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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    wahoo! Love the pics, Cathain. Tongue porn indeed. Do you have any of him fighting?

    And a little off topic... I don't believe it. I finally reach the 1800 post mark so I can have a custom avatar and they go and CHANGE it to 2000 posts DAYS before I reach 1800. This just sucks.
    Last edited by GatetheWay; 12 December 2005, 07:19 PM.

    5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


      Yep. Tongue Porn, my favorite kind

      And of course I've got the fight!

      And I agree with ya Gate. I hate the new Avatar rules *shakes fist*


        Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham
        New "First Wave" caps!!

        *Love this scene
        OMG, that is some kind of tongue porn!!! WAAAAA it is quite nice!


          Originally posted by GatetheWay
          I finally reach the 1800 post mark so I can have a custom avatar and they go and CHANGE it to 2000 posts DAYS before I reach 1800. This just sucks.
          Between the addition of new avs and the fact that the levels were SO well known that people were deliberately spamming their way to the required mark, Darren decided to change things around a bit.

          Of course, now everyone knows it's the 2000 mark instead, so they'll just spam a little harder. *sigh*

          I'm not saying you would do that, BTW, I'm just saying that certain nameless little trogs have done it and that kinda crap ruins it for everyone else.

          I really hope Kavan shows up for the GW dinner. Or just to the con itself. Or something. I'll have to get a camera, though, so I can get good screepcaps of him.


            Originally posted by GatetheWay
            wahoo! Love the pics, Cathain. Tongue porn indeed. Do you have any of him fighting?

            And a little off topic... I don't believe it. I finally reach the 1800 post mark so I can have a custom avatar and they go and CHANGE it to 2000 posts DAYS before I reach 1800. This just sucks.
            How did you learn of this? I didn't know, sorry


              Well, I thought it might of been because of spammers but the timing was just impecable. I've been a member here for over a year and I was hoping I'd finally get my own avatar. *sigh* It will take me forever now to get those additional posts. I didn't mind the change so much as it's timing.

              5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                Originally posted by ShadowMaat

                I really hope Kavan shows up for the GW dinner. Or just to the con itself. Or something. I'll have to get a camera, though, so I can get good screepcaps of him.
                huh-na what-uh?

                My Graphix LJ || scifi_abc


                  Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                  Between the addition of new avs and the fact that the levels were SO well known that people were deliberately spamming their way to the required mark, Darren decided to change things around a bit.

                  Of course, now everyone knows it's the 2000 mark instead, so they'll just spam a little harder. *sigh*

                  I'm not saying you would do that, BTW, I'm just saying that certain nameless little trogs have done it and that kinda crap ruins it for everyone else.

                  I really hope Kavan shows up for the GW dinner. Or just to the con itself. Or something. I'll have to get a camera, though, so I can get good screepcaps of him.
                  What con do you think he is going to? When is it? That would be sweet!
                  A good digital is not to costly now days, hope he goes and hope you get lots of good pics!!


                    Yes, let's hear about this con and CONGRATS LORNELOVERS we've made it to 200 pages No one can deny Marcus now *laughs*


                      Not to be a pesemist but I'm assuming this con talk from Shadow is wishful thinking. Am I right?

                      5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                        Originally posted by GatetheWay
                        Well, I thought it might of been because of spammers but the timing was just impecable. I've been a member here for over a year and I was hoping I'd finally get my own avatar. *sigh* It will take me forever now to get those additional posts. I didn't mind the change so much as it's timing.
                        Aw, sorry Gate. I am sorry to hear it for you. Personally I think if the spammers are going to do that just to get the av option then he should lower it and that would avoid a bunch of junk posts. But another option would be to eliminate the junk posts by having the mods delete them. They would learn pretty quick don't you think?


                          Originally posted by purpletoo1
                          What con do you think he is going to? When is it? That would be sweet!
                          The Creation Con in Vancouver in March. David is getting a dinner together for Gateworlders and, he hopes, a few un-named guests. Last year Rainbow, Martin Gero, Bruce Woloshyn (Rainmaker Digital guru), and I think Courtenay Stevens (Lt. Elliot & Keras) all showed (although Courtenay showed up after I'd left, the b***ard! ).

                          And I may have to rely on other people with cameras as my own photo taking skills suck. And I'll be too nervous, anyway.

                          Edit: Yeah, it's just wishful thinking on my part. Kavan definitely isn't a listed guest of the con and never would be as he's far too minor and uninteresting by corporate money-grubber standards. David's party is a possibility, assuming David can track him down and that it's something Kavan is interested in (and has the time to do). And assuming, of course, that enough people will know who he is. *sigh* Coup should have aired by then, right? Folks will have a better idea, hopefully.


                            Originally posted by purpletoo1
                            Aw, sorry Gate. I am sorry to hear it for you. Personally I think if the spammers are going to do that just to get the av option then he should lower it and that would avoid a bunch of junk posts. But another option would be to eliminate the junk posts by having the mods delete them. They would learn pretty quick don't you think?
                            Nah Mods shouldn't delete posts for that reason. Where would they draw the line at what's spam and whats not? Too much sencership would happen. We don't want those new mods going on power trips to we?

                            5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                              Originally posted by GatetheWay
                              Not to be a pesemist but I'm assuming this con talk from Shadow is wishful thinking. Am I right?
                              I wouldn't put it past her!!


                                Hey nothing's wrong with wishful thinking. I'd love it if he went to a con and he may go to one we don't know for sure.

                                5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!

