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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
    Oh yes, are you going to take one to sign, or buy one there?

    I have no idea what is allowed or usus at cons. Absolute con virgin here.

    Though for Kavan....

    Kethry- I was a con virgin too That is until Burbank, and then we all know how *that* went

    My roomie/friend and I were reminiscing last night(after she listened to me whine about how badly I want to be in London in 13 days) and I came to an odd realization that Saturday when I theorhetically should have been nervous as none other I was *fine*, though Sunday when I should have been fine my nerves kicked in big time thus most likely causing the 'open mouth insert foot' syndrome I suffered.

    Firefly- I'm *so* jealous of you right now!!! I don't have any questions that I can think of(it took me a good 3+ months to come up with the one I asked him) but I'm sure you'll come up with something. Maybe ask about filming the scene from "Supernatural" I hear its a good story(and apparently has awesome visuals accompanying it) from a friend who heard it in NZ. Just don't pull a me and become a walking encylopedia okay?

    I'm a 60%'er


      Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
      *hugs Mac*

      My very first ff review. I'm glad you still like it. Hope the changes I made haven't made it worse.

      Loved the "soundtrack" remark.
      I tend to leave fun and colorful comments on stories, as its too fun not to. I'm glad that I could be your first commenter I liked the little changes you made(I didn't notice anything major that was changed).

      Ah, I thought I had heard something like that once. About the licensing and
      people getting problems if they bring non-official pics from eps etc.

      Though, otoh, it makes the whole con experience a lot more expensive

      And some stars do sign other stuff as well, as long as their "handlers" don't object. Or so I have heard.
      I know @ Burbank Kavan signed Nici's picture for me and it was *NOT* an 'official licensed photo'. In fact looking back I really really wish I'd just brought my own(as while you could buy photos there they didn't have but the Doppelganger/Tabula Rasa one that is at best Meh).

      Though I think the reason I didn't was because I couldn't choose just ONE photo.

      I'm a 60%'er


        Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
        Over 30 stories? Wow? Any non-ship?
        Mh, good question... I just skimmed them and I think there's one Star Wars story that isn't necessarily shippy. Lots of emotionally strong stuff, but just friendship and maybe just a little bit of UST, but I guess it's more blink and you'll miss it. And then there's the workout room story in the Fanfic100 department (BTW, I think I have a few in the buffer that aren't explicitely shippy)... but yeah, I guess that's about it. Shipper at heart here

        Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
        Kethry- I was a con virgin too That is until Burbank, and then we all know how *that* went
        Great, as far as I'm concerned And I really liked your pictures.

        BTW, you owe me some Fanfic100 notes
        I'm a 60%er.

        I will always place the mission first.
        I will never accept defeat.
        I will never quit.
        I will never leave a fallen comrade.
        "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


          Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
          Kethry- I was a con virgin too That is until Burbank, and then we all know how *that* went

          My roomie/friend and I were reminiscing last night(after she listened to me whine about how badly I want to be in London in 13 days) and I came to an odd realization that Saturday when I theorhetically should have been nervous as none other I was *fine*, though Sunday when I should have been fine my nerves kicked in big time thus most likely causing the 'open mouth insert foot' syndrome I suffered.
          It's a weird world. I often find that things I anticipate go completely the other way.

          Firefly- I'm *so* jealous of you right now!!! I don't have any questions that I can think of(it took me a good 3+ months to come up with the one I asked him) but I'm sure you'll come up with something. Maybe ask about filming the scene from "Supernatural" I hear its a good story(and apparently has awesome visuals accompanying it) from a friend who heard it in NZ. Just don't pull a me and become a walking encylopedia okay?
          Oh, Supernatural? A "new" story? I haven't heard that one yet. I so hope someone will smuggle a camera in and we'll get vids. Kavan is so much fun to watch at cons.

          Not sure I could come up with an original question. He gets asked the same questions over and over again and that must be so boring to him by now.

          I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


            Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
            I tend to leave fun and colorful comments on stories, as its too fun not to. I'm glad that I could be your first commenter I liked the little changes you made(I didn't notice anything major that was changed).
            Nothing big, no, just tweaked it a bit here and there. I tend to read it to myself and listen to spots that sound odd. Those I try to fix. Just sometimes, I over-fix.

            My biggest problem is getting Lorne to sound like Lorne, if you know what I mean. For me, he has a very distinct tone on the show and it's not easy to capture. Hope I got at least as close as possible.

            I know @ Burbank Kavan signed Nici's picture for me and it was *NOT* an 'official licensed photo'. In fact looking back I really really wish I'd just brought my own(as while you could buy photos there they didn't have but the Doppelganger/Tabula Rasa one that is at best Meh).

            Though I think the reason I didn't was because I couldn't choose just ONE photo.
            Yep, that was one of my Sanctuary caps. The one I like a lot too. He looks so mature and cop-ish and...*sighs*. Who am I trying to fool? He looks hot.

            I have seen some of the official pics and I agree; they are not always what I'd choose. Maybe the people responsible (MGM?) still have no idea what we want to see.

            Maybe? Blech! They have absolutely no idea! Clueless, that's what they are.

            I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


              Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
              No, but I recall him saying something like 'make me look good' I was too nervous to say "I don't have to!"
              Awww .. he wanted to look good for me? How sweet. LOL!
              Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


                I hit 700....

                I know - nothing compared to most of you, but if you'd asked me back in August I'd have told you that my goal was 50.

                Never thought I'd be wanting to go up to 2000.

                Lizzie, have you thought about what your personalized icon shall be yet?

                I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                  Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                  4,900 celebratory Joe!picspam


                  Joe is always good.

                  And 4900! Congrats!

                  I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                    Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                    Mh, good question... I just skimmed them and I think there's one Star Wars story that isn't necessarily shippy. Lots of emotionally strong stuff, but just friendship and maybe just a little bit of UST, but I guess it's more blink and you'll miss it. And then there's the workout room story in the Fanfic100 department (BTW, I think I have a few in the buffer that aren't explicitely shippy)... but yeah, I guess that's about it. Shipper at heart here
                    I really liked your workout story. A little less of the you-know-what and it would have been perfect.

                    Great, as far as I'm concerned And I really liked your pictures.
                    Pics, stories, everything. We live through the con-goers. Thanks so much to all of you for sharing.


                    I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                      Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                      I really liked your workout story. A little less of the you-know-what and it would have been perfect.
                      You tried that before, remember? But yeah, I have this tag to "The Road Not Taken" you might like... in my book it's pre-friendship at most. Mac has already betaed it, I think we should just ask her on the amount of shippyness in it

                      Pics, stories, everything. We live through the con-goers. Thanks so much to all of you for sharing.
                      *seconds that

                      *sets out to bake a big set of cookies and muffins for the con goers

                      I'm a 60%er.

                      I will always place the mission first.
                      I will never accept defeat.
                      I will never quit.
                      I will never leave a fallen comrade.
                      "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


                        Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                        Great, as far as I'm concerned And I really liked your pictures.

                        BTW, you owe me some Fanfic100 notes
                        I guess its a matter of perspective.

                        BTW- you has email.

                        Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                        It's a weird world. I often find that things I anticipate go completely the other way.
                        Well it wasn't so much that I'd anticipated it, I just would have thought I'd be more nervous with Kavan than David(obviously the opposite was true if youtube is any indication)

                        Oh, Supernatural? A "new" story? I haven't heard that one yet. I so hope someone will smuggle a camera in and we'll get vids. Kavan is so much fun to watch at cons.
                        I guess my friend asked him about filming that scene and from what she told me his answer(and accompanying story) was really really good.

                        Not sure I could come up with an original question. He gets asked the same questions over and over again and that must be so boring to him by now.
                        I came up with what I *hope* was an original question and then proceeded to answer it for him *sighs*

                        Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                        Nothing big, no, just tweaked it a bit here and there. I tend to read it to myself and listen to spots that sound odd. Those I try to fix. Just sometimes, I over-fix.

                        My biggest problem is getting Lorne to sound like Lorne, if you know what I mean. For me, he has a very distinct tone on the show and it's not easy to capture. Hope I got at least as close as possible.
                        I think you did fine!!! Captured "Lorne" quite well.

                        Yep, that was one of my Sanctuary caps. The one I like a lot too. He looks so mature and cop-ish and...*sighs*. Who am I trying to fool? He looks hot.

                        I have seen some of the official pics and I agree; they are not always what I'd choose. Maybe the people responsible (MGM?) still have no idea what we want to see. Maybe? Blech! They have absolutely no idea! Clueless, that's what they are.
                        I *loved* that pic when I saw it, LOL.

                        Instead of choosing one that I *loved* I opted to go the 'wait and see' method hoping that they'd have a good pic, and while alone the two shots are nice, it would have been wonderful to have a wider selection from which to pick.


                        Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                        Pics, stories, everything. We live through the con-goers. Thanks so much to all of you for sharing. {{{con-ers}}}
                        Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                        *seconds that
                        *sets out to bake a big set of cookies and muffins for the con goers
                        You are both very very welcome(at least for mine). I enjoyed going and it was great having a reason to actually pay attention(not that I wouldn't have anyway considering the line up)

                        Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                        You tried that before, remember? But yeah, I have this tag to "The Road Not Taken" you might like... in my book it's pre-friendship at most. Mac has already betaed it, I think we should just ask her on the amount of shippyness in it
                        Row- Which one is it and I can give it a second look and a yea or nay on the Kethry safe scale.

                        I'm a 60%'er


                          Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                          Me too, me too! Ask it, firefly, ask it! Pwetty pwease?
                          Maybe... I might have better luck asking Paul though

                          Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                          Though, otoh, it makes the whole con experience a lot more expensive
                          Tell me about it. P4 alone is going to cost me around £450, and that's just my first one of the year. I'm planning on going to 4 more before the summer!

                          Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                          And some stars do sign other stuff as well, as long as their "handlers" don't object. Or so I have heard.

                          Only at certain conventions. They do at Wolf but not at Starfury unfortunately. Unless you happen to corner bump into a guest during the parties

                          Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                          Firefly- I'm *so* jealous of you right now!!! I don't have any questions that I can think of(it took me a good 3+ months to come up with the one I asked him) but I'm sure you'll come up with something. Maybe ask about filming the scene from "Supernatural" I hear its a good story(and apparently has awesome visuals accompanying it) from a friend who heard it in NZ. Just don't pull a me and become a walking encylopedia okay?
                          What did you ask him? (I haven't had a chance to catch up with what I've missed yet so I don't know what you said!)
                          I might ask him about Supernatural and Sanctuary.

                          Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                          Not sure I could come up with an original question. He gets asked the same questions over and over again and that must be so boring to him by now.
                          Yeah, it's a shame for the actors to keep getting asked the same old stuff but they seem to enjoy it anyway (Kavan sure did - he came to last year's and is back this year!) and occasionally you get a gem of a question that makes them tell hilarious stories.

                          Originally posted by Nici View Post
                          Awww .. he wanted to look good for me? How sweet. LOL!
                          Nah, I think he just wanted to look good in general
                          Just kidding


                            congrats EB on 4900


                              Hi everyone!

                              Sorry I wasn't on last night - MASSIVE computer problems! I mean major killing computer sort of stuff, thankfully I managed to get it all worked out today *whew* And in time for the last episode!

                              And I was thinking about seeing Kavan post-Atlantis...anyone know of the show Kyle XY? I watched the first season and after seeing an ad the other day I thought there's a chance we could see him there, I think it films in Vancouver...there's always Psych too.


                                Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                                What did you ask him? (I haven't had a chance to catch up with what I've missed yet so I don't know what you said!)
                                I might ask him about Supernatural and Sanctuary.
                                I asked him 2 questions-

                                1) You are known for playing a lot of 'that dead guy' roles. What was your favorite and most challenging? (Flynn from Time Tunnel)

                                2) Over the years fans have branded your character with a lot of odd names including "Spansky" how do you feel about this?

                                Yeah, it's a shame for the actors to keep getting asked the same old stuff but they seem to enjoy it anyway (Kavan sure did - he came to last year's and is back this year!) and occasionally you get a gem of a question that makes them tell hilarious stories.
                                For our con I felt it was a shame more people didn't ask questions(I think really there were maybe 4 questions other than mine, the rest was just stuff he pulled out of the air). Next time I don't think I'll be so shy if people aren't asking questions.

                                FF- if you want to see a wider sampling of what was discussed at Burbank its HERE

                                I'm a 60%'er

