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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    MMMMmmm.. what a pretty sight before bed... me heading to bed early tonite.. haven't been sleeping well.. so overdose on SLD all!

    My Graphix LJ || scifi_abc


      I'm heading to bed now too, I'm exhausted and I've got class in the morning. SLD everyone!

      PS - Got the SG magainze today (I didn't forget about you Purple but we're having storms and my power keeps going out so no issue #1 yet) anyway even though I'd read the article its so cool to actually see Kavan in print for everyone to see


        I agree, and thanks for the #1 when ever you get to it. We didn't have any power outages but we did have a tornado warning today!


          Just a quick drive by to remind you that it is Whumped Wednesday!


            Originally posted by purpletoo1
            Just a quick drive by to remind you that it is Whumped Wednesday!
            Oh yes, gotta love Wednesdays ...

            Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


              hehe its Nici's fave day!!

              anyway, i've got some more icons to share... nearly half done with my 50, currently at 23...


              My Graphix LJ || scifi_abc


                love the icons!

                and the whumped Lornes!


                  Originally posted by OrangeSwirl
                  hehe its Nici's fave day!!
                  You betcha!

                  And I like that first icon! hehe .. good job!
                  Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...



                      I thought I'd share with y'all my new layout at my Xanga. It's Lorne, baby! hehe (Oh yeah, and I also made a Blogring a few weeks ago for Lorne called "Major Lorne's Recruits" ... so if ya have Xanga, you can join on in)

                      Mmmkay ... more whump pics from me!

                      Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


                        Originally posted by Nici
                        I thought I'd share with y'all my new layout at my Xanga. It's Lorne, baby! hehe (Oh yeah, and I also made a Blogring a few weeks ago for Lorne called "Major Lorne's Recruits" ... so if ya have Xanga, you can join on in)
                        I love the layout Nici! I haven't touched my Xanga in forever but I will to join the Recruits


                          Originally posted by Nici
                          I thought I'd share with y'all my new layout at my Xanga. It's Lorne, baby! hehe (Oh yeah, and I also made a Blogring a few weeks ago for Lorne called "Major Lorne's Recruits" ... so if ya have Xanga, you can join on in)

                          Mmmkay ... more whump pics from me!

                          So pretty in these!!


                            Just as a random aside, and given that the Weir threads are currently imploding, I want to pose some questions to you all:

                            How do you feel about the atmosphere here on the thread? Is it friendly? Or are there ever things that you don't feel comfortable saying for fear of how "we" might react (and ignoring the whole PG limitations thing )

                            Do you get frustrated when a good convo gets interrupted by a bout of thunking? Or maybe you don't like the thunking getting interrupted by sylly people posting words instead of pictures?

                            Does it bother you that people post stuff unrelated to Lorne? Even if it's about Kavan?

                            Personally, I haven't noticed any problems here and I'm not trying to stir up trouble, but I'm trying to get a better understanding of the Weir vs. Torri situation and I figure this is a good place to ask- not only because everyone always seems to have a good time, but because this is a SINGLE thread about Lorne/Kavan. I think we've managed to do well so far in encompassing outright thunking with more serious discussion without it getting blown out of proportion. If the day comes when we as a group decide that it might be a good idea to separate out the thunking from the discussing, I have hopes that it'll be achieved peacefully and without Mod intervention.

                            And on a tangeant, I hope that we're all mature enough to keep things in perspective and not fly off the handle if someone dares to suggest that Lorne isn't the studliest stud in all of stud-dom or that Kavan isn't all that hot of an actor. Granted, that isn't likely to happen on a thunk thread, which is about as blatantly pro as you can get, but just in general board interactions and in some far off future if/when a separate discussion thread is created, I just wanna make sure we aren't going to wind up on the wrong side of a flame war.

                            Anyway, I just wanted to toss that out there and see what happens.

                            *hides behind Lorne and his "rocket launcher"*


                              I agree with you Shadow - I think having one Marcus thread is really keeping us together. I'd like to think the LorneLovers are friendly, I know we always go out of our way to say hi to new posters, which I hope is seen as friendly.

                              And I think we stay on topic most of the time, getting a little off doesn't bother me, and somehow we always link everything back to Marcus and Kavan *laughs* We're gifted like that!

                              And as for each other, I think we're a really accepting group. We understand differences in one another but we're all here for a common reason, a love of Marcus and Kavan.


                                Personally, I think there are rules for a good reason and I like people who keep the rules for most of their time in the thread. Having said that, it is fine to go off topic on occasion and have minor discission in a thunk thread or post an occasional picture on a discussion thread (as long as you don't drool on it while you post).

                                A thunk thread encompasses all of the actor's/charater's virtues! The name says it all: Kavan Smith/Major Lorne Thunk Thread. We can talk about all of his stuff here as long as it is pro Kavan. Thunk equates adoration! If anyone ever wants to start a discussion thread for him that should be a happy day! Why would there ever even need to be a discussion about having a discussion thread? Just go start one.

                                I have no idea what is going on in other threads but discussion threads are totally different kinds of threads and different people post on them. I don't usually post on discussion threads because I come here to have fun and they are not always fun. If I wanted intellectual stimulation I wouldn't come to a board with primarily 14-17 years olds who think they know everything but in reality know nothing. I am in my 40's and in general, I find stimulation with my peers. Of course there are exceptions to this. I come here for a laugh and a thunk and to support Stargate and the actors. My philosophy is the same as the bumper sticker "Mean People Suck."

                                I haven't found any mean people on thunk threads thus far and if there is anyone who gets bent out of shape over anything in a thunk thread it is usually because of a misunderstanding or because someone is having a bad day. You just have to learn to over look things and tolerate the petty stuff. If it doesn't make you smile then don't say it! If you want to confront someone do it in a PM or count to ten and it will go away. I have for the most part enjoyed myself here on GW and in my thunk threads. I have made many friends of all ages, races, sexes and life styles. I love you Lornelovers!! (((hugs)))
                                Last edited by purpletoo1; 01 March 2006, 09:41 PM.

