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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Yippie --------- New avatar for me!!!!!!!!!!
    sigpic myLornefanfic


      Originally posted by immertreu View Post
      It's mostly either American or German TV. You can guess which one I prefer.
      Actually, sometimes German TV isn't that bad I mean, there's Tatort which can still surprise after 40 years (yep, there's a show on German television that celebrates its 40th birthday this year), there's Doctor's Diary which is surprisingly funny and well written, there's Dr. Psycho... you just have to know where to look

      Hmph. Well, I need a job/internship first, then I can start searching for a place to live...
      Oh, internships are never a problem (after all, we're "Generation Praktikum"...). Finding a job you can live off... totally different matter.

      Hey, Row --- I'd have rented to you!!! Not that your prospects of finding a job up where the house is are any good.
      Oh, I think my job-finding prospects are good anywhere (I'm just being a realist here, knowing that the unemployment rate for social scientists is about 3 times the average rate for people with a college degree)...

      YIPPIE!!!!!!!!!!! That all-elusive 2000th post!!!!!!!!!

      Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
      Oh... I think I tried to join once before but not sure why I couldnt get in....
      If it was ages ago.. maybe it was because you didn't have an invite (back in the days... you actually needed invites to join LJ).
      I'm a 60%er.

      I will always place the mission first.
      I will never accept defeat.
      I will never quit.
      I will never leave a fallen comrade.
      "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."




          Arrrrrrrrrgg... signavatar is now not working !!!!
          sigpic myLornefanfic


            Just a peek in to say hi to the LorneLovers. I've been really sick so I just wanted to drop by quickly.

            No picspam tonight I'm afraid.


              awwwww... get better soon Cath. *hugs*


                ellso nutty peeps


                  If somebody could send me Dr. Lorne that would be *great*....

                  I knew that my committee position had its perks I just never realized those perks included
                  food poisoning

                  I'm a 60%'er


                    Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                    If somebody could send me Dr. Lorne that would be *great*....

                    I knew that my committee position had its perks I just never realized those perks included
                    food poisoning
                    Oh dear --- been there - it's no fun! Hope you get better soon.

                    Took a little Dr Lorne with me today - had a test on my stomach - they think its acid making my asthma worse....
                    sigpic myLornefanfic


                      Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                      Oh dear --- been there - it's no fun! Hope you get better soon.


                      Took a little Dr Lorne with me today - had a test on my stomach - they think its acid making my asthma worse....
                      Oh thanks for the Dr. Sci Sorry about your tests. I'm starting to feel a bit better but I won't know for another few hours if I'm completely done with it yet.

                      I'm a 60%'er


                        Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
                        EB, The pic I posted is from the ep Broken Ties that I snurched from here.


                        ah, okie dokie. I haven't seen the episode so that explains why I didn't recognize it.

                        and *guh* to the pics you seem to know my weakness don't you?

                        It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                          we do hmmm... good


                            Get better soon, CN, Kass, and SciFiSGfan!!

                            Kass, that's cool about adding resources and stuff later.

                            I find it beneficial about being a member of livejournal. You're able to post and comment, and view stuff that you may not be able too see if you weren't a member.

                            How did that one sneak in there?

                            Ooh, I found my clone. He's already backing our bags for a trip to the mainland. I have him well trained!!
                            Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
                            My My Own Website


                              Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
                              Get better soon, CN, Kass, and SciFiSGfan!!
                              should find out in a couple weeks what's up for sure.

                              Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
                              I find it beneficial about being a member of livejournal. You're able to post and comment, and view stuff that you may not be able too see if you weren't a member.
                              Havent had the chance to check into it -- maybe this weekend since we are supposed to get sloppy - rain, ice & snow!!!

                              Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post



                              How did that one sneak in there?


                              Ooh, I found my clone. He's already backing our bags for a trip to the mainland. I have him well trained!!
                              Nice pix, CKO! My clone and I just got back from there a couple days there -- it's mighty fine this time of year!! He even brought me a bunny!!! Now isnt that a sweet clone!??
                              sigpic myLornefanfic


                                Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                                Actually, sometimes German TV isn't that bad I mean, there's Tatort which can still surprise after 40 years (yep, there's a show on German television that celebrates its 40th birthday this year), there's Doctor's Diary which is surprisingly funny and well written, there's Dr. Psycho... you just have to know where to look
                                Hmm... not really my type of shows. But everybody should watch what he/she likes. I prefer American and Canadian television because of the actors. There's no German actor I really like at the moment (bad bad me, I know...), so...

                                Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                                Oh, internships are never a problem (after all, we're "Generation Praktikum"...). Finding a job you can live off... totally different matter.

                                Oh, I think my job-finding prospects are good anywhere (I'm just being a realist here, knowing that the unemployment rate for social scientists is about 3 times the average rate for people with a college degree)...
                                Yeah... I studied Cultural Studies, Intercultural German Studies, Literature and Media... Any job suggestions... Anyone?

                                Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                                Just a peek in to say hi to the LorneLovers. I've been really sick so I just wanted to drop by quickly.

                                No picspam tonight I'm afraid.
                                Get well soon!

                                Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                                If somebody could send me Dr. Lorne that would be *great*....

                                I knew that my committee position had its perks I just never realized those perks included
                                food poisoning
                                Oh, dear! What's the matter with all the Lorne Lovers at the moment? I'm back on my feet and everybody is ill.

                                Hope you feel better soon, Mac!

                                Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                                Took a little Dr Lorne with me today - had a test on my stomach - they think its acid making my asthma worse....
                                I'm sorry. Hope you know more soon! *hugs*

                                Thanks for the pics everybody.

