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Rachel Luttrell/Teyla Emmagan WOW Thread

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    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
    Then we'll have proof and they can't argue with proof
    Exactly, but they may denounce it as false. *shrug*
    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      Exactly, but they may denounce it as false. *shrug*
      Maybe, but at least we know the truth The truth will set you free Well it's supposed to anyway

      Geez it's hard to leave...Now I really gotta get to bed this time


        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
        Geez it's hard to leave...Now I really gotta get to bed this time
        Me too - my first day of work is coming up tomorrow so I better look somewhat awake.
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          and people say I have way too much time on my hands!!
          Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


            Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
            and people say I have way too much time on my hands!!
            I swear I don't have much time on my hands - not anymore anyhow. Started a job today so bye bye free time. But I will finish this no matter what.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              I swear I don't have much time on my hands - not anymore anyhow. Started a job today so bye bye free time. But I will finish this no matter what.
              Oh good luck in your new job Lemming At least Kate will be glad you're outta her hair for a while

              Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
              and people say I have way too much time on my hands!!
              Well some of us don't have a life


                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                At least Kate will be glad you're outta her hair for a while
                She's gonna miss me, you'll see.
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                  She's gonna miss me, you'll see.
                  Oh I'm sure she will


                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    I know at least one person in here who's interested in this.

                    We're halfway through the season (at least I am - I'm running three episodes behind on schedule) and I bring forth the 5.1 results of the words spoken by the various characters.

                    Here I go:

                    Word count after 10 episodes = 46620
                    Average word count after 10 episodes = 4662

                    Word count after 10 episodes = 7484
                    Average word count after 10 episodes = 748

                    10/10 episodes.

                    Word count after 10 episodes = 3475
                    Average word count after 10 episodes = 348

                    8/10 episodes

                    Word count after 10 episodes = 2518
                    Average word count after 10 episodes = 252

                    9/10 episodes.

                    Word count after 10 episodes = 4111
                    Average word count after 10 episodes = 411

                    7/10 episodes.

                    Word count after 10 episodes = 3221
                    Average word count after 10 episodes = 322

                    6/10 episodes.

                    Word count after 10 episodes = 11513
                    Average word count after 10 episodes = 1151

                    10/10 episodes.

                    Words after 3 episodes = 1910
                    Average words after 3 episodes = 637

                    Words after 3 episodes = 657
                    Average words after 3 episodes = 219

                    Total word count = 4587
                    Total words = 14

                    Words after 1 episode = 19

                    1/10 episodes.

                    KELLER vs TEYLA
                    Keller is leading with 636 words.

                    Words after 10 episodes Rachel = 3475
                    Average words after 10 episodes Rachel = 348

                    Words after 10 episodes Jewel = 4111
                    Average words after 10 episodes Jewel = 411


                    Green -> in the lead
                    Red -> following behind
                    Not just one. Thanks for this. You sure are not telling me something that I along with other fans didn't already know. Just confirming it for us. And it was sure interesting reading JM's blog and him trying to explain how certain episodes service the character and then their are episodes where the character service the episode. It was him explaining the woeful lack of Teyla's presence and the seemingly abundance of Keller's presence so far this Season in the episodes that have aired so far. Yeah, ok I got it.
                    Sigs made by the talented Cazzblade, Donna, Jeyla, Linda, Luciana, Mayra, Mrs.B, Padme
                    Scifan, Teylafan, WraithLord & YC & me.

                    Thanks for the memory to the cast and crew of Stargate Atlantis.
                    WraithLord - R.I.P.


                      Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
                      Not just one. Thanks for this. You sure are not telling me something that I along with other fans didn't already know. Just confirming it for us. And it was sure interesting reading JM's blog and him trying to explain how certain episodes service the character and then their are episodes where the character service the episode. It was him explaining the woeful lack of Teyla's presence and the seemingly abundance of Keller's presence so far this Season in the episodes that have aired so far. Yeah, ok I got it.
                      When was this? Did he end up digging a bigger hole for himself


                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        When was this? Did he end up digging a bigger hole for himself
                        Yep! Right after TLT aired. The following Monday. Let me see if I can find it.
                        Sigs made by the talented Cazzblade, Donna, Jeyla, Linda, Luciana, Mayra, Mrs.B, Padme
                        Scifan, Teylafan, WraithLord & YC & me.

                        Thanks for the memory to the cast and crew of Stargate Atlantis.
                        WraithLord - R.I.P.


                          Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
                          Yep! Right after TLT aired. The following Monday. Let me see if I can find it.
                          Ah right.....I don't think I read that...I'll sit here very patiently for you to come back


                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            When was this? Did he end up digging a bigger hole for himself
                            He can't dig any deeper since he has already reached the other side of whatever is on the other side of Vancouver.
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Here we go in JM own words...


                              Wolfenm writes: “And as far as the Keller screentime goes, the complaint was specifically in regards to her time versus Teyla’s screentime, particlarly *recently*….”

                              Answer: Well, if you really want to get into an episode breakdown…

                              Wolfenm writes: “Search and Rescue: despite the ep focus being her disappearance, Teyla had only a little more time than Keller.”

                              Answer: I’m at a bit of a loss. Some critics (not you) will point to the amount of time the actors appear onscreen while others will say that the amount of time isn’t as important as the importance of the character in that given episode. While you may be inclined to call S&R a draw, I couldn’t disagree more. Keller’s contribution was minimal while Teyla’s scenes were crucial to the episode - from her scenes with Michael and Kanaan, through her reunion with the team, to the delivery of her baby and return to Atlantis.

                              Wolfenm writes: “The Seed: Keller’s the focal point, Teyla inexplicably disappears completely from the story about fifteen minutes from the end.”

                              Answer: Keller’s the focal point? Had Teyla been the victim here, fans would have surely complained because she did nothing but lie there through the entire episode. In spite of the fact that she is source point of the contagion, this one had little to do with the Keller character.
                              Wolfenm writes: Broken Ties: Yes, Teyla had some good participation, even if ot wasn’t her ep — but she wasn’t the focus.”

                              Answer: Agreed.

                              Wolfenm writes: “Daedalus Variations: This one was good, Teyla-wise, too, but again, not Teyla-centric. (Not saying they all *should* be, just making a point)”

                              Answer: Agreed.

                              Wolfenm writes: “Ghost in the Machine: just that one scene with Elizabeth, really, otherwise she’s there but not really *doing* much”

                              Answer: This one I’d consider a team episode in that they are all touched by Elizabeth’s return. In terms of “doing much”, the same argument could apply to the rest of the team as well. It’s the replicators who build themselves their own bodies and are the architects of their own demise.
                              Wolfenm writes: “Teyla was mostly in the background while Keller had a lot to do. (Understandable, yes — although if it were Carson, would he have been as prominent, I wonder?)”

                              Answer: Given the medical nature of the episode, it stood to reason that Keller would play an active role in the proceedings.

                              Wolfenm writes: “Whispers: None of either”

                              Answer: Right.

                              Wolfenm writes: “Queen: Obviously this one was Teyla-centric. but Keller did have multiple scenes in which she *did* stuff, rather than just being around.”

                              Answer: This one was practically all Teyla. Keller’s contributions were significant in that they set up the scenario (her surgical skills and the fact that she has been working on a means of “curing” the wraith of their need to feed. This was a significant storyline that we wanted to pursue this season and it so happened that the Keller character was in the logical position to contribute to this particular arc.
                              Wolfenm writes: “Tracker: No Teyla, Keller-*centric*”

                              Answer: Sure.

                              Wolfenm writes: “First Contact: Keller has the scene with Ronon, the scene with Todd (well, two, technically), the scene with Woolsey, and another bit with Ronon: Teyla runs around with Sheppard, but doesn’t have a lot to do that isn’t done by others as well, like she’s just a tagalong and it could have been anyone. Lost Tribe: Keller and Ronon have the backup story - she has the scene where she basically instigates Ronon to take another couole of shots in retaliation to her comments (if Ronon’s going to do something that proves detrimental, I’d have rather it had been without an outside influence) and confronts Todd, then confronts Ronon later. Teyla, after helping to find Sheppard, had to stay behind while Sheppard got to go on the mission. (Granted, I understand why she had to, it’s just unfortunate that she got left behind again).”

                              Answer: Some episodes service the characters (Broken Ties, The Shrine, Brain Storm) while others service the story (Whispers, First Contact, The Lost Tribe). Last year, Teyla was front and center in the bigger arc that concluded the season. This year, the focus of the mid-season two-parter is on arc elements (the wraith treatment, the attero device, the love triangle) in which she plays a lesser role. Next week’s episode sees a return to a more team-centered storyline and then, two episode’s later, Teyla gets to step up.

                              Sigs made by the talented Cazzblade, Donna, Jeyla, Linda, Luciana, Mayra, Mrs.B, Padme
                              Scifan, Teylafan, WraithLord & YC & me.

                              Thanks for the memory to the cast and crew of Stargate Atlantis.
                              WraithLord - R.I.P.


                                You know - he's a .... something I can't say or I'll get modded. And should be banned from ever writing again or be involved in anything. The way he and his minions have mistreated every single character on Atlantis.
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

