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The John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Galleria Haven Thread (Picture & Artwork heavy)

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    Originally posted by donna booth View Post
    lol thanks eg
    heres another one i made


      I made these for Hope24....








        You are so talented with making banners...I always love them


          Originally posted by Camy View Post
          I made these for Hope24....










          Ooh very pretty
          Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


            Originally posted by TeylaJohn4ever View Post
            It's great!
            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            Uh, no is NOT!
            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            Aww Thanks Camy and Tj
            Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


              Camy, you know I'm love with them

              New walli from me...



                Love them Camy!
                Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                  Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                  Camy, you know I'm love with them

                  New walli from me...

                  Love this!
                  Banner By Orangelusik!


                    I haven't done one of these in while, so here is 5.3 Broken Ties. Lots of Teyla in this one. And I love how the transcript said "Yet another Alien planet" at one point for the scene description. I had to laugh at that.

                    Broken Ties
                    TEYLA: Not much, I'm afraid, although things are a little easier now that Kanaan's request has been granted and he's been allowed to return from the mainland.
                    TEYLA: He's happy to be reunited with Torren and I but he's having difficulty adjusting to life in Atlantis.
                    TEYLA: And you once stunned Doctor Garrett at your own surprise birthday party.
                    TEYLA: Uh-huh! It's difficult for Kanaan. He has Torren and me, of course, but I still think he feels isolated.
                    TEYLA: Thank you(!) That's very kind of you, but I need him in one piece for the foreseeable future!
                    TEYLA: Ronon!
                    TEYLA: Tyre!

                    SHEPPARD: That means he's still alive.
                    SHEPPARD: If Tyre wanted him dead, we would have found the body.

                    TEYLA: And yet he didn't kill me. It would have been safer for him to leave no witnesses, so perhaps -- despite what the Wraith did to him -- Tyre still possesses his Satedan sense of honour.

                    SHEPPARD: We can use that "Satedan sense of honour" to help us find Ronon.
                    SHEPPARD: We get a Satedan to help us.
                    SHEPPARD: Teyla know where one is.

                    TEYLA: Solen Sincha.
                    TEYLA: He is a survivor of the Wraith attack on Sateda. Ronon and I encountered him on a trade mission to Belkan two years ago.

                    SHEPPARD: There's only one way to find out.
                    SHEPPARD: Mr Woolsey, permission to go off-world?
                    SHEPPARD: Great!
                    SHEPPARD: Of course she'll be returning, right? (He looks at Teyla expectantly.)

                    TEYLA: I have yet to make a decision about my future with the team.

                    SHEPPARD (surprised): Oh! Well, OK.

                    TEYLA (turning to Woolsey): However, I would still like to accompany Colonel Sheppard and Doctor McKay to Belkan.

                    TEYLA: Solen Sincha?

                    SHEPPARD: We need your help.

                    TEYLA: He was abducted by a fellow Satedan -- a Wraith worshipper by the name of Tyre.
                    TEYLA: He was once a proud Satedan, not unlike yourself. He was subjected to unimaginable torture. Perhaps he had no choice.

                    SHEPPARD: Any idea where we can find him?
                    SHEPPARD: All right. Tyre's not thinking straight, right?
                    SHEPPARD: So it's probably just a matter of time before he slips up, and when he does, I'm assuming your leads will hear about it.
                    SHEPPARD: So what do you say you contact us when you hear something, we'll deal with Tyre and save you the trip?

                    TEYLA: Mr Woolsey.
                    TEYLA: Not yet.
                    TEYLA: Yes, he did.
                    TEYLA: I wanted to apologise for not having come to you sooner with a decision regarding my position on the Colonel's team.
                    TEYLA: Oh. Mr Woolsey, do you have children?
                    TEYLA: Ah.
                    TEYLA: Then, with all due respect, you may not understand how difficult this is for me. For most of my life, I never imagined the possibility of leaving my people, not even for a moment, and then circumstances changed. And after realising a far more important role on Colonel Sheppard's team, I never imagined the day would come when I would have to let it go. Now here that day is.
                    TEYLA (thoughtfully): And sometimes they don't.
                    TEYLA (smiling): Yes. Of course he will. Thank you, Mr Woolsey.

                    SHEPPARD: It's ten a.m.
                    SHEPPARD: You got anything?
                    SHEPPARD: Bathing?
                    SHEPPARD: You mean the Greek scientist who had a crush on Teyla?
                    SHEPPARD: You think we've overlooked something?
                    SHEPPARD: I'm not takin' a bath with you.
                    SHEPPARD: According to Solen, Tyre's on the run, and we can assume he's operating alone because if he had back-up, they would've been in on the ambush.
                    SHEPPARD: What?
                    SHEPPARD: Major, get your team and gear up.
                    SHEPPARD: We'll get him.
                    SHEPPARD: Nothing.
                    SHEPPARD: Good question.
                    SHEPPARD: Meaning ...?
                    SHEPPARD: I need you to save him, Doc. Right now, he's our only lead. If he dies, our chances of finding Ronon go with him.

                    TEYLA: John. Why wasn't I informed about the mission to rescue Ronon?

                    SHEPPARD: We were playing on a hunch. We had to act fast.

                    TEYLA: I'm surprised that you would be so quick to move forward without me.

                    SHEPPARD: Don't put this on me. You're the one having second thoughts about returning to the team. I cannot give you the option every time we're going off-world.

                    TEYLA: This is not an easy decision for me.

                    SHEPPARD: You think you're the only one feeling pressure? I've got Woolsey pushing me hard to find a replacement for you.

                    TEYLA: What did you tell him?

                    SHEPPARD: I told him that I wasn't gonna do anything until I talked to you. Now, if you wanna join the team, great. I'll call Woolsey, I'll make it happen. But if you wanna spend time with your son, I understand. I do, I really do. You've gotta make a decision.
                    SHEPPARD: How long's it gonna take him to go through this?
                    SHEPPARD: I want this to go as quick as possible. No sedatives.

                    KANAAN (whispering): He's already sleeping?!
                    KANAAN (whispering): Why does it take so much longer when I try to put him down?
                    TEYLA (whispering): You worry too much. Perhaps he senses your anxiety.
                    KANAAN: Or maybe he prefers the comfort of his mother's presence.
                    TEYLA: Well, there may be times when he will have to learn to do without.
                    KANAAN: Does that mean you've decided?
                    TEYLA: I thought so. How can I return to the team with the knowledge that every time I step through the Gate, there is a chance that I might not come back? That, given the dangers, there is a possibility that our son will grow up without a mother?
                    KANAAN: You have a responsibility to him, but you also have a responsibility to the people of this galaxy.
                    KANAAN: Follow your heart without remorse and take comfort in knowing that you'll be doing so to safeguard the future of many, including your son. Just promise me you'll be careful out there.

                    SHEPPARD: What'd he say?
                    SHEPPARD: Can you give us a Gate address?
                    SHEPPARD: Well, you're still recovering.
                    SHEPPARD: That's not the point.
                    SHEPPARD: He seems rational. Says he wants to help us.
                    SHEPPARD: Well, if you wanna hit that Wraith facility, we're gonna need all the help we can get, and apparently he knows that place inside and out.
                    SHEPPARD: All right, all right, look. I think as much as he'd like us to believe it, this is not about regaining some lost honour or some Satedan revenge thing. Pure and simple, this is about a desperate guy who is willing to do anything to help his buddy.
                    SHEPPARD: Because I've been there. Now, we have a chance to get Ronon, and I'm gonna take it, and you're gonna need to trust me on this.

                    TEYLA: What is it? What's happening?

                    SHEPPARD: We know where Ronon is.

                    TEYLA: I'm coming with you!

                    SHEPPARD: Gear up.

                    WOOLSEY: Uh, Teyla, this is exactly the kind of decision we were discussing ...
                    TEYLA (talking over him): I was just about to meet Kanaan in the cafeteria. Would you please explain to him the situation?
                    TEYLA: Please!
                    WOOLSEY: All right.
                    WOOLSEY: Well, well, well! Who have we here?!
                    WOOLSEY: Cafeteria. Cafeteria!

                    TEYLA: What is this place?

                    SHEPPARD: Let's go.
                    SHEPPARD: Well ...
                    SHEPPARD: ... just flip, and click.
                    SHEPPARD: Ronon!
                    SHEPPARD: What's going on, buddy?
                    SHEPPARD (aiming his rifle at it): Ronon, get out of the way.
                    SHEPPARD: Ronon. Step aside.

                    TYRE: His life won't be the only one forfeit.
                    TEYLA: Tyre!
                    TYRE: Lower your weapons.

                    SHEPPARD: Ronon, what's happening here?

                    TEYLA: Ronon!

                    SHEPPARD: We're gonna get out of here.
                    SHEPPARD: We're gonna get Ronon and we're gonna go back to Atlantis.
                    SHEPPARD: We're going to get Ronon back.
                    SHEPPARD: Well, I can only think of three things wrong with that plan, but go on.
                    SHEPPARD: That's your worst case scenario?
                    SHEPPARD: No, no, I think I'm good. (He turns to Tyre.) Guess it's my turn for the sales pitch, huh?
                    SHEPPARD: You know, what'd be really creepy and unexpected is if you knelt instead.
                    SHEPPARD (painfully): I guess not. All right, I'll try and make it work.
                    SHEPPARD: Ronon, I really need you to snap out of it about now.

                    TEYLA: Go, go, go!

                    SHEPPARD: How's it going?
                    SHEPPARD: Give me that.
                    SHEPPARD: Tell them to back off.
                    SHEPPARD: Tell them to let us through.

                    TEYLA: Tyre?

                    SHEPPARD: Let's go!
                    SHEPPARD (over radio): We're clear!
                    SHEPPARD: I'm gonna talk to him.
                    SHEPPARD: Open it.
                    SHEPPARD: "Buddy"?
                    SHEPPARD: As long as it takes to clear your head.
                    SHEPPARD: You may be feeling fine right now, but things are gonna get pretty rough for you. We're gonna get you through this.
                    SHEPPARD: Tyre's dead.
                    SHEPPARD: He sacrificed himself taking out the Wraith lab.
                    SHEPPARD: No, he was a good friend. We all are. You're gonna realise that pretty soon.

                    TEYLA: Uh, John. May I have a word?
                    SHEPPARD: Yeah, sure.

                    WOOLSEY: Teyla. Come in.
                    TEYLA: I thought you said you were changing into something more relaxed.
                    WOOLSEY: For me, this is more relaxed. Can I offer you a drink?
                    TEYLA: No, thank you. I just spoke with John and now I would like to make it official. I'm requesting a return to active duty. I would like to resume my position on Colonel Sheppard's team.
                    WOOLSEY: You're sure this is what you want?
                    TEYLA: Very much so.
                    WOOLSEY: Well, then. (He raises his glass to her.) Welcome back.
                    TEYLA (smiling): Thank you, Mr Woolsey. Good night.
                    WOOLSEY: Good night.
                    Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                      Here is a Wallie and Banner i made

                      Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                        Aaaawwww. DONNA... you make me cry. Thta's so beautiful.

                        I did a John Vegas walli I just want to show you...


                          Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                          Aaaawwww. DONNA... you make me cry. Thta's so beautiful.

                          I did a John Vegas walli I just want to show you...
                          *iz dead*
                          What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                            Welcome to my world.

                            Or the land of the dead?


                              thanks everyone!!

                              Donna, I second with Luci....that watered my eyes..

                              Luci, I LOVE them both!


                                Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                                Aaaawwww. DONNA... you make me cry. Thta's so beautiful.

                                I did a John Vegas walli I just want to show you...
                                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                                thanks everyone!!

                                Donna, I second with Luci....that watered my eyes..

                                Luci, I LOVE them both!
                                aww thanks guys
                                Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana

