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Rachel Luttrell/Teyla Emmagan WOW Thread

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    Oh, I've had my bouts of offspring- and school-induced insomnia, too. Hate that!

    No, I function much better when I sleep at night; I'm sure my children and hubby appreciate that, too, since they're the ones that have to deal with me when I'm like that

    Now, if I could only get into the yoga thing, I'd be unstoppable

    Sig by Camy


      Oh Trip i love the pics, and the little quotes.......

      Very amusing, i think we all love the serene look best....

      Even angry, she looks good, scary, but

      Camy, u may be right natural is best, but i'm liking this color more than what they started out with, the brown-reddish look....didn't like that color very much.

      R.I.P Wraithlord

      Awesome sig by SciFan


        Here's another photo of Rachel from United Fan Con.

        Rachel was a model guest at this convention. Friendly and self assured. Repeated each question so all could hear it. I thought some of the questions were too personal to be asked, but she handled it all with grace.

        I didn't know that she has both Canadian and American citizenships. Her father is American (Louisiana) and her mother is from Tanzania. Tanzania doesn't allow dual citizenship, so that's why she's not a citizen of that country.

        Changing the subject, I've just heard 3 of the season 1 episode commentaries. I love how Rachel calls McGillion "Paulie". I wonder if everyone calls him that, if it's just Rachel, or if it's just the females (can't quite see David Hewlett calling McGillion "Paulie" but you never know!).

        I'll have to listen to some more commentaries.

        My kind of guy:
        "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
        Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
        (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


          Originally posted by watcher652
          Changing the subject, I've just heard 3 of the season 1 episode commentaries. I love how Rachel calls McGillion "Paulie". I wonder if everyone calls him that, if it's just Rachel, or if it's just the females (can't quite see David Hewlett calling McGillion "Paulie" but you never know!).

          I'll have to listen to some more commentaries.
          How cute is she in the comms! I love her one with Paul and then when Torri comes in at the end they are so cute together, you can tell that they are all really good friends!


            Originally posted by watcher652

            Rachel was a model guest at this convention. Friendly and self assured. Repeated each question so all could hear it. I thought some of the questions were too personal to be asked, but she handled it all with grace.
            What is it with people asking inappropriate questions??? At the recent Torri con someone asked Torri a really inappropriate question about her weight, she handled it with grace but you could see that she was quite embarassed. Why is there always one person that ruins it for everyone else who is just there to have a good time and meet the people they look up to!

            Sounds like Rachel is great and cons though I can't wait till next year to meet her!!


              Thanks for that additional info about the Con...
              Overall, I got a really good vibe from the Con...and certainly Rachel was very graceful and such a wonderful guest in the entire thing...
              The personal questions? Yeah....I thought people asked a lot of personal things and took away from us finding out more about things happening in the series and with the are soooo right about that...
              Oh, well...that was my first time ever in one of these and I felt so out of place...If you noticed a girl that looked completely lost and out of place that stuck out like a sore thumb? Yeah...that was me!

              But, it was sooo worth it! and she seemed genuinely pleasant and appreciative...and that is all that I cared to see....

              Thanks for the pic...I am so got the greatest pics ever! Please post more if you have any! Love them...mines came out horrible! stupid digital camera...and it ain't a cheap one either...


                Originally posted by majortrip

                Oh, I've had my bouts of offspring- and school-induced insomnia, too. Hate that!

                No, I function much better when I sleep at night; I'm sure my children and hubby appreciate that, too, since they're the ones that have to deal with me when I'm like that

                Now, if I could only get into the yoga thing, I'd be unstoppable

       and I have to just seems like we have so much in common...hubby, do we get the time to actually spend it here....? Although, I have to admire don't seemed as insane as I am about this whole thing...


                  Ooooooo look at all the pretty pictures....

                  I will try to post some pics of Teyla soon...just learned how to work my screencap function on my laptop so I'm been capping everything...


                    Here are just two caps that i got from Epiphany. Sorry I havent got more! I just figured out how to get caps from my laptop

                    EDIT: I just read AthosianGirl's post above. Seem like we had our own Epiphany! (bad joke i know )

                    Lovebar made by natz099
                    My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                      Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
                      Here are just two caps that i got from Epiphany. Sorry I havent got more! I just figured out how to get caps from my laptop
                      I'm just learning to do that too...I'm glad you figured it out though...I like the pics...the second one is really good!

                      Edit: I must be going around in circles and missing you SJQ...but I get it! (HeeHee)


                        Originally posted by Cleito
                        How cute is she in the comms! I love her one with Paul and then when Torri comes in at the end they are so cute together, you can tell that they are all really good friends!
                        OMG, I know! She sounds like the sweetest person ever. I love the little nickname for Paulie and her constant "oh my goodness" - es. It was really a pleasure to be able to listen to all of them interact when they're off-screen and "themselves". I hope we get a lot more of them next year because they're so much fun to watch. Did you watch the one on "Childhood's End" yet? At this one part Rainbow and Martin Gero are talking about these t-shirts that some of the cast made after the episode and Rachel starts to pout about how she didn't get one. Rainbow comes in and tells her that she's too cute and petite and they wouldn't have fit her, and then to make up for it he's like, "Rach? I love you." It was so funny! Hmmm...might have to watch that one again!

                        "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                        HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                          That's really a shame. I know that at the other cons I went to that happened, but those were the real nuts -- Trekkies like me! I kind of hoped that Stargate people would know where to draw the line with the questions. I think that most of the actors and actresses have a pretty good time at the cons and really appreciate hearing from the fans who enjoy their work. And you got to meet Torri AND you're going to see Rachel?!?! Gosh, why can't I live in Australia? I'm definitely going to have to hit up NYC next November -- Camy, still wanna take that roadtrip?

                          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                            Is Rachel going to be there? Oh, she will probably think that I am stalking her...You know that in the Con, I kept overhearing the people around me...couldn't help it they were talking loud and right next to me...and some of these people have been doing this for like forever..and the actors already know them...when I gave Rachel the scrapbook she was so surprised and she just kept saying thank you..and yes, she is very sweet, very bubbly and very polite and respectful..I'm telling you she laughed the entire time she was speaking at the Con...and it look genuine, not fake or anything like that...

                   are a Trekkie? I'm going to have to get used to that cause I am sooo not a Trekkie! I am kind of the opposite..but hey, we do have this in common! and the roadtrip..babie...I am there...I will pick you up and Oh, and SP...remember what I asked you about in my last PM...? You know about your description..well I ask Witchy the same thing and guess what.. She DOES have three eyes, two heads and a MOLE! HA! What she didn't know is that I do too!.....This is going to be sooooo coooool!



                              Hi Teyla fans. Come give teyla your support in the top 25 women of stargate poll. She is ranked highly but is having a tough time getting to the top. Come contribute your thoughts.
                              Every Tuesday General Hammond gets alittle touch up on his dome. I say, "General Hammond, alittle off the top today?"

                              Top 25 females of stargate


                              Top 25 males of stargate



                                I did, but I was forced to put Carter first. But Teyla is second.
                                The truth is out there. Getting there, well thats a whole different can of worms.

