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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
    OMG, you're following me again LOL Am I rubbing off on you? Do you love Lorne now? Just take a look at the vampire caps and you'll fall in love Nice to have you here honey. Multi tasking? Is that what you call a three$ome now? lmao!!
    Purple...rub off on me? that'd make me look like a reverse Oompa Loompa lol
    I love men in general lol Multitasking makes it sound more I wonder who'd be game to use it as an example at a job interview though
    "Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand!" Mark Twain (1835-1910)
    "But you see, just because we've been dealt a certain hand doesn't mean we can't choose to rise above it. To conquer the boundaries of a destiny none of us wanted. To try and retain whatever essential humanity we can." ~Edward from Twilight
    Historic Connections Ancient history resources business my Dad runs...go check it out


      Originally posted by Reefgirl View Post
      The drains are unblocked now, I spent the whole boring evening knitting, I was really pi$$ed off when I found out that the restaurent was closing early, I could have taken my laptop to work and written instead of knitting

      I'll try and get some more Smallville caps up by the weekend, I won't get to see it until friday anyway

      Cath - I hope it lives up to expectation, I'm happy with it so far

      LOL such a funny quote in your sig Reef I'll try and remember to give you green when broadband comes back up...right now I'm battling dial-up
      "Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand!" Mark Twain (1835-1910)
      "But you see, just because we've been dealt a certain hand doesn't mean we can't choose to rise above it. To conquer the boundaries of a destiny none of us wanted. To try and retain whatever essential humanity we can." ~Edward from Twilight
      Historic Connections Ancient history resources business my Dad runs...go check it out


        I used to have a T'Shirt with that quote on it, it had a guitar weilding Duck on it too


          That is a gorgeous pic Reef


            morning thunkers!

            *bounces around like Hammy*


              I know, it's really nice


                morning everyone
                Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                  Hey mayo! *waves back* Hey Reef and mckaychick!
                  I won't be staying long, I have to go back to school soon, and when I get home I've got a report to write


                    hey firefly. Hope your having fun
                    Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                      Not really. That chemistry report that took me all last week needs a final draft doing, AND I have a test tomorrow...


                        test in chemistry???
                        Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                          Yup. My teacher is evil In fact, I swear he's like Ba'al, only he doesn't joke or smile as much.


                            lol awwww. im sorry
                            I loved chemistry in high school. My teacher liked me and i was also her student aid for 2 years so i learned alot
                            Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                              I love chemistry too. I've had my teacher for 3 years and he used to be really good but this year's gone downhill slightly. But never mind, only a couple of months to go and then no more school ever!


                                congrats for you. I still have a ways to go through college here.
                                Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig

