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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Lyconia View Post
    Love that pic

    Question if you've seen the last two eps
    Does anyone die in the next two eps and do we get to see much of Lorne
    Spoilers for Vegas and EatG. You have been warned!

    Yes and yes!

    I know, very cryptic. You know about the wraith in Vegas already, don't you, and fans are debating whether the Vegas Shep dies or not. It's open to interpretation or the way you write a tag.

    As for EatG....the same.

    If you want to know more:
    Major character death (of sorts) and some nice Lorne bits.
    All in all a very cool episode that deserved feature length IMO.

    I don't want it to end next Friday, I don't, I don't, I don't.

    *stomps foot*

    *has major tantrum*

    *bawls away*

    I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


      Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
      Huh. I go back to my lonely cold little flat (turns out visiting my parents for three weeks wasn't such a good idea since it just served to remind me that I'm living here all alone...) and suddenly you're all posting tons of comments? Not fair
      Oh, come on, you haven't been gone 3 weeks.

      But I know what you mean on the living alone part. Takes some getting used to again, doesn't it?

      But we're here, so you're not really alone. {{Row}}

      Otoh, it takes getting used to the other way round as well. When you're happy alone, all those people tend to get on your nerves pretty soon, I have always found.

      Exactly the reason I stopped reading JM's blog. I just had the feeling he had a few "favorites" among the fans and the rest was just there to be snapped at or simply ignored.
      Yep, I had the same impression. I posted a few times, asked him question, and got ignored. So I stopped I still read his blog, though.
      His book discussions are usually interesting.

      Just not fair The whole train trip it snowed like there was no tomorrow, and even in Berlin there were at least 5 cm (that's a lot for Berlin, most of all if it's also in the city center) and even a few kilometers away from here there were at least 10cm... and then I got here and there was nothing, just a few flakes coming down from the sky and some patches dusted with snow.
      Think of it this way, you won't have to drive/slide/fall around on slushy, icy, nasty roads. It has its disadvantages. Looks pretty, but can be deadly.

      I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


        Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
        Thank you so very much.

        I'll send you a mail.

        So you really think I should let the rest see this? *frowns*

        Hmmmm...then I'll have to think of a title.

        Yes, I really meant what I said and think you SHOULD share it. *points around the thread* they would LOVE it I can almost guarantee it. I'm a very very discerning reader(just ask Row, I work for her as BETA) and rarely if ever recommend a fic unless I am *absolutely* in LOVE with it. *looks at Row* Care to back me up here?

        I used to hop by the John Sheppard/Joe Flanigan thread, but they move too fastfor me there. Miss a day and there is no catching up. Nice people, though and a lot of familiar faces. *waves*
        Yeah, for me (hard as this may be to believe) I'm kind of shy so I tend to stick with people that I know really well and if I'm comfortable they get to hear all sorts of fun things(like my con stories) whereas a couple other forums I'm on(I think I have *pauses to count* 4 total) only get barest details.

        Plus I don't do caps for ANY of my other forums(not even my other SG one that I'm on ha! you guys should feel special )

        Now that is an extremely intelligent kid with good taste. Got it from its mom, I'm sure. (and don't you dare say, you've still got it, Mac )


        Well I do have SOME taste left(hey I like Kavan don't I? ) and I have intelligence when it comes to being the walking human encyclopedia of weird randomness.


        I'm a 60%'er


          Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
          Does that mean we can start target shooting then? Don't worry, I wouldn't hit you if you were the size of a barn. People on all sides of me tend to run for cover in the unlikely event I get hold of a gun. I've been known to hit someone behind me.

          Lorne would probably lock me in somewhere....on second thought...not a bad idea ... as long as he stayed on the inside with me. *drools*

          that's takes talent.

          you'll have to share as to how you did that

          I'm only sad that SGA is ending because then that means no more Lorne but he'll live on in fanfic right?

          It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


            Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
            Yes, I really meant what I said and think you SHOULD share it. *points around the thread* they would LOVE it I can almost guarantee it. I'm a very very discerning reader(just ask Row, I work for her as BETA) and rarely if ever recommend a fic unless I am *absolutely* in LOVE with it. *looks at Row* Care to back me up here?
            Oy. *blushes*

            I tend to be VERY critical of my work. A friend and I run ... or rather used to run ... a writers' list with very talented people on it, some of whom even have published original stuff now, and not only Fanzine work.

            I'll have a look at finding a title tomorrow and then see about - probably.

            Yeah, for me (hard as this may be to believe) I'm kind of shy so I tend to stick with people that I know really well and if I'm comfortable they get to hear all sorts of fun things(like my con stories) whereas a couple other forums I'm on(I think I have *pauses to count* 4 total) only get barest details.

            Plus I don't do caps for ANY of my other forums(not even my other SG one that I'm on ha! you guys should feel special )
            We do, and we love you for your hard work for us.

            Well I do have SOME taste left(hey I like Kavan don't I? ) and I have intelligence when it comes to being the walking human encyclopedia of weird randomness.

            Oy again....seems I fell victim to some cultural differences here. There is a saying in Germany about passing on things to your kids that goes like....blah, blah didn't get it from me, I still have mine, so he/she must have got it from somewhere else. That was what I was referring to.

            Not at all trying to say you didn't have taste or intelligence.....


            *apologizes most sincerely*

            Maaaac...forgive me, please?

            I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


              Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
              My My Own Website


                Originally posted by Mountiegirl View Post
                What is Stark Raving Mad?
                Stark Raving Mad is a film that Kavan had a part in. It’s this crazy really odd sort of black comedy. I highly enjoyed it both for Kavan and Seann William Scott.

                Originally posted by Mountiegirl View Post
                I will watch it and like you said, I would love it no matter what if Lorne was the leader!
                I didn't like the tone of the Q&A... It's like he is in a mood with us...
                If they kill off Lorne (Can't think about it!!!) I think a lot of people won't like it. It'll probably kill ANY chances of a second movie which I think TPTB want.
                I heard
                the third SG1 film will not have Vala in it... I didn't bother to read the blog down that far... I got annoyed by it so why isn't she in it?
                I haven’t read anything on the new film barring a few things I’ve picked up but it could be:
                That Claudia Black wasn’t available for the film. I could have sworn I heard she was doing a new show for a network channel here in the U.S. TBS, TNT something like that…

                Originally posted by Nici View Post
                I updated the LLPB so that it shows the URL for thumbnails since we need to start doing that here at GW. (I hope you don't mind I did it, Cathain)

                Thank you Nici! You’re a lifesaver! I wouldn’t know how Is that the new rule? I really have to find somewhere where the rules are laid out nicely so I can figure out the changes.


                  Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                  Oy. *blushes*

                  I tend to be VERY critical of my work. A friend and I run ... or rather used to run ... a writers' list with very talented people on it, some of whom even have published original stuff now, and not only Fanzine work.

                  I'll have a look at finding a title tomorrow and then see about - probably.
                  I completely understand that one, dear. I do the same thing, in fact I think all good writers/artists/whatevers do it.

                  We do, and we love you for your hard work for us.
                  aww thanks Kethry!

                  Oy again....seems I fell victim to some cultural differences here. There is a saying in Germany about passing on things to your kids that goes like....blah, blah didn't get it from me, I still have mine, so he/she must have got it from somewhere else. That was what I was referring to.

                  Not at all trying to say you didn't have taste or intelligence.....


                  *apologizes most sincerely*

                  Maaaac...forgive me, please?
                  I was never mad gotta love cultural differences, and me skimming through stuff while installing software(I was working on my sisters computer installing her new computer game while surfing).

                  *Hugs Kethry* I forgive you.

                  I'm a 60%'er


                    Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                    I haven’t read anything on the new film barring a few things I’ve picked up but it could be:
                    That Claudia Black wasn’t available for the film. I could have sworn I heard she was doing a new show for a network channel here in the U.S. TBS, TNT something like that…
                    Really? that's the first I've heard about that, but then again I don't really follow SG-related news (I mean, I only knew about Michael's new SciFi Channel movie after I saw an ad for it while skipping commercals fwhile watching Sanctuary )

                    It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                      *sniffles* i cant believe that friday is the last ep of Atlantis... *whines.*


                        Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                        Oh, come on, you haven't been gone 3 weeks.

                        But I know what you mean on the living alone part. Takes some getting used to again, doesn't it?
                        I've been living on my own for about 3 years now, so basically I am used to it. Usually I don't mind (sometime ago I actually started feeling like I'm starting to develop difficulties in living together with other people... so probably no more sharing flats with people not closely related to me for me), but when I spend a prolonged amount of time with my family (we're all very close still, especially my sisters and I) I always realize that I'm not only alone here, but sometimes also a little lonely (and I get aware of the dangers of living alone...).

                        Think of it this way, you won't have to drive/slide/fall around on slushy, icy, nasty roads. It has its disadvantages. Looks pretty, but can be deadly.
                        Yeah, well... it started snowing again... my hopes are that it keeps a lot of people from going to the doctor's since I decided to get it over with the whole neurologist thing today.

                        Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                        I'm a very very discerning reader(just ask Row, I work for her as BETA) and rarely if ever recommend a fic unless I am *absolutely* in LOVE with it. *looks at Row* Care to back me up here?
                        I can absolutely agree with that. You're also very good at giving background info. And I'm glad you can still let your inner shipper prevail

                        And now it's off into the snow to my family doctor for a referral to a neurologist... keep your fingers crossed and all that.
                        I'm a 60%er.

                        I will always place the mission first.
                        I will never accept defeat.
                        I will never quit.
                        I will never leave a fallen comrade.
                        "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


                          Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                          I can absolutely agree with that. You're also very good at giving background info. And I'm glad you can still let your inner shipper prevail
                          *puts a finger to her lips in a Shh! motion and whispers* My inner shipper is currently in the shipper protection program Yes, I try my best as a Beta reader so I hope that my devotion to my couple of authors shines through

                          And now it's off into the snow to my family doctor for a referral to a neurologist... keep your fingers crossed and all that.
                          Good luck with that. Make sure your doctor refers you to the *right* kind of neurologist though. We just went to a Neurologist for my dear daughter and they sent us to the *wrong* kind(they sent us to a 'general' neurologist not a 'developmental' one). so now we have to go see *another* one which requires us to undergo the whole referral process again and that is a pain.

                          I almost forgot!

                          I found a really cute fic that some of you might have seen but I thought I'd share:

                          The Care and Feeding of Marines

                          I'm a 60%'er


                            ohhh ficcy


                              Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


                                Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                                Yes, I try my best as a Beta reader so I hope that my devotion to my couple of authors shines through
                                It does. I can really count myself lucky to have you as a beta reader

                                Make sure your doctor refers you to the *right* kind of neurologist though.
                                I hope he did... I have an appointment for an EEG for the 19th And then I'll have to get another appointment for a CT or a MRT. ARGH!

                                I found a really cute fic that some of you might have seen but I thought I'd share:

                                The Care and Feeding of Marines
                                That went on my "To read" list when mel added it to the C2

                                Edit: Oh, and here's a new FanFic100-piece
                                Last edited by RowenaR; 05 January 2009, 05:44 AM.
                                I'm a 60%er.

                                I will always place the mission first.
                                I will never accept defeat.
                                I will never quit.
                                I will never leave a fallen comrade.
                                "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."

