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Teyla Emmagan/Multiship Discussion/Appreciation

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    It cracks me up that Teyla could be so available to anyone...we could pair her up with almost anyone. *almost*

    And eventhough John and Teyla are my favorite, my new fave is Teyla/Cameron. It would be so cute! I have crazy plot bunny ideas now....
    I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing


      Originally posted by 4prettierships
      Haven't really heart anything about a specifically Teyla centric ep... However I was playing around with PS and I came up with a banner that works in with my last post. In Seige 2 Teyla was sparring with an athosian.. who just happens to be BamBam ... a new obsession of mine it seems ... haha but anyways, here's what I created....

      haha thats really cute... =P I love BamBam ... that man is AWESOME!! XD

      icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


        Did anyone else notice that at the end of McKay and Mrs. Miller

        Rodney said that it's "not exactly new" for Teyla to have the hots for a marine?! Maybe she's not as refrained and conservative as we're led to believe...I thought it was a great friendship scene, especially from Teyla's POV as we don't often see her laughing and joking


          Originally posted by purple_cube
          Did anyone else notice that at the end of McKay and Mrs. Miller

          Rodney said that it's "not exactly new" for Teyla to have the hots for a marine?! Maybe she's not as refrained and conservative as we're led to believe...I thought it was a great friendship scene, especially from Teyla's POV as we don't often see her laughing and joking
          yeah, I thought that was a nice touch actually. To see ALL THREE of the boys teasing her like brothers If she does get the hosts for new marines all the time, why don't we see any love interests for her?!?


            Originally posted by nebulan
            yeah, I thought that was a nice touch actually. To see ALL THREE of the boys teasing her like brothers If she does get the hosts for new marines all the time, why don't we see any love interests for her?!?
            Well, my personal opinion is that they were just picking up on some attention that one or more marines have been giving to her rather than the other way round and I doubt that she would show any reciprocation, at least not in public - but that would be great to see on screen too.


              I loved that scene not only because it was a great team bonding moment, but because it's about time TPTB gave some indication that Teyla is a normal, healthy woman with interests beyond protecting her people and her friends.
              Sig by Luciana


                Yay!! Teyla saved the day yeah, Shep stuck his hand into the machine, but that just showed that he had to overcome his hallucination, it was Teyla who was actually reponsible for saving the day.
                I thought there was good, but minor shippiness for Teyla this ep. There was some Teyla/Rodney with him trying to show her how the machine worked and Teyla/Shep, tho I don't think very much since he didn't think it was her (tho I don't think she minded shep taking care of her and fixing up her wounds ). I thought the shippiest was for Ronon/Teyla with Ronon getting all worried and protective when he saw here being carted off by a wraith. *awww!* Intesting that he saw Shep as a wraith and not Teyla


                  Originally posted by nebulan
                  Yay!! Teyla saved the day yeah, Shep stuck his hand into the machine, but that just showed that he had to overcome his hallucination, it was Teyla who was actually reponsible for saving the day.
                  I thought there was good, but minor shippiness for Teyla this ep. There was some Teyla/Rodney with him trying to show her how the machine worked and Teyla/Shep, tho I don't think very much since he didn't think it was her (tho I don't think she minded shep taking care of her and fixing up her wounds ). I thought the shippiest was for Ronon/Teyla with Ronon getting all worried and protective when he saw here being carted off by a wraith. *awww!* Intesting that he saw Shep as a wraith and not Teyla
                  I totally agree Neb!!

                  It's so obvious that Ronon cares for Teyla when he sees John carrying her away in the distance and all he says is "Teyla"! The one word spoke his feelings and it was..... CUTE .....

                  Teyla and John also had some moments.. The whole carrying her thing and making sure she was ok (while he was still in his right mind of course and realized it was acutally Teyla ) and also at the end of the EP when they are talking. But I guess I see it as friendlyness?!?!...

                  Teyla and McKay was kind of there when Teyla was so dissapointed when she realized that McKay was so close to finishing killing the Wraith machine.

                  Yay I loved that episode


                    ^^^ ooh yess... I agree on the Phantoms comments

                    icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


                      Spoilers regarding "the Return Pt. 1"

                      Wow!! That was an all around amazing episode!! There were sooo many shippy things that I about died hehe!

                      Alright here goes!

                      Teyla/John:This was the ship of choice for me this episode! John seemed very upset about having to leave Teyla. When John, Teyla, and Ronon were in John's room and John was saying he has a hard time with goodbyes there was a sideways glance at Teyla when he said the word "goodbyes" It was almost as if he was wanting her to know that saying goodbye to her was going to kill him. And then when Teyla asked if John would give her popcorn, John was about to say something... "and popcorn for the........" what was he going to say? Next there was the Athosian greeting as John was about to leave. There were no words passed about it going to happen, it seemed so natural. Whether shippy or not, there was a genuine sadness between John and Teyla that was portrayed EXCELENTLY with this moment. Then when John, Weir, Carson, and McKay came to the Athosian settlement Teyla was so excited to know that John had came back and their lives really were crossing again Yay I loved it


                        Originally posted by 4prettierships
                        Spoilers regarding "the Return Pt. 1"

                        Wow!! That was an all around amazing episode!! There were sooo many shippy things that I about died hehe!

                        Alright here goes!

                        Teyla/John:This was the ship of choice for me this episode! John seemed very upset about having to leave Teyla. When John, Teyla, and Ronon were in John's room and John was saying he has a hard time with goodbyes there was a sideways glance at Teyla when he said the word "goodbyes" It was almost as if he was wanting her to know that saying goodbye to her was going to kill him. And then when Teyla asked if John would give her popcorn, John was about to say something... "and popcorn for the........" what was he going to say? Next there was the Athosian greeting as John was about to leave. There were no words passed about it going to happen, it seemed so natural. Whether shippy or not, there was a genuine sadness between John and Teyla that was portrayed EXCELENTLY with this moment. Then when John, Weir, Carson, and McKay came to the Athosian settlement Teyla was so excited to know that John had came back and their lives really were crossing again Yay I loved it
                        I totally agree, the John/Teyla was CUTE!
                        I was so expecting there to be a hug, and when there was the little head touch, I was happy.
                        But I am kinda curious what Ronon and Teyla were doing for 6 weeks


                          Very true!! They were more than likely together most of the 6 months because (I would like to assume) that they are good friends, if not more! Could more have happened during those 6 weeks than we know about?


                            Originally posted by 4prettierships
                            Very true!! They were more than likely together most of the 6 months because (I would like to assume) that they are good friends, if not more! Could more have happened during those 6 weeks than we know about?
                            Actually I kind of liked the part
                            where Rodney says 'goodbye' to Teyla as he leaves, all quiet and just to her...that was sweet! And then later on when McKay's on the phone with Shep and he say's he 'lonely' and misses people he will never see again


                              Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                              Actually I kind of liked the part
                              where Rodney says 'goodbye' to Teyla as he leaves, all quiet and just to her...that was sweet! And then later on when McKay's on the phone with Shep and he say's he 'lonely' and misses people he will never see again
                              that's for pointing that out, I missed that. now I have to go back and watch!


                                I'm guilty of missing it too!! I can't believe it!! I've watched it ... like 10 times ... but I still don't catch everything!! Maybe I have selective vision!! Darn it that I don't have access to the ep right now... oh well!! There's always tomorrow!! nothing like a little Teyla shipping every day of the week!!

