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Rodney McKay/Samantha Carter Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Wow, finally found this thread, and who do I find in here but Sparky. Hello.

    I like Sam/McKay together because of the spark and the banter between them. I'm a Sam/Jack shipper at heart but if she had to be with anyone else its McKay. The actors had chemistry between them and McKay's episodes in SG1 worked because of that, that fiery dynamic between them.

    McKay's attraction to Sam has turned into a long running joke and is great for comedy moments. Of all McKay's love interests this is the most plausible. The chemistry just wasn't there for Jennifer/McKay or the actors and it looked uncomfortable - I read (and I'm sure its been mentioned lots of times) that even Jewel and David said it was like kissing a sibling.

    Even as base commander/head scientist they butted heads and sparks flew. For me just the friendship was entertaining, you were waiting for McKay to say something that would rub her up the wrong way.

    I enjoyed 'Trio' even though the plot was lacking, it's hard to say what would have improved it or what exactly the problem was because the character exploration it allowed was priceless. Picking up again on the tenuous love/hate relationship between Sam and McKay and the dialogue between Sam and Jennifer, almost a hint of mentoring going on there.

    As much as I love S/J I think the only other Sam ship I would write or read would be this one, again for me its the only other plausible one. McKay would keep her on her toes and I think their relationship would be very passionate, and she would wear the trousers. She's one of the few people he listens to and respects, and he is one of the few people that would match her on an intellectual level.

    For me Sam's attraction to Jack is physical and to do with his personality and traits, her attraction to McKay is on an intellectual level, they would challenge each other mentally stimulate each other as well as the other aspects. Obviously McKay has his personality flaws but so does Jack.

    Obviously in canon - post S8 SG1/S1 Atlantis Sam has deep feelings for Jack and Rodney has a series of girlfriends. Her reaction to his telling her about Katie shows she's not bothered but I can't help but wonder what could have happened.

    I think I like this ship because it's fiery and antagonistic, none of the lusting looks and deep gazes and stolen moments. Actually it reminds me of Helen and Nikola in Sanctuary if anyone has watched it. The deep seated friendship and obvious attraction that simmers at the surface.

    I'd be interested to see how the ship has been portrayed in fanfiction if anyone has any recommendations.
    Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
    If you want something in life, you have to work for it

    Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


      Love Sam and Rodney together. Yes, they don't fit personality wise, but who would with Rodney's funny self centered personality anyway? There great together. Smart, cute, genius duo. Jennifer and Rodney just didn't seem right. I thought Ronon was better for her.


        Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
        Wow, finally found this thread, and who do I find in here but Sparky. Hello.

        I like Sam/McKay together because of the spark and the banter between them. I'm a Sam/Jack shipper at heart but if she had to be with anyone else its McKay. The actors had chemistry between them and McKay's episodes in SG1 worked because of that, that fiery dynamic between them.

        McKay's attraction to Sam has turned into a long running joke and is great for comedy moments. Of all McKay's love interests this is the most plausible. The chemistry just wasn't there for Jennifer/McKay or the actors and it looked uncomfortable - I read (and I'm sure its been mentioned lots of times) that even Jewel and David said it was like kissing a sibling.

        Even as base commander/head scientist they butted heads and sparks flew. For me just the friendship was entertaining, you were waiting for McKay to say something that would rub her up the wrong way.

        I enjoyed 'Trio' even though the plot was lacking, it's hard to say what would have improved it or what exactly the problem was because the character exploration it allowed was priceless. Picking up again on the tenuous love/hate relationship between Sam and McKay and the dialogue between Sam and Jennifer, almost a hint of mentoring going on there.

        As much as I love S/J I think the only other Sam ship I would write or read would be this one, again for me its the only other plausible one. McKay would keep her on her toes and I think their relationship would be very passionate, and she would wear the trousers. She's one of the few people he listens to and respects, and he is one of the few people that would match her on an intellectual level.

        For me Sam's attraction to Jack is physical and to do with his personality and traits, her attraction to McKay is on an intellectual level, they would challenge each other mentally stimulate each other as well as the other aspects. Obviously McKay has his personality flaws but so does Jack.

        Obviously in canon - post S8 SG1/S1 Atlantis Sam has deep feelings for Jack and Rodney has a series of girlfriends. Her reaction to his telling her about Katie shows she's not bothered but I can't help but wonder what could have happened.

        I think I like this ship because it's fiery and antagonistic, none of the lusting looks and deep gazes and stolen moments. Actually it reminds me of Helen and Nikola in Sanctuary if anyone has watched it. The deep seated friendship and obvious attraction that simmers at the surface.

        I'd be interested to see how the ship has been portrayed in fanfiction if anyone has any recommendations.
        I agree with everything you said here. This ship appeals to me because out of all characters in the franchise these tow are the only ones who could keep up with each other intellectually (well, there's Jeannie, but she's a minor character). That's not to say other characters are stupid, but they are not scientists. Or they are in soft sciences like Daniel, which is not quite the same. There's no one else they both would be able to truly share the joy of discovery with.

        I have some recs... not a lot of them (I wish this ship was more popular!). I will look them up as soon as I can.

        ETA: OK, here are the recs:

        A Few Things Sam Doesn't Want Anyone to Know About Her and Rodney Mckay by ijemanja

        Acts of Contrition by agentotter

        A Slip of the Tongue by agetotter

        Two fics by eretria (link to author page because the fics are rated mature):

        1.Nobody Does It Better

        2. A Question of Perspective Or Reality Doesn't Always Come In Second to Fantasy

        Rodney/Sam drabble by thingswithwings

        Five Things by surrealis

        Statistical Improbabilities by beanpot

        The Same Boy You've Always Known by dvs (this one is actually gen, but it's amarvellous example of the S/R dynamic)

        It's not much, but these are all the stories that I enjoyed enough to want to reread them.
        Last edited by Raelis; 13 May 2013, 11:09 AM.


          Originally posted by Raelis View Post
          I agree with everything you said here. This ship appeals to me because out of all characters in the franchise these tow are the only ones who could keep up with each other intellectually (well, there's Jeannie, but she's a minor character). That's not to say other characters are stupid, but they are not scientists. Or they are in soft sciences like Daniel, which is not quite the same. There's no one else they both would be able to truly share the joy of discovery with.

          I have some recs... not a lot of them (I wish this ship was more popular!). I will look them up as soon as I can.

          ETA: OK, here are the recs:

          A Few Things Sam Doesn't Want Anyone to Know About Her and Rodney Mckay by ijemanja

          Acts of Contrition by agentotter

          A Slip of the Tongue by agetotter

          Two fics by eretria (link to author page because the fics are rated mature):

          1.Nobody Does It Better

          2. A Question of Perspective Or Reality Doesn't Always Come In Second to Fantasy

          Rodney/Sam drabble by thingswithwings

          Five Things by surrealis

          Statistical Improbabilities by beanpot

          The Same Boy You've Always Known by dvs (this one is actually gen, but it's amarvellous example of the S/R dynamic)

          It's not much, but these are all the stories that I enjoyed enough to want to reread them.
          Thanks for the fics, they're all very good. You could have kept the last one to yourself though, I don't need to be sat here all teary eyed in the middle of the night.
          Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
          If you want something in life, you have to work for it

          Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


            Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
            Thanks for the fics, they're all very good. You could have kept the last one to yourself though, I don't need to be sat here all teary eyed in the middle of the night.
            Aw, so sorry! I should have put a warning of character death with it. It made me teary-eyed too.


              Originally posted by Raelis View Post
              Aw, so sorry! I should have put a warning of character death with it. It made me teary-eyed too.
              I was going to try and explain to the J/S shippers why it got me upset but I got upset again just thinking about it. It was a wonderfully written fic though.
              Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
              If you want something in life, you have to work for it

              Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


                Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
                I was going to try and explain to the J/S shippers why it got me upset but I got upset again just thinking about it. It was a wonderfully written fic though.
                Aww. *sends you virtual hugs* I love this little story. To me, it's a spot-on depiction of Rodney/Sam complex relationship. I really think they came to care about each other on the show (well, on SGA), but their relationship would never be fluffy. Snark and rivalry would always be there, but affection and respect are pretty evident too.

                I suggest you read some happy fic right now!


                  Love them both.

