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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Is that from burning yourself, Reef? No joke, I'm actually scared of ovens and hobs. My mum thinks it's just so I can get out of doing the cooking but I'm actually terrified of burning myself. It's weird, coz I can do the ironing and use blow torches and soldering irons, but I have a phobia of the oven


      Yep, burns and cuts and they go up my arms as well from where I've caught my arms on ovens and fat burns as well


        I'd be wearing gloves and long sleeves all the time.


          Well, no update, same as last night *laughs* I ended up cleaning my closet for most of the day. Old clothes, stuff I never any case, Reef I swear I'll get to the fic!

          And as for scars, I have some that really stand out, one thin white one on my bicep, origins unknown, the deformed one where I severed my finger and it was any case (I have a point! ) What do you LorneLovers think about scars on Lorne?

          O'Neill had that very hot eyebrow scar (one we saw most often), Ronon's got more than his fair share (not to mention the rather violent scar on Jason's elbow), so yay or nay for scars on Lorne? Personally I think its really hot, for various reasons too, it just makes you look at him in honor, that he put his body on the line like that for people's freedom, that he's got these dark moments in his past...

          Anyway, thoughts? Feelings?


            I think scars can be sexy. (RDA's is hot...haha!) I'd like to see some Kavan/Lorne battle scars...*drifts off into a land not fit for PG*
            Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


              Haha, it reminds me of Emilio Estevez's movie Loaded Weapon LOL


                Mmmm I'd like to see a few scars on Lorne as well.

                No worries Cath just say if you need another link

                FF my problem is I always roll my sleeves up, not just on my uniform jacket, I just hate long sleeves on anything



                    Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


                      *can't believe that there is a serious convo going on about scars

                      anyway, i think maybe a gun shot or stabbing type of scar would be nice for lorne. not too big, but there to say "i'd put my life on the line if need be", ya know..

                      as for me, got a few. 3 chicken pox scars (2 on my face, one on my arm, i had them REALLY bad, my mom is surprised i don't have more), elbows are scarred up from being the soccer goalie in elementary school next to the brick wall that was the goal. got a good one on my bicep from when my dog was a puppy. the skin literally "popped" but it didn't bleed, just scarred for some reason, which i think is b/c its a "love bite/memory" scar b/c my dog was a seeing eye puppy. and now i've got 4 loverly scars around my ankle thanks to the 5 inch tall "attack parrot" at the wildlife sanctuary that tried to eat me.

                      My Graphix LJ || scifi_abc


                        Attack Parrot????


                          afternoon all
                          Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                            I'm here to say goodnight, so goodnight all


                              If you go down to the woods today...



                                Originally posted by Reefgirl View Post
                                No worries Cath just say if you need another link
                                Haha! Finally got to read Reef!

                                It was odd to see 'Evan' used in a half-slashy fic *laughs* It was a hot fic but I just kept coming back to that. Then again I've seen a 'Marc'/Radek fic before. Oh and there are always those 'Nick'/Kavanagh ones on Wraithbait *shudders at idea) Anyway nice!

