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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    yea you do that for us *grins*


      Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


        Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
        Sometimes you just get lucky. For me I have to *KNOW* the characters that I am working with really well or I don't feel comfortable writing them
        Okay, with BSG I'd done a lot of fanfiction reading before I felt I had to write something myself And anyway, it was Lee/Kara first Season, so... pretty easy actually

        You didn't know that?! *blinks* Yeah when he does the "Outer Limits" story he references WHMS, as in "I was told to do it like that scene from WHMS and really just go for it".
        Oooh, now I do remember! Huh. Was that my subconscious tricking me again or something?
        I'm a 60%er.

        I will always place the mission first.
        I will never accept defeat.
        I will never quit.
        I will never leave a fallen comrade.
        "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."




            Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
            ah, thanks for that. I was asking 'cause it's part of my OCD-ness to make sure I have all the facts right before posting the story

            and yes, it does help although I do plan on whumping Lorne (cut for those who're actually reading It's Complicated)
            I have Jack stuff him in a closet for his own protection then have him caught in a collapsing building
            No problem. If anything's wrong I got it from another GW member, so I'll just make his life hell for a couple of days!

            Whump that boy Row, whump him good!

            Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
            When I was taking that photo he moved so he made me take another one
            He made you? Did he hold a gun to your head?

            Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
            Better an author who is obsesses with researching than one who doesn't do any research at all (or does only sloppy research).
            *nods* true

            Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post

            I'll be sure to post lots of pictures to make up for it!
            Haha, just to make us even more jealous?



              Good afternoon, everyone.

              I spent most of said afternoon wrestling with, and I realized that so far I have lead a sheltered and even pampered fanfic life. I am so used to sending my stories simply off to an archive owner or a fanzine editor.... I have never had to worry about editing/publishing stuff myself before.

              Well, it seems that has changed now.

              I have dug out a few of my old SG1 stories and put them on. If I ever find the rest, I'll drop them off there as well.

              And - as promised - my up to now only complete SGA story made its way there as well.

              So, if you have a minute, take a look and let me know what you think. I might even take up writing again. *she threatens*

              Healing - my Lorne ficlet.

              I already told Mac this - who btw, deserves thanks for a great and very kind beta job - I re-discovered the horrible feeling of letting my "kids" go out into the world to be assaulted (a.k.a. read) by the big and often (especially now --- minus 15 °C again) cold world. It's a feeling only a mother can understand.

              Last edited by kethryveris; 09 January 2009, 08:59 AM.
              I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                Good afternoon, everyone.

                I spent most of said afternoon wrestling with, and I realized that so far I have lead a sheltered and even pampered fanfic life. I am so used to sending my stories simply off to an archive owner or a fanzine editor.... I have never had to worry about editing/publishing stuff myself before.
                Huh, funny. I'm so used to do all the editing/publishing stuff myself that the one time where I tried to upload my stuff to a moderated archive I decided never to do that again

                But if you're such a statistics nerd that I am, you're gonna love the stats section at
                I'm a 60%er.

                I will always place the mission first.
                I will never accept defeat.
                I will never quit.
                I will never leave a fallen comrade.
                "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


                  Eeeeeekkkk....I just realized that when the harddrive of my then one and only PC fried, I lost a good half of my stories. Okay, most of them still exist in printed/fanzine form, but I seem to have lost the files.


                  Not a happy camper here.

                  I was so sure I had back up somewhere. Hmmmm...I have a gazillion old floppy disks, maybe one of them holds the ... *cough, cough* ... treasure.

                  Keep your fingers crossed for me, please. I'd hate to have lost all that work. I'd like to be able to prove - even if only to myself - that once I had creativity and even a little talent. One needs these reminders when nasty bosses keep chipping away at your self-esteem and make you feel like you are something that climbed in from under a rock.

                  Now, where did I store that external floppy disk reader that I was forced to buy because no one had floppy disk drives anymore.....?

                  I must be older than dirt. Does anyone besides me even remember floppy disks?

                  Joe? *whimpers*


                  I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                    Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                    Huh, funny. I'm so used to do all the editing/publishing stuff myself that the one time where I tried to upload my stuff to a moderated archive I decided never to do that again

                    But if you're such a statistics nerd that I am, you're gonna love the stats section at

                    Statistics????? *blinks*

                    Oh my!

                    Btw, to steal from another of my favourites, B5:

                    "I was there when ... Heliopolis was opened."

                    I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                      Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                      Eeeeeekkkk....I just realized that when the harddrive of my then one and only PC fried, I lost a good half of my stories. Okay, most of them still exist in printed/fanzine form, but I seem to have lost the files.
                      Eh... *goes looking for her father's 12GB flashdrive... it's back-up time again...

                      I must be older than dirt. Does anyone besides me even remember floppy disks?*
                      Actually, I do. Even the 5'' ones. But then again... my dad has been working in IT even back in the GDR (yes, we DID have high technology ), so I kind of grew up with computers. Ah, the good old days when Windows 3.1 was a real big leap in software terms... (oh God, I just realized I read fanfic even before we had our first internet connection... and my no-nonsense no-freak dad introduced me to it)

                      Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                      Statistics????? *blinks*

                      Oh my!
                      Yes, with graphs and details and everything *is a happy little sociologist
                      I'm a 60%er.

                      I will always place the mission first.
                      I will never accept defeat.
                      I will never quit.
                      I will never leave a fallen comrade.
                      "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


                        Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                        Better an author who is obsesses with researching than one who doesn't do any research at all (or does only sloppy research).
                        my theory on the whole fanfic is if you're gonna do it then do it well, but some of the best crack!fics are the ones that the ones that are horribly done.

                        Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                        Now, where did I store that external floppy disk reader that I was forced to buy because no one had floppy disk drives anymore.....?

                        I must be older than dirt. Does anyone besides me even remember floppy disks?
                        *waves hands around* Ooooooo, I do! I used to use floppy (in fact the computer in my room that I hardly use has a floppy drive ) but then we got a computer that didn't have a drive so I switched over to jump drives and have been using them ever since

                        It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                          Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                          Healing - my Lorne ficlet.

                          I already told Mac this - who btw, deserves thanks for a great and very kind beta job - I re-discovered the horrible feeling of letting my "kids" go out into the world to be assaulted (a.k.a. read) by the big and often (especially now --- minus 15 °C again) cold world. It's a feeling only a mother can understand.

                          Great job Kethry!!! I dropped by and left you your very first review!

                          Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                          I must be older than dirt. Does anyone besides me even remember floppy disks?
                          I still use them actually. I have some programs from my childhood that I CANNOT say goodbye to, and they are only on Floppy disk.

                          I'm a 60%'er


                            Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                            Eh... *goes looking for her father's 12GB flashdrive... it's back-up time again...

                            Actually, I do. Even the 5'' ones. But then again... my dad has been working in IT even back in the GDR (yes, we DID have high technology ), so I kind of grew up with computers. Ah, the good old days when Windows 3.1 was a real big leap in software terms... (oh God, I just realized I read fanfic even before we had our first internet connection... and my no-nonsense no-freak dad introduced me to it)

                            Yes, with graphs and details and everything *is a happy little sociologist

                            12 GB flashdrive??? Wow, the biggest I have is 2 GB, maybe I should spend a little money and get a bigger one. Are they horribly expensive?

                            So, your Maybe he is a closet fanfic reader. Who knows.

                            And now I will hop over to and check stats all the time?

                            I am so anal-retentive. Do I need this?

                            I need more Lorne. Happy SGA viewing tonight btw.

                            I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                              He made you? Did he hold a gun to your head?
                              No, but I recall him saying something like 'make me look good' I was too nervous to say "I don't have to!"

                              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                              Haha, just to make us even more jealous?
                              Of course not!

                              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                              But I do have that picture signed


                                Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                                my theory on the whole fanfic is if you're gonna do it then do it well, but some of the best crack!fics are the ones that the ones that are horribly done.

                                *waves hands around* Ooooooo, I do! I used to use floppy (in fact the computer in my room that I hardly use has a floppy drive ) but then we got a computer that didn't have a drive so I switched over to jump drives and have been using them ever since

                                I am way worse. I run different spell checkers over everything, use beta readers, check and re-check everything a hundred times and still find spots where I messed up. It's that hidden perfectionist inside.

                                You too? I don't think I have seen a computer with a floppy disk drive in a long time. After floppys, I went on to CDs and these days everything goes to flash drives first and then as a second back up to dvds.

                                Think he would understand?


                                I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction

