to do.

              *hugs thread, TH, and Sedge* It's nice to know there are decent people in this world. Thank you all for being here and being so supportive of the people who traipse (or even painfully drag themselves) thorugh here on their way through life. I know someone who once told me something. She believes that everybody meets everybody they do for a reason. We were all meant to affect each other in one way or another.

              Sig by sofie


                Originally posted by AngelmaOwl View Post
                I don't really mean to be a downer, but this sort of thing just... GAH!!!
                ***TRIGGER WARNING***

                This was an opinion article written by a man who is on the newspaper staff at CCSU:

                "Rape Only Hurts If You Fight It"

                Most people today would claim that rape is a terrible crime almost akin to murder, but I strongly disagree. Far from a vile act, rape is a magical experience that benifits society as a whole. I realize many of you will disagree with this thesis, but lend me your ears and I'm sure I'll sway you towards a darkened alley.

                If it weren't for rape, Western Civilization might not exist as we know it today. When the Romans were faced with a disproportionate ratio of women to men in the early kingdom, they had to do something, lest their flidgling society die for lack of sons. To solvetheir little dilemma, they did what any reasonable man would do: they threw a festival for their little dilemma, they threw a festival for their Sabine neighbors, and then stole and raped their women. It's quite logical; in fact I don't understand why the settlers at Plymoth didn't do the same to the local Indians--it certainly would have saved on shipping costs.

                Obviously, in the case of the Rape of the Sabines, rape was a tremendous help to society. The Sabine women, for their part, didn't seem to mind so much, as they threw themselves between their brutish old Sabine husbands and their charming new Roman ones to prevent bloodshed when the Sabine men came to relaim their wives. Yet even when society was totally against a rape, the raunchy act has benifited society too. Where would the Romans be, after all, if it weren't for the Rape of the Lucretia infuriating the people to the point of overthrowing their last king, Lucius Tarpuinius Superbus? If it weren't for that event, the world might have never had the Roman Republic for a pristine example of a flawless government.

                Rapes glorious advantages are not, however, exclusively found from 2,000 year old examples. In actuality rape advantages can very much be seen today. Take ugly women for example. If it wern't for rape, how would they ever know the joys of intercourse with a man who isn't drunk. In a society as plastic-conscious as our own we are really to believe that some man would ever sleep with a girl resembling a wildebeest if he didn't have a few schnapps in him? Of course he wouldn't--atleast no self-respecting man would--but there in lies the beauty of rape. No self respecting man would rape in the first palce, so ugly women are guarenteed a romp with not only a sober man, but a bad boy too; and we all know how much ladies like the bad boy.

                Ugly women are not, however, the only people who benifit from rape--prisoners enjoy as many perks too. What, after all, could be possibly be more boring than spending years of your life confined to some tiny cell 23 hours a day? Then answer, of course, is spending years of your life confined to some tiny cell 23 hours a day and never getting some hot action. With rape, prisoners never have to worry about that. Instead, they merely need worry about treating their rapist with enough love and respect to earn a quick reach-around.

                But if there is one bread and butter reason for why rape should not only be accepted, but even endorsed, it is because our news editors are in dire need of interesting stories for our front page. Bookstore stories? Fossils? One dollar coins? Please. Now, some saucy circle-jerk rape action? Yeah, that's the ticket.

                This is just sick and wrong. It was posted the other day on this livejournal

                Anyway, since this is still off topic, I just printed out half the info and a volunteer application for a local domestic abuse/violence program. None of this is right.

                EDIT: Mods, I apologize if this breaks any of the rules. That wasn't what I meant to do.

                *hugs thread, TH, and Sedge* It's nice to know there are decent people in this world. Thank you all for being here and being so supportive of the people who traipse (or even painfully drag themselves) thorugh here on their way through life. I know someone who once told me something. She believes that everybody meets everybody they do for a reason. We were all meant to affect each other in one way or another.
                Yeah, I saw that the other day. I hope it's satire. If not, that writer has some serious problems.



                  Originally posted by AngelmaOwl View Post
                  I don't really mean to be a downer, but this sort of thing just... GAH!!!
                  ***TRIGGER WARNING***

                  This was an opinion article written by a man who is on the newspaper staff at CCSU:

                  "Rape Only Hurts If You Fight It"

                  Most people today would claim that rape is a terrible crime almost akin to murder, but I strongly disagree. Far from a vile act, rape is a magical experience that benifits society as a whole. I realize many of you will disagree with this thesis, but lend me your ears and I'm sure I'll sway you towards a darkened alley.

                  If it weren't for rape, Western Civilization might not exist as we know it today. When the Romans were faced with a disproportionate ratio of women to men in the early kingdom, they had to do something, lest their flidgling society die for lack of sons. To solvetheir little dilemma, they did what any reasonable man would do: they threw a festival for their little dilemma, they threw a festival for their Sabine neighbors, and then stole and raped their women. It's quite logical; in fact I don't understand why the settlers at Plymoth didn't do the same to the local Indians--it certainly would have saved on shipping costs.

                  Obviously, in the case of the Rape of the Sabines, rape was a tremendous help to society. The Sabine women, for their part, didn't seem to mind so much, as they threw themselves between their brutish old Sabine husbands and their charming new Roman ones to prevent bloodshed when the Sabine men came to relaim their wives. Yet even when society was totally against a rape, the raunchy act has benifited society too. Where would the Romans be, after all, if it weren't for the Rape of the Lucretia infuriating the people to the point of overthrowing their last king, Lucius Tarpuinius Superbus? If it weren't for that event, the world might have never had the Roman Republic for a pristine example of a flawless government.

                  Rapes glorious advantages are not, however, exclusively found from 2,000 year old examples. In actuality rape advantages can very much be seen today. Take ugly women for example. If it wern't for rape, how would they ever know the joys of intercourse with a man who isn't drunk. In a society as plastic-conscious as our own we are really to believe that some man would ever sleep with a girl resembling a wildebeest if he didn't have a few schnapps in him? Of course he wouldn't--atleast no self-respecting man would--but there in lies the beauty of rape. No self respecting man would rape in the first palce, so ugly women are guarenteed a romp with not only a sober man, but a bad boy too; and we all know how much ladies like the bad boy.

                  Ugly women are not, however, the only people who benifit from rape--prisoners enjoy as many perks too. What, after all, could be possibly be more boring than spending years of your life confined to some tiny cell 23 hours a day? Then answer, of course, is spending years of your life confined to some tiny cell 23 hours a day and never getting some hot action. With rape, prisoners never have to worry about that. Instead, they merely need worry about treating their rapist with enough love and respect to earn a quick reach-around.

                  But if there is one bread and butter reason for why rape should not only be accepted, but even endorsed, it is because our news editors are in dire need of interesting stories for our front page. Bookstore stories? Fossils? One dollar coins? Please. Now, some saucy circle-jerk rape action? Yeah, that's the ticket.

                  This is just sick and wrong. It was posted the other day on this livejournal

                  Anyway, since this is still off topic, I just printed out half the info and a volunteer application for a local domestic abuse/violence program. None of this is right.

                  EDIT: Mods, I apologize if this breaks any of the rules. That wasn't what I meant to do.

                  *hugs thread, TH, and Sedge* It's nice to know there are decent people in this world. Thank you all for being here and being so supportive of the people who traipse (or even painfully drag themselves) thorugh here on their way through life. I know someone who once told me something. She believes that everybody meets everybody they do for a reason. We were all meant to affect each other in one way or another.

                  Thats a lovely thought


                    Yep, I believe Glinda and Elphie said it best:

                    "I don't know if I have been changed for the better, but because I knew you, I have been changed for good."


                      Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                      Yep, I believe Glinda and Elphie said it best:

                      "I don't know if I have been changed for the better, but because I knew you, I have been changed for good."

                      You have me there. They may have been the ones to say it best. (Did I forget to mention that this friend is a MASSIVE Wizard of Oz fan and is so desprate to see Wicked, I'm trying to get the touring troupe to come up closer to home to do a preformance?)

                      Sig by sofie


                        Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                        Yep, I believe Glinda and Elphie said it best:

                        "I don't know if I have been changed for the better, but because I knew you, I have been changed for good."

                        WORD! I think when we met some people, we just change for the better or just for good, and sometimes without even us noticing.

                        I still think about what Torri said last year and I love going back and re-read it from time to time. She's so right...


                          Good Morning My Fellow...torri fans.. game piclet!

                          Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                          Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                            Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
                            Good Morning My Fellow...torri fans.. game piclet!

                            Nice to see you Most of the regulars are here on and off


                              Originally posted by peterl View Post
                              Nice to see you Most of the regulars are here on and off

                              Pretty piclet--

                              I love that picture. She looks so delicate.


                                Originally posted by Trialia View Post
                                Pretty piclet--

                                I love that picture. She looks so delicate.
                                That's immediately what I thought while looking at the pic!

