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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    I'm glad that you didn't think I asked something out of line. It was only my intention to flatter him and let him know how much support he had. I don't like it when I read those things you mentioned too.

    I will tell you that a brief letter accompanied the interview and in it I stated that although we wanted to know everthing, he should only answer what he felt comfortable answering. I gave him an out from the get go. Not that he need me to. I thought he might pass on some of them altogether. But being the gentleman that he is, he even explained why he didn't want to answer some things, LOL He was far more forth coming on some things than I thought he would be and less on some things that I didn't think were a big his tat for instance. That really threw me

    I also explained to him that I had a casual, humorous style just because it can be hard to translate personality in emails. I don't think I was offensive and it was all done in the spirit of total respect on my part! I didn't edit anything he said. Every word he typed was included in the post. I'm very appreciative that he was willing to spend his time talking about himself, though clearly he is not comfortable doing that!! I wished him and his family well.

    Don't worry Kate, you made sense. And the reason I even pursued an interview with him was because I wanted to get to know him better as a person and a professional. I find him interesting, like everyone else here and I wasn't seeing much about him anywhere. Then the interviews that were conducted didn't ask all the things I would have. So I teamed up with Nice to get something special for his fan site. I am one who believes in going and getting what you want.
    Last edited by purpletoo1; 02 October 2006, 10:22 PM.


      Brilliant interview girls, he seems a really nice genuine guy. Well done with it


        ya, at least we have a confirmed name for Lorne now thats really cool


          Nice interview, guys! Really liked it.

          Banners by Luciana, Nici and myself.


            Thanks all, glad you liked it. I thought it was great!


              *laughs* Okay as official LorneLovers its up to us to get people straight on Lorne's first name now


                Nice interview. Chocolate covered cheese? That sounds tasty, if it's cream cheese.

                Glad to know he finally has a first name. I do like that name, but I'm not sure if I like it for Lorne or not yet.

                Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                  I'm becoming to like it. And that's just cause I officially made Marcus his middle name. LOL! hehe
                  Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


                    That works Nici, lol


                      Bump from page 2


                        Like that idea, Nici...Evan Marcus works..

                        Banners by Luciana, Nici and myself.


                          Originally posted by Morgania
                          Nice interview. Chocolate covered cheese? That sounds tasty, if it's cream cheese.

                          Glad to know he finally has a first name. I do like that name, but I'm not sure if I like it for Lorne or not yet.

                          That chocolate question was from The gateroom interview. Our interview was for found here>


                            Originally posted by Llyrellin
                            Like that idea, Nici...Evan Marcus works..
                            It seems that Evan isn't a joke, LOL so I guess I can accept it ....but does that mean that the violin and painting is real too? *shakes head*


                              What's wrong with painting and violin? I think it's kinda cool...then again, I'll listen to gregorian chant and ACDC equally happily, so take that for what it is. But enough about me...

                              Heck, as long as they keep him looking that good, who cares about the name?

                              Banners by Luciana, Nici and myself.


                                Nothing is wrong with those things. They are cool. But he is a warrior and I just don't see where they are taking his character. Maybe they are trying to soften him up

