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The John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Galleria Haven Thread (Picture & Artwork heavy)

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    Pocus, from the JF/JS thread let me snag this. I thought I'd share. It's from The Other Sister.


      A little late with the replys, but...
      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      Ok Camy, This is for the football challenge. It's pretty small and I don't know if I should post on FF, but I hope you like it.


      Football Lesson

      John convinces Teyla to sit with him to watch football and he even pops her some popcorn. He could see that it wasn’t something she really wanted to do. “Is something the matter Teyla?” he asks.

      Teyla looks at him to and chooses her words carefully; “I thought you liked watching this with Ronon?”

      “Well…. yes I do, but he really doesn’t like watching it either. He said for me to tell you that since you got out of playing golf it’s your turn to watch football,” he says with a smirk. “What is it that you don’t like about the game?”

      “Well to be honest, I do not understand why they have to chance one person to get a ball,” she confesses.

      “It’s for the fun,” he says with excitement, but he can see that she is still confused. He looks around, sees a small pillow and picks it up. “Ok, let me try to explain about it being fun. I’ll throw this pillow to you and you have to catch it. I know it’s a small room, but once you have the ball…uh.. pillow, you need to run and keep it away from me. My job is to stop you or tackle and to keep you from getting to far down the field and scoring. Are you ready?”

      Teyla nods her head yes and catches the pillow and starts to run around the room. As John starts chasing her she can’t stop laughing as he attempts several times to stop her. She eventually trips and he tackles her to the floor.

      “See what I mean about it being fun?” he says as he tries to catch his breath.

      Teyla rolls over and she is still laughing, “Yes, I do understand.”

      She wasn’t even aware of how close he was to her until she started to gaze into his eyes. They grew silent as he returns her look. All laughter disappears and they slowly begin to kiss. Time seems to stay still for Teyla as she savors the moment she was experiencing. John slowly pulls away and sits next to Teyla and she sits up as well.

      “I do not believe that they do this in football,” she says with a smile.

      “No… I guess not, but it was fun,” he replies with a satisfying grin.

      The End
      This was great scifan!!!

      Camy, Blue and Scifan-Lovely walls!!!

      Sig by Cazzblade


        Originally posted by Spectrum View Post
        A little late with the replys, but...

        This was great scifan!!!

        Camy, Blue and Scifan-Lovely walls!!!

        Thanks Spectrum on both.


          I'm gonna have to try and invest in a better editting program. It was so dark and I had trouble erasing some areas. Sorry, but I thought you might like.


          Last edited by scifan; 06 July 2007, 06:10 PM.


            I just saw this on JM"S blog.

            BREAKING NEWS - Just got off the phone with Nora O’Brien who has informed me that Sci Fi will be running a special sneak peek of Atlantis season 4 (what they’re referring to as an extended trailer) during Eureka, either this Tuesday or next. Spread the word and I’ll get back to you with further information as it becomes available. I’ve yet to see the trailer myself but when I do, I’ll make it a point to list all of the episodes touched upon and allow you to play mix and match with the clips.


              i just wanted to post this i made its not that good as i was trying to experiment and that is all i could come up with
              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                i just wanted to post this i made its not that good as i was trying to experiment and that is all i could come up with

                Hola Ladies...

                I"m in a hurry so I"m only bumping this thread up to the top again....more challenges will come soon..I"ve been so busy since Mr. Camy got back. I think I"m going through some withdrawal symptoms. I"ve also started reading novels something I simply just don't do. And I actually read an entire book in two nights...that's how good it was....LOL

                Sad thing is that all I could think of was John and Teyla. The main character was very similar to John....ah!


                Summer Fling!


                  It took me awhile to figure how to use it Donna, but here's my first JT sig using both mine and the link you gave me. Thanks Donna.
                  The more I had to shrink it the more distorted it got. Ugh!!!

                  Camy, I'll try to think of something for challenge later.
                  Last edited by scifan; 08 July 2007, 06:51 AM.


                    Hello everyone!

                    I've never posted any artwork here before, but I drew this today and thought I'd put it here as well as the JT threat where I usually hang out!

                    The composition is shaky at best and I haven't sketched anything in a very long time, so please be gentle!



                    Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                      Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                      Hello everyone!

                      I've never posted any artwork here before, but I drew this today and thought I'd put it here as well as the JT threat where I usually hang out!

                      The composition is shaky at best and I haven't sketched anything in a very long time, so please be gentle!


                      Very nice Ruby. Only if were true!!! It would be absolutely brillian!
                      sig by Sci!

                      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                        Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                        Hello everyone!

                        I've never posted any artwork here before, but I drew this today and thought I'd put it here as well as the JT threat where I usually hang out!

                        The composition is shaky at best and I haven't sketched anything in a very long time, so please be gentle!


                        yeah very nice i think it is very pretty you do a great job oh and i think the wristband on John was the best totally added to the flare of John , i am sure it will be true ??
                        May the odds be ever in your Favor ! oh and please say hello to me on Skype and Facebook


                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          It took me awhile to figure how to use it Donna, but here's my first JT sig using both mine and the link you gave me. Thanks Donna.
                          The more I had to shrink it the more distorted it got. Ugh!!!

                          Camy, I'll try to think of something for challenge later.
                          Lea theres nothing wrong with it youll have to teach me to do mine like that as im absolutley hopeless
                          Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                            Scifan....Dang it are getting sooo good at this....Okay....the second one it too big for this forum...actually I don't think it can be used in any forum for a sig cause the other forums I"ve seen only accept smaller sigs...the limit for GW is 700 x 200.

                            But this is gorgeous!

                            It took me a long time to figure out how to do this without distorting the picture. Many times I can't turn wallies into sigs or icons because of it. You have to keep playing with it and sometimes even cut part of the picture so that you don't distort the picture itself when shrinking the whole thing.

                            What I've done is that in some wallies you can see the entire picture but in the sig you see that their heads had to be cut or something like that...but it still maintains the look of the sig and that's what's important instead of distorting the picture entirely. I hope that makes sense to you....LOL...I"ve also find it with my program anyways that when I shrink or enlarge, it does take away from the resolution so I either have to sharpen it more or soften me, it's a learning process. I still have to give you those links to the texture sites, Scifan..I haven't forgotten. RL has simply taken over at the moment!

                            Anywho, I"m very sad because my colleagues in the John and Teyla Awards have mentioned that so far there hasn't been that many nominations...I find that so hard to believe with all the wonderful things that we have here and around the, here is a simpler version of the instruction to the Awards, and remember that you have until this Friday for nominations.

                            You don't need to have a livejournal account to do this....

                            Three easy steps to nominating in the John/Teyla Awards

                            1. Click on the fanwork category you wish to nominate for:
                            Artwork: Best J/T Banner or Signature
                            Artwork: Best J/T Manipulation
                            Artwork: Best J/T Wallpaper
                            Artwork: Best J/T Icon
                            Artwork: Best J/T Drawing

                            Video: Best J/T Short Music Video
                            Video: Best J/T Romantic Music Video
                            Video: Best J/T Action Music Video
                            Video: Best J/T Special Effects Music Video
                            Video: Best J/T Episodic Music Video
                            Video: Best J/T Seasonal Music Video

                            Fanfic: Best J/T Ficlet or Drabble
                            Fanfic: Best J/T Episode Tag or Missing Scene
                            Fanfic: Best J/T General or Other
                            Fanfic: Best J/T Romance or Fluff
                            Fanfic: Best J/T Drama or Angst
                            Fanfic: Best J/T Multi-Part Story or Novel

                            2. Copy and paste in this text:
                            *Your name:
                            *Your email:

                            *what you are nominating:
                            *who created it/produced it:
                            email of the creator/producer:

                            And fill in your name, your email, the work you are nominating for this category, the person who created it, their email and any comments.

                            3. Hit the button at the bottom which reads 'Post Comment'.

                            It's done!


                            If you want to nominate a moment in the show:

                            1. Click on the category you wish to nominate for:
                            Best J/T Episode
                            Best J/T Argument or Disagreement
                            Best J/T Emotional Moment or Heartfelt Discussion
                            Best J/T Whumpage or Fight
                            Funniest J/T Moment
                            Saddest J/T Moment

                            2. Copy and past in this text:
                            *Your name:
                            *Your email:

                            *SGA Season:
                            *SGA Episode:
                            *Description of scene:

                            And fill in your name, your email, the scene you are nominating for this category, the season and episode, and any comments about the scene.

                            3. Hit the button below the entry box which reads 'Post Comment'.

                            It's done!

                            The posting form for the awards:


                              Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                              Hello everyone!

                              I've never posted any artwork here before, but I drew this today and thought I'd put it here as well as the JT threat where I usually hang out!

                              The composition is shaky at best and I haven't sketched anything in a very long time, so please be gentle!


                              Aw...if only! How adorable!


                                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                                Scifan....Dang it are getting sooo good at this....Okay....the second one it too big for this forum...actually I don't think it can be used in any forum for a sig cause the other forums I"ve seen only accept smaller sigs...the limit for GW is 700 x 200.

                                But this is gorgeous!

                                It took me a long time to figure out how to do this without distorting the picture. Many times I can't turn wallies into sigs or icons because of it. You have to keep playing with it and sometimes even cut part of the picture so that you don't distort the picture itself when shrinking the whole thing.

                                What I've done is that in some wallies you can see the entire picture but in the sig you see that their heads had to be cut or something like that...but it still maintains the look of the sig and that's what's important instead of distorting the picture entirely. I hope that makes sense to you....LOL...I"ve also find it with my program anyways that when I shrink or enlarge, it does take away from the resolution so I either have to sharpen it more or soften me, it's a learning process. I still have to give you those links to the texture sites, Scifan..I haven't forgotten. RL has simply taken over at the moment!

                                Anywho, I"m very sad because my colleagues in the John and Teyla Awards have mentioned that so far there hasn't been that many nominations...I find that so hard to believe with all the wonderful things that we have here and around the, here is a simpler version of the instruction to the Awards, and remember that you have until this Friday for nominations.

                                You don't need to have a livejournal account to do this....

                                Three easy steps to nominating in the John/Teyla Awards

                                1. Click on the fanwork category you wish to nominate for:
                                Artwork: Best J/T Banner or Signature
                                Artwork: Best J/T Manipulation
                                Artwork: Best J/T Wallpaper
                                Artwork: Best J/T Icon
                                Artwork: Best J/T Drawing

                                Video: Best J/T Short Music Video
                                Video: Best J/T Romantic Music Video
                                Video: Best J/T Action Music Video
                                Video: Best J/T Special Effects Music Video
                                Video: Best J/T Episodic Music Video
                                Video: Best J/T Seasonal Music Video

                                Fanfic: Best J/T Ficlet or Drabble
                                Fanfic: Best J/T Episode Tag or Missing Scene
                                Fanfic: Best J/T General or Other
                                Fanfic: Best J/T Romance or Fluff
                                Fanfic: Best J/T Drama or Angst
                                Fanfic: Best J/T Multi-Part Story or Novel

                                2. Copy and paste in this text:
                                *Your name:
                                *Your email:

                                *what you are nominating:
                                *who created it/produced it:
                                email of the creator/producer:

                                And fill in your name, your email, the work you are nominating for this category, the person who created it, their email and any comments.

                                3. Hit the button at the bottom which reads 'Post Comment'.

                                It's done!


                                If you want to nominate a moment in the show:

                                1. Click on the category you wish to nominate for:
                                Best J/T Episode
                                Best J/T Argument or Disagreement
                                Best J/T Emotional Moment or Heartfelt Discussion
                                Best J/T Whumpage or Fight
                                Funniest J/T Moment
                                Saddest J/T Moment

                                2. Copy and past in this text:
                                *Your name:
                                *Your email:

                                *SGA Season:
                                *SGA Episode:
                                *Description of scene:

                                And fill in your name, your email, the scene you are nominating for this category, the season and episode, and any comments about the scene.

                                3. Hit the button below the entry box which reads 'Post Comment'.

                                It's done!

                                The posting form for the awards:
                                I know what you mean about sigs. It does that to me too. It drives me nuts. Also any hint on editting around a person to paste in front of something is much appreciated. I've been doing it free hand, but lot of time it looks crappy or I didn't get close enough and some of the original pic is showing, and so on. I hope you understand what I mean. LOL

                                Camy, I've done some noms, but I have a few questions. How can we view what we've nominated and also when nominating something is it just 3 nom per catagory or per subcatagory?

