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The John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Galleria Haven Thread (Picture & Artwork heavy)

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    nice sigs annie you are so talented
    Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


      BP..this is a great discussion and we should probably headed over to the Discussion thread...but I agree..Weir is very inconsistent at times and her reactions can certainly be interpreted as one having a minor crush on John...I thought if she wasn't his supervisor maybe, she'd make the move, but wait till you see Return Part 1 and then you will see what I mean...did you see that one did right?

      So, why didn't she return or mingle with the others and if she liked John so much, why didn't she do something...assuming that John was even one of the ones that was calling her...clearly after the convo with Carson, she wasn't returning anyone's call..and the way she spoke with John at dinner only verified even more that she sees him as a little boy that needs rescuing from himself....Yeah, there are times where I shake my head and say, huh? That looks like..hmmm...but then you see the entire episode and you see that Weir is one that likes older more serious kind of I really think she would go for O'Neill..I really liked that idea....

      Season 3 overall was very heavily JT for have tons of episodes where you have them either together or conversing and just showing a lot of personal and private emotions...yeah, you are soooo going to love the second half..I can't wait to read your reports...I"m sure you will see and find things that I totally missed!

      Great points BP!


        CHALLENGE! Choose a phrase or a paragraph of a song and make a JT wallie or sig to coincide with it!


          November JT Calendar...One more and I"m done! wooohoooo!



            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            CHALLENGE! Choose a phrase or a paragraph of a song and make a JT wallie or sig to coincide with it!
            Already done that! So I'll repost it, cause I'm too lazy to do it over again! YAY! Haha! Wall and Sig! Have a good night everyone!

            Song is Stolen by Dashboard Confession. One of my most favorite songs!
            Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


              Leigh, you posted that before, here?

              Never saw it...or don't remember it! It's gorgeous! thanks for reposting it! LOVE IT!


                Originally posted by Black Panther View Post
                I am a bit uncertain where I should post this, but since this has quite a few pictures to it I think I should probably post it here. I was watching Misbegotten and when I reached the whole team is reunited scene it got me thinking. I know this scene is mainly looked upon as a shweir scene, but personally I find it to be a multi-ship scene. John and Elizabeth may have been put in the forefront but all major ships, except for maybe spanky, were portrayed in this scene. Personally I think this scene supports our pair more than any other ship. So here is the scene from my perspective as the Royal Shippy Recorder. Shown mainly through pics because a pic is worth a thousand words.

                The scene starts out typical enough. Everyone is sitting in the meeting room and Elizabeth seems to be giving a "It is great to be together again" speech.

                Elizabeth: We've all logged more than a few miles these past few weeks.

                She then looks at John.

                This is the team's reaction to this. Watch Teyla and if you also ship mcweir check out Rodney. Love the way Teyla looks at John and raises her brows. Ronon looks shocked.

                The camera goes back to Elizabeth who is looking at the team as a whole again. Elizabeth: I'd just like to say that seeing you now sitting across from me, looking at you faces... Elizabeth smiles.

                She then stares completely at John.

                John and Rodney's reaction to this.

                Elizabeth: makes me feel very...

                Elizabeth's emotions are running so high she has to look away.

                Everyone's reaction to this. John, Teyla, and Rodney's are the most interesting. Though Ronon looks as if he is amused by what's going on.

                John: You don't have to say it.

                The rest of the team's reaction to this. Teyla and Rodney's reaction are the most telling. Ronon still looks amused.

                Teyla: We feel the same way you do. Teyla seems to be trying to soothe any sting John's words may have caused. I have to point out Rodney's expression.

                The rest of the teams reaction to this. John and Rodney are the most expressive. I feel sorry for Elizabeth, if she likes John, but I can't help laughing when I see his face. Ronon looks like he is about to laugh.

                Rodney cracks a joke to lighten the mood. Rodney: Oh?!

                Rodney: She feels hungry too? And it works! Teyla is smiling, Ronon's attention is completely on Rodney, and John breathes a sigh of relief.

                Even Elizabeth is throughly amused.

                Rodney can't help smiling when he sees her face.

                So in conclusion... Elizabeth has feelings for John. John isn't interested. Rodney has feelings for Elizabeth. Elizabeth most likely isn't aware Rodney likes her. Teyla has feelings for John, but she also is friends with Elizabeth so she is torn on how to react. That is what I get from this scene.
                awww that is so funny!! I never saw it that way. but taking a closer look its so funny with their facial reactions and the way Ronon seems to be amused that whole time while Teyla, Rodney, and Shep all have funny faces goin on. Nice work with the caps.
                part of:
                Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                  Originally posted by Camy View Post
                  Leigh, you posted that before, here?

                  Never saw it...or don't remember it! It's gorgeous! thanks for reposting it! LOVE IT!
                  Uh yeah I did. I really liked it, but it didn't get much response. I think one maybe two people commented on it. So I guess it turns out my quasi cheating wasn't for nothing...haha! Glad ya like it this time around!
                  Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                    Sorry, hon...sometimes I just fly by in my witchy broom and miss a couple of things! You mind is racing with so many things....LOL...and my eyes sometimes can't keep up with the rest of me!

                    It is beautiful!


                      tsk tsk tsk...Camy now i know where my broom has disappeared to...

                      Annie, those sigs are beautiful!. Leigh I think i remeber seeing those before but seeing them again is just as good.

                      BP..*huggles*'s been so long since we've had evidence presented in such an indepth way. I gotta say I kind of came out of that scene with the same conclusions.

                      Camy, i'll post my caps for 'intruder' [that's the episode i had to do right?] computer has been acting stupid lately, i think i might have to wipe out the whole system and reload everything....*sobs*...

                      R.I.P Wraithlord

                      Awesome sig by SciFan


                        Camy I have watched The Return Part 1. I came to the same conclusion you did when I saw that ep. Though because of the inconsistency with which she is written I find myself changing my opinion about how she feels about John with nearly every other ep. That is until I get tired of trying to figure it out and decide to just enjoy my favorite couple.

                        Sheylafan Glad I was able to amuse you! It is an amusing scene when examined closely. With all the funny faces Teyla, Rodney, and John make!

                        Witchy! *huggles back*.... Glad you enjoyed my post. I can't wait for the second half of the season to air so I can do more of these. I guess in the meantime I will just have to amuse myself with re watching older eps and trying to think up new ideas for vids.


                          No, no Witchy....AG made me one, I think!

                          Oy, I know what that feels like...thank goodness I didn't have to do that to my computer...but I hate it when things go bad....*sighs*

                          No worries hon..if you want I can cap Intruder and you can do the next one whenever you are's up to you...but the threads have been so dead lately!

                          BP...I know what you mean....season 2 did that for me for Weir...she as all over the place...but Season 3...I saw a difference there...and even if we do find out that she has some feelings for will see in Sunday how she won't go any further......just reconfirms what we've all been saying....


                            LOST ..... Wallie...



                              Blue, that is gorgeous! I love the coloring and the effect!

                              And now, Intruder...Witchy I hope you don't mind that I went ahead and capped these...I went nuts with this little scene cause, well....I'm that way! It's interesting the it! and since I have frame by frame feature in my screencapture, I was able to get a lot of them....*sighs*

                              While everyone is focused on just going up the stairs, John is the only one who's glance is totally and concentrated on the control room! and we know who's waiting for him up there!
                              I just hope photobucket doesn't shrink them's my first attempt...



                                by the way some of these or most of these I should say I enhanced a bit...just to make them more clear since the episode is somewhat dark in these scenes....all caps are mine!

                                I love the smile that she has on her face...and one thing that I find very interesting too is that she welcomes everyone by name and the last one she glances and welcomes is John and of course, she emphasises on his it! It's like both of them have missed one another and this is the way that they wanted to welcome one another...John clearly going up the stairs anxiously to come back and see her and Teyla just looking to see him and finally finding a reason to show her excitement but with an alternate excuse as a backup! At least that's how I see it! LOL


