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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Forced quietude with the forum crash. Again.


      Another forum crash? This is my first chance to get on today. I'm not posting up pics - I'm going to try and find some whumpage that's been "buried" and post them up later.


        Originally posted by Nici
        Last night my dad had the television on SCIFI and I had forgotten that they were going to do a marathon of SGA. My mom poked her head into the living room when she saw me coming and she goes, "Uh oh ... Lorne" and I was like "Oh right!" cause yeah, I forgot it was on LOL ... So then I plopped myself down and watched "Runner" once again. hehe ... just felt like sharing


          Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham
          I think the reason why Kavan caught so much attention in Runner was because he did such a fantastic job standing up and holding his own with McKay!
          Exactly! He came out of the shoot with a bang!


            Originally posted by OrangeSwirl
            awe shucks.. thanx purple!
            heee, you are so welcome! Talent should get kudos!


              Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham
              Wha? Sorry did you say something? I was just looking at the pics and imagining Kavan thanking me
              LOL, he is thankfull for your fangirlishness!


                Originally posted by mdivaz
                I thought it was a little slow here for a bit. Glad to see you're all recovering nicely.
                LOL, yea we have 1000 lives....


                  Originally posted by OrangeSwirl
                  hehe, its finals week, which means lots of walls this week..

                  *lyrics from "Dangerous to Know" by Hilary Duff

                  Got 2 more in my theme of the day...
                  Window to Atlantis
                  matching Shep window
                  Very nice! You did it again!




                      Oooh yum yum


                        He is so lovely in that one, i think i've already posted it a few times but cant help myself.


                          wow hasn't he got gorgious blue eyes, like my daughter's when she was a baby


                            You saying he has girly eyes??

                            Kidding. They ARE very pretty. I have a feeling it's probably a good thing that I haven't met him face to face, 'cause something tells me I'm be reduced to a red-faced stammering mess if I did. LOL!


                              I think he would have that effect on most of us. I know he would on me.


                                Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                                You saying he has girly eyes??

                                Kidding. They ARE very pretty. I have a feeling it's probably a good thing that I haven't met him face to face, 'cause something tells me I'm be reduced to a red-faced stammering mess if I did. LOL!
                                actually he does.. hehe, my eyes are the exact same color no lie.. hehe, its a very unique color.. normally a slate blue, but when catching the light can be manipulated to any shade of blue...

                                oh, and thanx again purple!

                                My Graphix LJ || scifi_abc

