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The John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Galleria Haven Thread (Picture & Artwork heavy)

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    Here's a sig...and my first wall from that cap...Thanks to the lovely Wikked! woohooo! Loving it!




      hey camy love your wallies hun ive saved the second one as the background on my computer thats why i love this couple so much you can all make the best pics and wallpapers of them and they always look ace anyway hun won't be on the thread after tues as it is my birthday and im off to las vegas as a birthday treat but im so looking forward to coming back home to catch up on the thread about my fave couple cya next week
      Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


        Camy - They are much beautiful work here with the wonderful couple...
        Sigs by Scifan


          Thanks Nina and Donna....I"m just having fun with these caps....they are so gorgeous! I love every scene with them together and even when they are apart....LOL....if that makes any sense...anywho...I'm trying to find something new....some new style or something...and I"m fooling bare with me...cause I"m just going to post some that are good and maybe others that are not as good....LOL

          These were actually a fluke cause I was working on my Ronon one and it didn't quite back to the drawing board but as I was deleting everything this came VOILA!
          If any of you really like one of these and want me to add some writing, let me know...I think I like the lighter one....Hmmm....
          anywho....two experiments.....I even called them experiement one and two...LOL

          so, whatcha it, love it, hate it, get rid of it!?

          Oy, I think I better go back to writing my fic....

          Donna, Happy B-day Hon! Have a great time in Las Vegas...Darn it, how come I don't get b-days like that?


            Wow! Guys! The artwork coming out of Sunday is FANTASTIC!
            Camy, loving your work as always- absolutely wonderful wallies!

            Bella, I really like your work! I'm a newbie(ish) so I haven't seen any of your artwork before and I have to say it's amazing, it really is.

            I only wish I could be half as good as you guys are.. Camy, Bella, AG, Witchy, Sheylafan, Wikkid, Everyone... you guys amaze me!

            Oh last, but most certainly not least, HAPPY B.DAY Donna! Hope you have fun in Vegas!

            Last edited by Just_breathing; 21 January 2007, 02:15 PM.
            Someone notices you. Someone somewhere notices you the second you walk into a room. Find them. Because they’re waiting for you. Waiting for you to turn your head, say hello, and make their day the way you’ve made every single one of theirs. Find them.


              Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
              Oh, Witchy!!! I absolutely love these!!! May I snurch one of your icons for my LJ? And if so, what's the right way to give you credit? I want to make sure I do it right! LOL! Thank you for the gorgeous art!!!!

              thanx...all i really think you've got to do that will be fine with me, is when you upload it to your icons sections, in the comment field i believe, you've just got to put by whichever lj user or who you got the icon from. That's credit enough for me.

              OMG...bella I love the Ronon, and Bates's like everyone on Atlantis is a sheyla shipper....

              Camy, you're wallies are so i've got to go change my background...*lol*...

              R.I.P Wraithlord

              Awesome sig by SciFan


                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                Here's a sig...and my first wall from that cap...Thanks to the lovely Wikked! woohooo! Loving it!


                I'm liking the soft/blurred look on these!
                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                These were actually a fluke cause I was working on my Ronon one and it didn't quite back to the drawing board but as I was deleting everything this came VOILA!
                If any of you really like one of these and want me to add some writing, let me know...I think I like the lighter one....Hmmm....
                anywho....two experiments.....I even called them experiement one and two...LOL

                so, whatcha it, love it, hate it, get rid of it!?



                Oy, I think I better go back to writing my fic....

                Donna, Happy B-day Hon! Have a great time in Las Vegas...Darn it, how come I don't get b-days like that?
                Experiments are good! I like both, but in the lighter one I notice J & T more and I like how the bright colors are still coming through around the edges. Saved it too!

                Now off to get some work done...unless I can find a puddle jumper that can go back in time to avoid Monday...

                Off to look for that PJ...
                Sig by Cazzblade


                  Thank you JB, Witchy and Spec....

                  Hey, we need some ideas on what to do for the month of February. February 14th is our big Party in which we are inviting all the communites and it will be all, whatcha have in mind...

                  Bella, email me, I think February and March will be good months to bring back the calendar since there won't be any new episodes airing again until April in the US...February could be a promising month if we plan it well....

                  wooohooo..I am still collecting my 1,000 icons!


                    PARTY!!!...woohoo!...I can just see all the pink and red...

                    as promised my men of sunday siggy...

                    has nothing to do with Shep and Teyla, so it's under the spoiler cut


                    icons first:

                    now siggy:

                    R.I.P Wraithlord

                    Awesome sig by SciFan


                      Originally posted by AthosianGirl View Post
                      I see that Ronon was a hit! Thanks for all the compliments guys!

                      And I am still on my Ronon/Sunday here are a couple more wallpapers...these two have the same theme and I even used the same caps but the second one I tweaked a little to change it!

                      Loss of Words

                      Not so lost for words
                      These are beautiful AG. Ronan is such a JT shipper.


                        Originally posted by Camy View Post
                        Made another one...

                        So much pretty. Wonderful.


                          Wikked, thank you, thank you, thank you so much for these!!!! I can't even begin to imagine how long this must have taken you! You're awesome! Thank you!!!
                          LoveConquers, AthosianGirl, Camy, Witchy, Just Breathing, NinaM, DonnaBooth, Spectrum, Cyn.

                          I am glad everyone seems to be enjoying the screencaps. I was kind worried that I was over doing it a bit.

                          As you can see I tend to go a little crazy when I cap J/T.


                            Originally posted by bella View Post
                            Wow AG, you're just getting better and better. And Wikked those animated icons are amazing (and the caps too).
                            Witchy, your Sunday art is going in my 'bloody brilliant' gallery. Camy your walls are beautiful.
                            And now I'm running out of words to describe how wonderful everyones work is. Smilies for everyone!

                            I've got my art mojo back! *hugs art mojo*

                            *Giggles.* I always knew that Bates was a Sheyla Shipper. And Ronan has been one since S2 but like some men its takes them awhile to admit to it.

                            Glad you got your art mojo back. Now if only mine would return.


                              Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
                              PARTY!!!...woohoo!...I can just see all the pink and red...

                              as promised my men of sunday siggy...

                              has nothing to do with Shep and Teyla, so it's under the spoiler cut


                              icons first:

                              now siggy:

                              Beautiful icons Witchy. And can I freely admit that I am drooling over the "Men of Sunday" banner. Pass the bucket please.


                                Wikked - Oh my I LOVE your sig..... an inredible emotional one... I may have thought Sunday being a sad and changing episode... but I just loved J/T in it...
                                And this sig of yours is so great...
                                Sigs by Scifan

