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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
    uh huh,i'm not looking forward to that ep but who knows...Maybe it'll surprise us...oh who am i kidding!
    I hear ya! If it's bad, I'll just turn the volume down and keep an eye out for Lorne, then I'll turn the volume back up....etc, etc...LOL


      mmm just more lorne and i'll be a frakkin happy camper


        Originally posted by kali1 View Post
        I hear ya! If it's bad, I'll just turn the volume down and keep an eye out for Lorne, then I'll turn the volume back up....etc, etc...LOL
        Oh thank goodness for volume control


          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
          Oh thank goodness for volume control
          Yeppers! It can be a friend sometimes


            or watch teh ep for lorne and not really pay attn to the ep. *grin*


              Originally posted by CKO View Post
              or watch teh ep for lorne and not really pay attn to the ep. *grin*
              That happens...alot....I admit that


                Originally posted by CKO View Post
                or watch teh ep for lorne and not really pay attn to the ep. *grin*
                I it sad that my interest in SGA is only holding for Lorne,
                the return of Carson and Daniel coming to Atlantis

                It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                  Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                  That sound byte. Made me sqeeeeeee. I love his voice.
                  I know isn't it dreamy? Yeah I think that is why I liked waking up to it the other day *sighs*

                  Originally posted by Snowy View Post
                  He does! And I wish they could include him in the promo pics!
                  Oh I'd LOVE to see him in the promo pics! (though I think i've been spending too much time in the gutter as that was NOT what I saw when i read through it at first)

                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  mm mm mm.....I'm sorry if anyone thunks Ronon or John but theyt just don't really do anything for me....I love them an all but i just don't find them thumable but i dunno what it is with Lorne,he's just...Well i can't really put my finger on it...There's just something so adorable about him that it's hard to resist that charm
                  I think that its his down to earthness, at least thats what gets me. Oh heck just the whole thing gets me.

                  Originally posted by melfan View Post
                  I'm looking forward to S&R. I want some Lorne whump
                  Ooooh Lorne whump! I need to dig out Coup D'Etat and watch that again.

                  So I'm attaching another soundbyte, its rather funny as my friend forgot to context it at all, thankfully after I ROTFLMAO for a while I was able to remember WHO he was talking to(its from runner). Oh and his snarkyful monologue about going to another galaxy.
                  Attached Files

                  I'm a 60%'er


                    With all of the double-thunk talk today it reminded me of a shirt I wear (often on campus where no one gets the joke) that says Good Girls Go To Heaven, Bad Girls Go To Pegasus - that's so become my motto

                    Second note, I'm kinda looking forward to "Team Barbie" only because I'm a huge fan of Christina Cox and I was so sad when her last show (one of my faves, Blood Ties) got the ax

                    Today's PicSpam: Tattoo...


                      Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                      ....a shirt I wear (often on campus where no one gets the joke) that says Good Girls Go To Heaven, Bad Girls Go To Pegasus - that's so become my motto
                      that is so true


                      It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                        Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                        With all of the double-thunk talk today it reminded me of a shirt I wear (often on campus where no one gets the joke) that says Good Girls Go To Heaven, Bad Girls Go To Pegasus - that's so become my motto

                        Second note, I'm kinda looking forward to "Team Barbie" only because I'm a huge fan of Christina Cox and I was so sad when her last show (one of my faves, Blood Ties) got the ax

                        Today's PicSpam: Tattoo...

                        That was her?? Cool! I enjoyed that show a lot! Nice tattoo pics!!!


                          Methinks I should subscribe to this thread just for the insane amount of handsomeness in here...


                            Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                            Methinks I should subscribe to this thread just for the insane amount of handsomeness in here...
                            oh yes you should...

                            It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                              Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                              Methinks I should subscribe to this thread just for the insane amount of handsomeness in here...
                              Ohhh you got to!!!


                                -laughs- Alright, done. -goes to look up pics of Kavan, because she REALLY doesn't want to go through over 200 pages for that-

