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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
    Well, I guess it's your present - you can do what you want with it.. Me, I guess I'd take both. Much fun and non PG activities could be had in combining the 2.
    The champange is for later, for round 2
    I'm a 60%er | Sigs are made by me and othersThe Lorne Identity - A Lorne fanfiction collection community.


      Originally posted by melfan View Post
      The champange is for later, for round 2
      sigpic myLornefanfic


        Happy Valentine's Day to all of us LorneLovers and KS fans.

        I was going to give you this little Valentine's pressie, but since it's turning into a veritable monster, I can only give you a hint of what's to come later:


        “Should you be doing that?“

        The guilty look that flitted over his XO’s face told Sheppard all he needed to know. Not that he had needed to know. Not not needed in that way, just not needed in that he had known all along. Well, yeah.

        “You gonna tell Keller?” Lorne’s voice was carefully schooled not to express more than he wanted to let on, which in turn again told Sheppard plenty.

        “Not if you hand over that.”

        That happened to be the easel Lorne had been awkwardly trying to balance together with what looked like more painting paraphernalia. A folded field chair propped against Lorne’s good leg, a food hamper sitting on the floor in front of the open transporter doors and a laptop bag slung over his shoulder added to an ensemble that was completed by a pair of crutches, one of which was propped up against the wall at a somewhat precarious angle. All in all, more than ample evidence of an accident just waiting to happen.

        “Come on, before I have to rat you out to Keller.”

        Reluctantly, Lorne let go of the easel and watched it pass into his CO’s hand with a look normally only displayed when one had to give up one’s favourite toy to a sibling on strict and repeated parental orders to share, even if one knew said sibling would most probably destroy the toy.

        “Don’t look like that,” Sheppard said. “I won’t break it.” He thought a slightly injured expression would go well with the statement. Lorne dutifully looked abashed.

        Sheppard grabbed the chair, trapped it under the arm that was already burdened down by the easel, scooped up the food hamper with the other hand and stepped into the transporter. “So, where are we going?”

        ...and atm it's at 2000+ words and no end in sight. *sighs*
        I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


          Kethry's writing again! Yay!
          I'm a 60%er.

          I will always place the mission first.
          I will never accept defeat.
          I will never quit.
          I will never leave a fallen comrade.
          "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


            Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
            Oh, hey, kethry, do you take requests? There's one banner bunny left, but seeing as you're infinitely better than I am... I could offer you a caption and you could whip up the banner. Look, it's a legitimate excuse for playing around with "Time Tunnel"-pictures

            Sure, send it over...I'll see what I can do with my limited resources. Looking at TT pics is always good.
            I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


              Originally posted by melfan View Post
              The champange is for later, for round 2
              Looks like you have your priorities right there!
              I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                Sure, send it over...I'll see what I can do with my limited resources. Looking at TT pics is always good.
                Ah, all it takes is talent and you have enough of that I'll send you a PM (and then I should get out of my pajamas... weekend always makes me sloppy ).
                I'm a 60%er.

                I will always place the mission first.
                I will never accept defeat.
                I will never quit.
                I will never leave a fallen comrade.
                "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


                  Originally posted by melfan View Post
                  Afternoon all

                  For the first time in months, and I finally have a Lorne dream! but it was Kavan but that was equally nice
                  Just in time for the celebration then

                  Originally posted by melfan View Post
                  Woooo hoooo!!!!!

                  I've reached 15 000 posts!

                  WOW 15,000 posts...congrats on that Mel

                  Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                  Hey, sometime last nite I hit 500!!!!

                  Wooo Hoooo!!!!

                  And congrats to you too for the 500



                    Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                    Happy Valentine's Day to all of us LorneLovers and KS fans.

                    I was going to give you this little Valentine's pressie, but since it's turning into a veritable monster, I can only give you a hint of what's to come later:

                    Very nice...and yep they have a way of deveolping a life of their own


                      Originally posted by Plickies View Post
                      Nope, not willing to believe that, not at all, she just can't get him 'gun face'
                      Oh that's such a shame!

                      Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                      Not all vamps sleep in a coffin, that's racial sterotyping
                      This is true.... some sleep in my bed!

                      Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                      Un huh, your story, tell it like you want!!!
                      LOL, that story would need to be an x-rated fic!!

                      Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                      Night queen.

                      Just cos! Silly me for actually going to bed... if I'd seen this before I went to sleep I might not have dreamed about all those bottles of vinegar again!! Long story lol

                      Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                      But rolling around in the dirt in a small space with Vamp-Kavan -- that would be fun, you have to admit.
                      Oh now there's a thought!!

                      Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                      Ah, *hug Queen again*

                      Can't ever have too many hugs.
                      No, you can't .... it's a scientifically proven fact! Well it might be!

                      Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                      So you say.
                      *cries with laughter* Me, scared of a vampire? No way never!! Can't get enough of 'em... nothing like a sense of danger to keep you on your toes!

                      Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                      Oh! Oh! oH! *waves hands around* Since no one else volunteered can I have the cup?!
                      Yep, 1st come 1set served I say!

                      Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                      Oh god, your trying to kill me arent you queen?!
                      LOL, not intentionally!! But now I need another coffee .... and Kavan!! But then again, it's Valentine's day so I guess I'd better spend time with my other half.... who hates coffee!!

                      Congrats to the milestoners!!!



                        Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                        Ah, all it takes is talent and you have enough of that I'll send you a PM (and then I should get out of my pajamas... weekend always makes me sloppy ).

                        Got it. You don't pull your punches, do you? Tough ones, but I'll let them stew a bit and see what comes up.

                        Am writing atm, so the bannering will have to be put on the backburner for today at least. Don't want to let the plot (what plot btw?) bunny escape.

                        You get out of your pjs and enjoy the day. It looks nice outside again. Weird weather changes.
                        I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                          Enjoy the day, all.

                          I'll be a round again later.

                          Just a little reminder of why we love it around here ... not that we really need it, I'm sure.
                          I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                            Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                            Got it. You don't pull your punches, do you? Tough ones, but I'll let them stew a bit and see what comes up.
                            Oh, you think so? I'm already curious to see what you make of them, no matter how long it'll take you

                            You get out of your pjs and enjoy the day. It looks nice outside again. Weird weather changes.
                            Not here. All grey and cold. And I have to do grocery shopping which I always hate because I'm as unimaginative as one can be when it's about cooking *sighs
                            I'm a 60%er.

                            I will always place the mission first.
                            I will never accept defeat.
                            I will never quit.
                            I will never leave a fallen comrade.
                            "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


                              Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                              Oh, you think so? I'm already curious to see what you make of them, no matter how long it'll take you

                              Not here. All grey and cold. And I have to do grocery shopping which I always hate because I'm as unimaginative as one can be when it's about cooking *sighs
                              It's snowing here - and I'm still in my jammies, so you're not alone, Row. But then again it's only going on 8:30am and I'm making breakfast.
                              sigpic myLornefanfic


                                Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...

