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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    for the factor

    Sig by Luciana, csom & scifan & Avi's by Snowball


      Man, but the man looks good all rumpled

      Sig by Luciana, csom & scifan & Avi's by Snowball


        Evening y'all! *gives big hug*

        My damn computer been down for count the entire week and I swear, I'm gonna buy me a new one! And shoot the old one!

        seem like I got a lot to catching up to do..
        I'm a 60%er | Sigs are made by me and othersThe Lorne Identity - A Lorne fanfiction collection community.


          Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
          He's hoping for 10/10
          He's going the right way about it!

          Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
          Funny that. I never notice those either
          We're too innocent Lizzie, that's our problem!!

          Originally posted by Spacemonkey_Jackson View Post
          Kavin Gun Porn!!!

          Hehe, you ok there spacemonkey?

          Originally posted by Mountiegirl View Post
          Right, quick post to say hi and bye because I have a sixth form party to go to
          Hope you had a good time!

          Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
          I conducted my first radio interview today
          Woooo, get you!! Well done... how did it go?

          Originally posted by Plickies View Post
          And an excellent view it is

          Originally posted by Plickies View Post
          Man, but the man looks good all rumpled
          *whimpers and paws screen* So good... *sigh*

          Originally posted by melfan View Post
          Evening y'all! *gives big hug*

          My damn computer been down for count the entire week and I swear, I'm gonna buy me a new one! And shoot the old one!
          Hey mel

          Hope you get the 'puter sorted (or shot) soon!!



            Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
            Hey mel

            Hope you get the 'puter sorted (or shot) soon!!
            Well, my dad got a few hunting rifles in the safe, so anything is possible
            I'm a 60%er | Sigs are made by me and othersThe Lorne Identity - A Lorne fanfiction collection community.


              Lorne: Seems like a lot of thunkers are having computer problems.
              That's due to us, I think. Our "factor".
              Oh no, here we go again. *sighs*

              Lorne: Oh...right, sir, that factor.
              Yes, indeed, major. I don't have to spell it out, do I?
              Please, please do not spell it out. *heavy sigh*


                Originally posted by Mountiegirl View Post

                Intention repost there because is so cute and funny

                Right, quick post to say hi and bye because I have a sixth form party to go to
                Have a good time

                Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                I conducted my first radio interview today
                Wow... how did it go?

                Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                *falls on lips before Lizzie does

                Hey!....anyone would think I have a reputation for being a lip hog...

                Originally posted by Plickies View Post
                Man, but the man looks good all rumpled
                I love the scruffy detective...damn sexy...

                Originally posted by melfan View Post
                Evening y'all! *gives big hug*

                My damn computer been down for count the entire week and I swear, I'm gonna buy me a new one! And shoot the old one!

                seem like I got a lot to catching up to do..
                Hey Mel *waves*

                Wondered where you'd got to. Welcome back

                Damn computers..perhaps this will make you feel better:



                  Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                  He is *not* in the last one unless you count his six in one shot from EATG behind-the-scenes....

                  THOUGH!!! he will be in the next one me thinks as they went to P4 and promise a full report for both P4 and Chevron for their next issue. (and when I get a moment i'll see if I can scan the one photo of him in the mag)

                  You said it sooo much better than I could(though I'm trying to multi-task and schedule all the toddlers therapy into two days a week)
                  Hey Kass I picked up Stargate Magazine and I don't have any "Six-shot" I do have this one - on page 13

                  Season 5 pic

                  What page is the six shot you mentioned, 'cause I don't see it? Mar/Apr issue right?

                  Sig by Luciana, csom & scifan & Avi's by Snowball


                    Evening all... Hi Spacemonkey. Hey MEL - missed you - hope you get the computer issues figured out. If you "shoot" the thing - better not let Lorne do it -- he might miss and take out another tree!!

                    Hi to all and good nite to those who are probably heading to bed. Dont know about the rest of the world, but we have to change our clocks ahead tonite- lose an hour of sleep tonite! Serious cause for sleepwalking, right Major?

                    And yet another "fun" day -

                    Drove across the state to the accountant - which was pretty good, tax-wise, to be honest. It was the trip OVER and back that got a bit nervy. Lost 5th gear on the car about 10 - 15 miles from out destination which was 180 miles from home! Still had to get home, limped it back in 4th. By the time we got home the car was making ugly noises when starting out from stopped. Thankfully, the other half just picked up a spare ****** for the car last weekend. So that will hopefully get put in this next week. Now we are supposed to get another big snow storm tomorrow and then it will turn cold again. I am soooooooo tired of winter. Just about the time the yard all melts, we get dumped on. <okay, rant for the day is done>

                    Have a good rest of the day all - time to hit the books - kinda forgot about them for a couple days.
                    sigpic myLornefanfic


                      ohhh double thunk... lorne and sheppy yummies... meh, dont care bout rodney... he distracts us from the pretty


                        *Static noise*
                        **TV announcer voice**

                        This just in: A developing story from the West Coast of the States tonight, heartthrob actor Kavan Smith has announced he is throwing the biggest party in history at his residence. The engagement is scheduled to get underway around 10PM EST/7PM PST this evening. It is open invitation, meaning all are welcome. Bring your own favorite memorabilia... *pauses to re-read prompt...* Yep.. BYO favorite memorabilia for him to.... whatever. We now return you to your regularly scheduled thunking.

                        *End broadcast*

                        Okay.. can't you tell I'm just a TEENSY bit bored? So much for Spring Break... not much of a break considering I'm only getting two days off from class and the rest is work... bleh! Anyway, enough of that...

                        How is everyone tonight?!


                          Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
                          *Static noise*
                          **TV announcer voice**

                          This just in: A developing story from the West Coast of the States tonight, heartthrob actor Kavan Smith has announced he is throwing the biggest party in history at his residence. The engagement is scheduled to get underway around 10PM EST/7PM PST this evening. It is open invitation, meaning all are welcome. Bring your own favorite memorabilia... *pauses to re-read prompt...* Yep.. BYO favorite memorabilia for him to whatever. We now return you to your regularly scheduled thunking.

                          *End broadcast*

                          Okay.. can't you tell I'm just a TEENSY bit bored? So much for Spring Break... not much of a break considering I'm only getting two days off from class and the rest is work... bleh! Anyway, enough of that...

                          How is everyone tonight?!

                          Evening Atlantean - Here I was all set to read about a huge announcement for Kavan being in some hot tv series!!!!

                          Eating dinner now, then gonna hit the books. Other half took off to Milwaukee - and the rest of my day is posted above. Watching Pirates of the Caribbean, and the lovely, yet strange, Johnny Depp.
                          sigpic myLornefanfic


                            Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                            Evening Atlantean - Here I was all set to read about a huge announcement for Kavan being in some hot tv series!!!
                            Sorry, didn't meant to get your hopes up! Like I said... very bored! Need to be drawing my comic or writing... but just can't get motivated right now!


                              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                              Ignore the puking, enjoy the view!!

                              Need to re-size those really
                              *hugs sick!Lorne*

                              It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                                Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
                                *Static noise*
                                **TV announcer voice**

                                This just in: A developing story from the West Coast of the States tonight, heartthrob actor Kavan Smith has announced he is throwing the biggest party in history at his residence. The engagement is scheduled to get underway around 10PM EST/7PM PST this evening. It is open invitation, meaning all are welcome. Bring your own favorite memorabilia... *pauses to re-read prompt...* Yep.. BYO favorite memorabilia for him to.... whatever. We now return you to your regularly scheduled thunking.

                                *End broadcast*

                                Okay.. can't you tell I'm just a TEENSY bit bored? So much for Spring Break... not much of a break considering I'm only getting two days off from class and the rest is work... bleh! Anyway, enough of that...

                                How is everyone tonight?!
                                What what what??????????
                                F-bomb, I hate living on the East Coast!!!! Nothing fun ever happens here.

                                Sig by Luciana, csom & scifan & Avi's by Snowball

