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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
    Gee, what a nice way to end a day. *THUD!* dang, he's hooot!
    My thoughts exactly!
    Awesome sigs by scifan, Cazz, Luciana, elephantgirl, and GateMedic. Thanks guys!

    My Facebook


      glad ya love the banners JPJ


        Jesserella, I love you Lorne siggy.

        Welcome, Mountiegirl and Dr.JenniferDex!

        SeNedra, I love your frst two Runner pics! They're some of my favourites.

        Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
        My My Own Website


          -is in danger of fainting every time she comes to this thread-

          And thanks, Stargate!


            Welcome DrJenniferDex!
            Awesome sigs by scifan, Cazz, Luciana, elephantgirl, and GateMedic. Thanks guys!

            My Facebook


              Thanks, Medic!


                Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                -is in danger of fainting every time she comes to this thread-

                And thanks, Stargate!
                First of all....Welcome, Mountiegirl and Dr.JenniferDex!

                Fainting is something that happens a lot around here. Melfan, I'm sure will post her Lorne Thunk Tools that are necessary for every thunker. Lets see we have the drool bucket, drool pool, thunk mattress. Am I missing anything?


                  Originally posted by kali1 View Post
                  That was her?? Cool! I enjoyed that show a lot!
                  Yep! That was Christina! And of course Dylan Neal (also on Blood Ties) played John Sheppard’s brother in “Outcast”!

                  Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                  Methinks I should subscribe to this thread just for the insane amount of handsomeness in here...
                  Welcome welcome DrJenniferDex – we are always accepting new LorneLovers!

                  Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                  I too am excited to see Christina back in the stargate universe as it has been way too long since her last appearance back in SG-1's S5 ep "The Sentinel". I totally am going to miss her other show (*insert mutters about lifetime here*) as I was a huge fan.
                  *Joins in with the muttering* I really can’t stand Lifetime, the movies just irk me (well the ones without Kavan in them So I was so sad to hear that they did away with Blood Ties and kept Army Wives! *growls*

                  Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                  I have a bit different reasons but understand.
                  Elizabeth left, Sam will be away soon too... I am courious about Woolsey leading the Atlantis and the conflicts but no Sam in SG, that makes me looking for Continuum even more
                  So what do we have? Lorne And I am Ronon/Jenn shipper, hope you don't hate her (I am sorry for Carson but that's not her fault)
                  Ah, see for me…
                  I don’t mind Elizabeth or Sam leaving, Woosley I am curious about though. I really hated him on SG-1 but he’s growing on me. Much like the Doctor did on Voyager *laughs* But I really love all of the characters so I’m excited to see more.

                  As for Ronon/Jennifer, I’m much more of a Rodney/Jennifer shipper (which is odd because I *love* McShep!). For me, Jennifer is just too much like Melena (Ronon’s dead girlfriend) and is too much of a step in the wrong direction for him. He’s come a long way from Sateda and his seven years as a runner, I’d hate to see him go back in that direction. Just my opinion though
                  Last edited by Cathain Nottingham; 02 June 2008, 07:15 PM. Reason: Too Long, Made into 2 Posts


                    Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                    Where did you get that shirt? I would so totally wear that too.

                    And I kow this is OT, but I've been meaning to ask you something
                    Are you the same Cathian Nottingham who wrote that I fic I used to read that had Sam and Jack getting married and Jack's mom had a thing for Bra'tac and thought Sam was a guy until she met her? It was posted here but I don't think it was every finished, I loved that fic.

                    I got the shirt at, I even got one for my twin *laughs* She loves it.

                    And to answer your question…
                    I am one and the same Cathain Nottingham! And boy have I been a bad writer, I’ve left my three series hanging (A Major and Her Series, my Dance series and my Someone to Watch Over Me series) for far too long. Sadly my muse up and died on me, I really need to get back on writing those I just hope to find inspiration soon. Feel free to PM me and give me a talking to, it always seems to encourage the muses

                    Originally posted by GateMedic View Post

                    Here are my photo ops w/ Kavan from the con in Vancouver this April (not sure if I posted them before, but worth another look at him )
                    *dies laughing* I love the “Something About Mary” hair-do he’s rocking!

                    Originally posted by Mountiegirl View Post
                    can I join?

                    I've seen Due South but not Due East. I'm guessing they are unrelated because Due south is about a Mountie who moves to Chicago.
                    And finally, welcome to the LorneLovers Mountiegirl! We love having our numbers grow and have people talk about Lorne!

                    As for Due East, it isn’t the same as Due South (Ray #2 was one of my first TV boyfriends! *squeek*). Due East is a movie made for TV in 2002 that Kavan had a small role in.


                      Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                      Ah, see for me…
                      I don’t mind Elizabeth or Sam leaving, Woosley I am curious about though. I really hated him on SG-1 but he’s growing on me. Much like the Doctor did on Voyager *laughs* But I really love all of the characters so I’m excited to see more.

                      As for Ronon/Jennifer, I’m much more of a Rodney/Jennifer shipper (which is odd because I *love* McShep!). For me, Jennifer is just too much like Melena (Ronon’s dead girlfriend) and is too much of a step in the wrong direction for him. He’s come a long way from Sateda and his seven years as a runner, I’d hate to see him go back in that direction. Just my opinion though
                      While I disagree on the Rodney/Jennifer ship, I'm right there with you on not really minding Elizabeth or Sam leaving. I started watching the show late last year, Doppelganger was my first episode, so Weir never really grew on me, and nor has Carter, but even after watching more of the earlier episodes, I still don't care for Weir all that much.

                      Edited to say: I have GOT to learn the coding around here a bit better...quoting only one part of a person's post is still tough for me sometimes.


                        Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                        While I disagree on the Rodney/Jennifer ship, I'm right there with you on not really minding Elizabeth or Sam leaving. I started watching the show late last year, Doppelganger was my first episode, so Weir never really grew on me, and nor has Carter, but even after watching more of the earlier episodes, I still don't care for Weir all that much.
                        Well, maybe saying I'm a Rodney/Jennifer shipper is a bit too much...

                        I didn't ship them in 'Trio' that's for sure, but the bit in 'The Last Man' made me tear up. That could be more my love for Rodney than them as a couple though... so lets write off Rodney/Jennifer and call me a McShep fan *laughs*

                        And while I enjoyed seeing a woman in charge in the form of Weir when the show first launched, she really never grew on me. I mean, I enjoyed her character, but she was always somewhere below Zelenka in importance. Sam I've enjoyed, just because in my opinion, she makes Rodney think faster it seems *laughs*


                          -grins- Yeah, that part was sweet, even for a Ronon/Jennifer fan like me. You could see he had really fallen for her a bit, and they made each other happy.


                            Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                            -grins- Yeah, that part was sweet, even for a Ronon/Jennifer fan like me. You could see he had really fallen for her a bit, and they made each other happy.
                            And lets not forget...

                            The General!


                              Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                              And lets not forget...

                              The General!

                              -sighs- Lorne is a frickin' babe even with grey hair...


                                Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                                -sighs- Lorne is a frickin' babe even with grey hair...

                                It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes

