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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    been awhile for me too but i opened the page an nearly fell off my chair at the loooovely pics ahhh gasps* falls over*
    I'm a doctor.. a medical doctor. I break things like this.. "beckett season one episode one of atlantis"


      Originally posted by Orovingwen
      really pre-school.. but somehow most forums I know are *role eyes*
      well I'm exactly 21^^ So.. do I count as mature?

      well I think pro or contra threads are not that "nice" because I can love a charcter and still have some certain critics or I can hate a character but agree on some "positiv" aspects. I mean no one is black and white we alle have several shades (exept lorne we don't knwo that muchabout him^^ the writer should give him an episode )

      I read the FAQ it's just that I'm still confused. I menqa they say what Thunk and such is but.. the diffrence between discussion and WOW thingy.. maybe I'm too stupid to get it

      So this is for all but slash.. besides that somehow I find him hard to slash.. no you can mostly slash everybody in Atlantis but Lorne? I'd put him to Weir if I had to choose^^

      Does anybody have a pic of KS appereance in BSG? I saw the eps but I can't remeber seeing him in them
      The biggest fights on the boards are from shipping/slashing and hate speech. So they don't want you to go on a thread that says WOW, THUNK, PRO and put them down or say how much you hate them! Fans who adore, love, like, are wowed by that character are insulted and you aren't supposed to insult people on the boards. Common courtesy and decency to your fellow man are supposed to be practiced here. LOL simple as that.


        Shameless bum-page...

        Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


          cute bump! *stares*



            I had to rush on and say that I got one of the autographed cards by Kavan from the season two set of Atlantis cards! I was totally shocked!


              Cool Cathain
              There are so many of those at ebay ... I don't even know if I want one now ....
              Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


                Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham

                I had to rush on and say that I got one of the autographed cards by Kavan from the season two set of Atlantis cards! I was totally shocked!
                Aw, that's great! I want one.


                  Oh, cool bum-page... (love the term, btw), now how 'bout some whumpage?

                  That's really cool about the signed cards, by the way . Hmm...I think I deserve a reward for that curve-breaker I got...and a little Kavan goes a long way to reward Llyrellin. .

                  Banners by Luciana, Nici and myself.


                    Found something I made awhile back ... heh

                    Oh and just cause I really hope for a good first name ..

                    Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


                      Nici, you're up late! Excited about the interview tomorrow? Me too!
                      Love your wall and I'm crossing my fingers for Marc too!


                        *chants* Marc Marc Marc


                          Morning all! Where is everybody? Our boy's been pushed back to page two...
                          then again, maybe his evil clone tied him up. .

                          Banners by Luciana, Nici and myself.


                            Sorry LLs, I'm nursing a cold, have a great day all, Marcus Rules!


                              Sorry the daughter dragged me shopping and I had a pair of gloves to finish, I do love that picture there something about a roomful of tied up men.


                                Hope you get over that cold soon, purple. Here's a little something to make you feel better. .

                                Banners by Luciana, Nici and myself.

