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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by OrangeSwirl
    gah!! omg.. life sux.. ok, so my compy totally got fracked up by spyware, and i had to re-install windows. which means, i've lost EVERYTHING... while yes there are many things that i could care less about, but i lost all my pics! thank goodness for our loverly PB account or i'd be balling my eyes out. besides i've done enough crying since i had to put my cat down the other day, yeah its been a bad week, and thats not even half of it.. anyway, all the loverly caps from purple and the loverly motivational posters from shadow have cheered me up a bit.. *insert cute huggle smiley here* yes, i have to get my smiley prog back too.. gah! well, i guess things can only get better, right?
    Awww OS! *hugs* Funny, I was just updating our PB account yesterday. I've got loads more of updating to do too - so if any LorneLovers notice something's behind please help out! *laughs* Because if not it might take me months!


      where did you leave off Kate? I'll help if you need it.


        I left off in icons because I have so many *laughs* But you're go to girl for 4400 and Blade so either / both would be great. Thanks Purple.


          OK, no prob! You probably have more icons than me...well maybe heee I know I have about a hundred gw avvies *giggles* maybe I'll load them some day too.


            *Hugs OS* after losing everything when my hard drive died once I back everything once a month on CD, but because all my music and pics take up so much space I find using a DVD-RW is much better than having loads of CDs over the place.

            If you need pics let me know I don't have many but I'm glad to share


              If I had a dvd burner on the desk top, I would do that too. LOL, I have many cds with my Lorne stuff on them.


                Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                Supernatural. Get him as a recurring on Supernatural. I'd go to a con for that. Double the hotness- Kavan AND Jensen.

                Or move him across the pond so he can be on Doctor Who and/or Torchwood.
                Long lost Winchester cousin? Or the new avatar for the baddie?


                  Do you think if we plead with Russel T Davis he'd make Kavan a Companion as well as bringing back Capt Jack. Oh Gawd I'd be a dribbling heap in front of the TV for 13 weeks. *Sigh* heaven


                    Kavan on Torchwood. *drools* The thunkage might kill me, but it'd be worth it!


                      Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                      Kavan on Torchwood. *drools* The thunkage might kill me, but it'd be worth it!
                      Oh yeah, the perfect way to go


                        Reminder to LorneLovers, we've gotta keep a lookout for anything Dragon*Con related! I'm sure somewhere we'll find something on Kavan!


                          Yep Cathain, I'm one step ahead of ya! I found a website that already has loads of D*C photos but none of the Stargate stuff. Of course, there's always the official site (have no idea though when they add their photos). And then there is a website for Stargate Atlanta that'll be adding their D*C photos too ... just don't know when. So I've been watching a few websites. hehe
                          Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


                            here is the link to the official sight but it is also listed on GW con page so maybe they will get some photos too.



                              Great ladies! I looked everywhere on the official D*C LiveJournal account but so far - no pics. One glipse of Cliff though! *laughs*


                                Does anyone know where to host a PDF file?

