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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by kethryveris View Post

    yeah, tell me about it...I'm due back to work tomorrow. Truth to tell, I dread it a little. I have been away for almost 4 and a half weeks and my one day trying to get back ended disastrously. I know there'll be work piled up on my desk the size of a mountain range, and boss is freaking because of some stuff he forgot to start last October. So now we have to cram 6 months worth of work into 6 weeks...and I have already heard he does not intend to give me any extra time to do it....argh...I am really freaking out here already....*tries to calm down*

    Zeeeeeeeeeennnnnnn! Ooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
    I'm sorry work is going to be so stressful for you. I hope it all goes as well as possible.
    Much thanks to Snowball for the banner! Many thanks to Cazzblade for the avatar!!
    I'm a 60%er!


      Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
      RL stuff-

      Hope that everything works out and settle down a bit. I know I may or may not be around much either as the toddler is starting school tomorrow morning for the first time.
      Thanks, things will right themselves eventually!

      Oh yes, I read that yesterday sorry... is she excited? Are you excited?

      Originally posted by John's PuddleJumper View Post
      Drama queen? no just very senstitive about things.

      May GW will get quieter, I hear some people aren't very pleased with mods and the new GW rules etc.
      Fair enough!

      I think GW has changed quite a lot since I joined last year tbh, and see more changes coming. Thankfully I've not been anywhere near all the negative stuff that's been going on all over the place, but I know a few people it's affecting

      Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
      Yep a fallen one
      Haha, I wasn't going to say that.... but since you did I'll have to agree!!

      Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post

      Here's a bribe to keep you coming back...

      Look over here on the Big Finish site...a new mag and guess who's on page 4?
      Don't worry, no-one gets rid of me that easy, I'll just be taking a step back.

      Ooooh, thanks for the link *downloads* Aaaah, the Doctor and Lorne *sigh* Maybe Kavan could be the 11th Doctor!

      Originally posted by Iawen View Post
      Hi Lorne Lovers.

      Sorry to hear about your RL stuff. I understand. Hope it all works out well. We'll miss you around here.
      Hey Iawen

      Thanks hun, I'm sure being in Paradise will cheer me up!!

      Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
      Cool. Thanks, Lizzie, you find the best things.

      Did you see the mention of "interview with Kavan"? Does that mean we'll get a nice juicy interview in one of the next issues?

      *rubs hands*
      Ooooh, let's hope so!



        @ Mac...

        Re: your toddler...

        Does she get a first-day-of-school cone ... like the kids here do? If you don't know what that is...'s basically a big, fancy bag (cone-shaped) filled with sweets, toys and "useful" stuff like crayons, stickers etc.

        Our kids love it and are quite happy when the cone is bigger than they are.
        I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
          I think GW has changed quite a lot since I joined last year tbh, and see more changes coming. Thankfully I've not been anywhere near all the negative stuff that's been going on all over the place, but I know a few people it's affecting
          That's nothing compared to how changed I find it...and I joined for the first time right after GW started. I just kept falling out of the habit of posting and so I forgot my username/password etc .. or GW sudden´ly wouldn't know me anymore and so I simply rejoined ( a few times, I'm afraid).

          Don't worry, no-one gets rid of me that easy, I'll just be taking a step back.

          Ooooh, thanks for the link *downloads* Aaaah, the Doctor and Lorne *sigh* Maybe Kavan could be the 11th Doctor!

          Seems many of us are taking a step back. RL really messes up ones fun, doesn't it?

          I'm afraid the 11th Doctor has already been chosen and I for one won't watch that kindergarten kid pretend to be the Doctor.
          I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


            Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
            Oh yes. (several) Very(s) fine.
            *nods* yes that's what I thought. Like I said it was *questionable* on the Kethry-safe system

            for book content
            I think you notice that the book is 20 years old. The ideas/morals are ...a bit put it mildly. The movie tried to tone it down some, to make it fit better for a time 20 years later. Still...I sat up once or twice at some of the things expressed about young, unwed mothers and their impact on "society" etc.
            For book content/RL:
            Yes, I did notice that the book was 20 years old(it came out about the time I was born, actually(lol). There were several places where the book got me to sit up and go "Whoa! wait a minute!".

            I was very intrigued by the views expressed about young, unwed mothers and their impact on a community and society in general. Really hit close to home(since in a way that? was *me*)

            I've done a *lot* of reading the past few months into some of the practices of the past(I read a *great* non-fiction novel about the Homes for Unwed mothers of the 50's and beyond).

            They definitely updated the movie some from the book, but I still saw some of the same undercurrents in it that were in the book.

            Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
            Thanks, things will right themselves eventually!

            Oh yes, I read that yesterday sorry... is she excited? Are you excited?
            Good, good! Oh and if you ever need to chat let me know

            I don't think she really knows whats going on. As for me I'm being kind of a big baby about it. You know because my baby is growing up and soon she'll be out in the world on her own and not need me. (and as my friend so *kindly* pointed out before I know it she'll be dating and driving)

            Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
            @ Mac...

            Re: your toddler...

            Does she get a first-day-of-school cone ... like the kids here do? If you don't know what that is...'s basically a big, fancy bag (cone-shaped) filled with sweets, toys and "useful" stuff like crayons, stickers etc.

            Our kids love it and are quite happy when the cone is bigger than they are.

            Uh, well *I* am not doing that(I'm going with the ostrich approach to this) I don't know what her school is doing.

            I'm a 60%'er


              Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
              That's nothing compared to how changed I find it...and I joined for the first time right after GW started. I just kept falling out of the habit of posting and so I forgot my username/password etc .. or GW sudden´ly wouldn't know me anymore and so I simply rejoined ( a few times, I'm afraid).

              Seems many of us are taking a step back. RL really messes up ones fun, doesn't it?
              I guess we'll have to see what happens, things will die down soon I'm sure!

              I'm afraid the 11th Doctor has already been chosen and I for one won't watch that kindergarten kid pretend to be the Doctor.
              Oops, I meant 12th!! Bad geek!!

              I'm gonna give him a chance, he's not even filmed an ep yet... see what happens when they've aired. I love DT as the Doctor, he's gonna be hard to top IMO

              Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
              Good, good! Oh and if you ever need to chat let me know

              I don't think she really knows whats going on. As for me I'm being kind of a big baby about it. You know because my baby is growing up and soon she'll be out in the world on her own and not need me. (and as my friend so *kindly* pointed out before I know it she'll be dating and driving)
              Aww thanks, I appreciate that *huggles*

              Aww bless her, she's always going to need her Mum. Kids just take things on their stride, it's always us that make a fuss isn't it? Nice friends!!

              OK, I'm off for the night now... leave you with Lorne



                Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                Well, better than Little Joe.


                is it sad that I get that?

                It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                  Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post

                  is it sad that I get that?

                  You seem to be the only one. Or else everybody else just went aaaargghhhh at the bad pun.
                  I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                    Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                    Aww thanks, I appreciate that *huggles*

                    Aww bless her, she's always going to need her Mum. Kids just take things on their stride, it's always us that make a fuss isn't it? Nice friends!!

                    No problem really *huggles*

                    Yes I know she's always going to need her Mum but right now I just feel really old(as she is turning 3 and then this spring will be 4 years since I graduated HS(yes I'm just a wee babe) and I feel like I've done absolutely *nothing* in the last 4 years(lets just ignore the fact I have a 3 y/o, am quite active in *several* volunteer committees and have graduated not one but two very high level courses.)

                    And I *love* my friends sometimes when they point these things out.

                    Okay off to the store to pick up the cake now(after the shrek thing I decided to leave decorating to the professionals )

                    I'm a 60%'er


                      Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                      Oops, I meant 12th!! Bad geek!!

                      I'm gonna give him a chance, he's not even filmed an ep yet... see what happens when they've aired. I love DT as the Doctor, he's gonna be hard to top IMO
                      Knowing me, I'll probably watch the first ep and see for myself...same as with SGU...their one and only chance to reel me in and I am sure they'll blow it.

                      Aww thanks, I appreciate that *huggles*

                      Aww bless her, she's always going to need her Mum. Kids just take things on their stride, it's always us that make a fuss isn't it? Nice friends!!

                      They always need their moms. My "baby" is so grown-up, and still tugs at my apron strings...well, if I had aprons ...with strings. Don't worry, have years of PTA, homework and school outings before you still. School friends who come and go as well. It'll be hell, but you won't want to miss a moment. I've been through it all, and I know I wouldn't.

                      OK, I'm off for the night now... leave you with Lorne

                      Night Queen...cute guy, isn't he? Even bringing that weird planet's name. Love the tongue. *drools*
                      I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                        Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                        Knowing me, I'll probably watch the first ep and see for myself...same as with SGU...their one and only chance to reel me in and I am sure they'll blow it.
                        See I have a '3 and out policy' with new shows that I'm trying(be they brand new or on the air for a while) that boils down to 'you get 3 episodes to sell me on your show and if you can't do it in 3 I'm not watching it'. So for me SGU will get 3 episodes and then I'll make the call.


                        They always need their moms. My "baby" is so grown-up, and still tugs at my apron strings...well, if I had aprons ...with strings. Don't worry, have years of PTA, homework and school outings before you still. School friends who come and go as well. It'll be hell, but you won't want to miss a moment. I've been through it all, and I know I wouldn't.

                        Well that is reassuring since at the moment mine is *ticked off* at me(we had to run and pick up her cake and balloons for tonight's non party) as I am depriving her of her balloons

                        Night Queen...cute guy, isn't he? Even bringing that weird planet's name. Love the tongue. *drools*
                        He is awfully cute that's for sure!

                        I'm a 60%'er


                          Originally posted by Plickies View Post

                          Looks like he's been partying too hard...either that or the baby kept him awake all night.

                          Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                          Helps Lizzie up. Poor dear. Let me dust you watch where you step in the future, dear, will you!

                          *Pats Lizzie on the head*

                          Cool. Thanks, Lizzie, you find the best things.

                          Did you see the mention of "interview with Kavan"? Does that mean we'll get a nice juicy interview in one of the next issues?

                          Oh that would be great...

                          Originally posted by Mountiegirl View Post

                          Love the big finish article - I've met Nick Briggs, nice guy. We had a chat and he gave me an autograph. He did the bath children's literacy event (sponsored by my company, Waterstone's, so I got to go)
                          ‘I wonder if this little chap in a baseball cap is dreadfully famous and I’m supposed to call him sir or something.’ - LOL and Kavan isn't THAT small!
                          He makes Kavan sound like a schoolboy!

                          Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                          I can't even think about Kavan and spandex in the same room....*shudders*
                          Me neither


                          yeah, tell me about it...I'm due back to work tomorrow. Truth to tell, I dread it a little. I have been away for almost 4 and a half weeks and my one day trying to get back ended disastrously. I know there'll be work piled up on my desk the size of a mountain range, and boss is freaking because of some stuff he forgot to start last October. So now we have to cram 6 months worth of work into 6 weeks...and I have already heard he does not intend to give me any extra time to do it....argh...I am really freaking out here already....*tries to calm down*

                          Zeeeeeeeeeennnnnnn! Ooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

                          Just take it easy....

                          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post

                          Haha, I wasn't going to say that.... but since you did I'll have to agree!!
                          I thought you might!


                            Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                            See I have a '3 and out policy' with new shows that I'm trying(be they brand new or on the air for a while) that boils down to 'you get 3 episodes to sell me on your show and if you can't do it in 3 I'm not watching it'. So for me SGU will get 3 episodes and then I'll make the call.
                            OT SGU


                            I'm much the same. And I think 3 eps is generous. After all that gives the show a bit of time to show the characters and set the scene. But I pretty much know if I'm going to like something after the first half hour. It either feels right or not!

                            With Robert Carlyle as one of the main characters I'll be surprised if it never can tell....

                            He is awfully cute that's for sure!
                            Oh... he is that



                              Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                              See I have a '3 and out policy' with new shows that I'm trying(be they brand new or on the air for a while) that boils down to 'you get 3 episodes to sell me on your show and if you can't do it in 3 I'm not watching it'. So for me SGU will get 3 episodes and then I'll make the call.

                              My main problem is that I am all set to hate it. They killed my beloved Atlantis to make this "thing". So, they'll have a VERY hard time convincing me to give them my time, let alone my interest.

                              cancellation rant ... again... nothing new, so skip, if you've heard it all...I just need to vent a little.

                              It's old news and an old gripe, but I still maintain that had they kept SGA at least for a little while and had run it parallel with SGU, I'd have embraced the new show. BW's claim he couldn't have born the stress of running two shows was nonsense. He hadn't been running SGA for years. Mallozzi and Mullie did and were prepared to go on doing it. SGA had good ratings for a SciFi show on a minor channel. It was all about hogging the glory (and the money) for his new baby and that I can't forgive.
                              I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                                Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                                I swear my green button is broken. Every time I try to green I get the ‘you have to spread it around’ message first, which is odd since it says that every time I try to use it!! *growls*
                                so its not just me then

                                Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                                ^^ I like your way of thinking!
                                Thanks it keeps me amused

                                OT RL stuff
                                Just to let you guys know that I won't be around on GW as much as I have been. Got some RL stuff going on which will limit the amount of time I have I'll still be reading what's going on, but not post as much. You don't get rid of me that easily though!
                                Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                                Sorry to hear RL is getting in the way. I know what you mean, tho. Mine is starting to creap in a bit more lately. Probably wont be around as much either.
                                Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                                Hope that everything works out and settle down a bit. I know I may or may not be around much either as the toddler is starting school tomorrow morning for the first time.
                                It going to get really quiet in here without you all

                                Originally posted by kethryveris View Post

                                yeah, tell me about it...I'm due back to work tomorrow. Truth to tell, I dread it a little. I have been away for almost 4 and a half weeks and my one day trying to get back ended disastrously. I know there'll be work piled up on my desk the size of a mountain range, and boss is freaking because of some stuff he forgot to start last October. So now we have to cram 6 months worth of work into 6 weeks...and I have already heard he does not intend to give me any extra time to do it....argh...I am really freaking out here already....*tries to calm down*

                                Zeeeeeeeeeennnnnnn! Ooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

                                *Hugs Kethry*

                                Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                                I'm afraid the 11th Doctor has already been chosen and I for one won't watch that kindergarten kid pretend to be the Doctor.

                                Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post

                                Oops, I meant 12th!! Bad geek!!

                                I'm gonna give him a chance, he's not even filmed an ep yet... see what happens when they've aired. I love DT as the Doctor, he's gonna be hard to top IMO
                                well said

                                Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post


                                Okay off to the store to pick up the cake now(after the shrek thing I decided to leave decorating to the professionals )
                                Aww i quite liked your cake very creative

                                Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                                My main problem is that I am all set to hate it. They killed my beloved Atlantis to make this "thing". So, they'll have a VERY hard time convincing me to give them my time, let alone my interest.

                                cancellation rant ... again... nothing new, so skip, if you've heard it all...I just need to vent a little.

                                It's old news and an old gripe, but I still maintain that had they kept SGA at least for a little while and had run it parallel with SGU, I'd have embraced the new show. BW's claim he couldn't have born the stress of running two shows was nonsense. He hadn't been running SGA for years. Mallozzi and Mullie did and were prepared to go on doing it. SGA had good ratings for a SciFi show on a minor channel. It was all about hogging the glory (and the money) for his new baby and that I can't forgive.
                                Sounds like a good point rant to me

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