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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Yay for Lorne's popularity, but at the same time... it makes me nervous. I've seen a few people (even those who don't post here) say they like Lorne more than they like Sheppard. Seems an easy choice to me, but I doubt TPTB would be happy to know their precious Marty Sue/Hero was taking second place to a recurring upstart. But then, I'm very bitter and cynical, particularly where TOTB are concerned. Hopefully Lorne will continue to have a long and snarky career on Atlantis and if in five years or so Flanigan decides to bail, maybe they'll let Kavan step in to fill the gap as main lead.


      Ooooh Shadow I think that's the best idea yet that I've heard for Marc's future

      And I didn't get to make a banner, maybe tomorrow and I'll watch the vid then too!


        It'd be a cool idea. Too bad TPTB are more interested in debasing themselves and destroying the integrity of the show(s) for a few ratings points than they are in maintaining integrity and continuity. If Flanigan ever left, they wouldn't do anything as logical as promote Lorne, they'd bring in an entirely new and unknown character to take command. Depending on the timing, it'd probably be Jamie Bamber. See if many complain about that.


          Thanks for the vid link. That was funny. Liked the Lorne/Obi Won thing. He might make a better prequel Kenobi though. Who did they pick as Boba Fett this time?

          Ben Lorne and his trusty lightsaber...

          Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


            OK, I need a sharp-eyed Kavan addict to tell me whether or not this is our boy:

            And then more covered up here:

            It definitely sounds like him, and I know he's in this ep, but I'm not positive on the visual aspect. I kinda think it has to be.

            Good news: he didn't die, so there's a chance he could show up again.
            Bad news: given his "job", I think he'll have a very short (un)life expectancy.

            I hate vampires. I hate Blade. But there are a lot of familiar faces and a lot of familiar sites and if Kavan IS gonna show up again, well... I can at least TRY to remember to watch.


              No, that's not Kavan. Kav's face is fuller ... and that guy's nose is a little different too ... so it's not Kavan. But ... that's my take, anyway. lol
              Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


                Definatly not, that guy's got a longer face, Kavan's is rounder


                  I'm with Reef and Nici - I don't think its him either. Said guy looks more like a young Robert Beltran than Kavan.


                    Bah. I did wonder about the nose, but that's the only guy who looked even remotely like a possibility. The lighting on that show is so damn dark... There was one vamp who got dusted, but he was always in the dark, and you never really saw his face. The hair on that one looked really wrong.

                    Sigh. I tried. Unfortunately I really suck at visuals. Even with someone as lovely to look at as Kavan.


                      Originally posted by Morgania
                      Who did they pick as Boba Fett this time?
                      The island bad guy from 'Condemned' - Torrell.

                      It was a cute vid


                        Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                        Bah. I did wonder about the nose, but that's the only guy who looked even remotely like a possibility. The lighting on that show is so damn dark... There was one vamp who got dusted, but he was always in the dark, and you never really saw his face. The hair on that one looked really wrong.

                        Sigh. I tried. Unfortunately I really suck at visuals. Even with someone as lovely to look at as Kavan.
                        *laughs* That's okay Shadow, remember my call on the guy from the candy bar commercial?

                        ...Then again I still think they look kinda like. Like an evil twin version *laughs*


                          Maybe he's in Blade just not in the Pilot like when IMDb said he was in that one ep of Reunion but it was really the next ep or the whole BSG thing. I'll watch tonight's Blade to see if he's in that one.

                          5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                            I challenge someone to watch Blade and find Kavan, then. Dunno why I bother trying to find him, myself. I once introduced myself to a co-worker because she'd gotten a haircut and I didn't recognize her. *headdesk*


                              I watched the Pilot and I didn't notice him at all while a I noticed a bunch of other SG actors. I saw it it initially because I love Neil Jackson so much.

                              5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                                Oooh I'm with ya Gate Neil is great! And no worries Shadow happens to the best of us

                                *looks at creepy commerial pic again* Ya'll sure that isn't him?

