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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
    unfortunatly no we were on I-88 when we passed it. But I still got a kick out of it

    Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
    *drags miserable, headachy self into thread*

    *sniff, cough, shiver*

    Hi there, what did I miss?

    Germs, clones, smilies, stories, lovely piccies, Lorne, Vincent, Kavan *sigh*

    JPJ - congrats on the 4000!

    QH - sorry to hear you're still sick and getting worse

    Mac - a fondue pot? Cool - could come in useful for the New Year's Eve party. We're having one, aren't we? I'll bring the cocktails - fruity and alcoholic ones.

    Now why does Lorne seem to be in my bed? *looks confused, but certainly NOT unhappy*

    Oh no, not you too *huggles holding breath*

    Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
    *air hugs everyone who feels under the weather*

    Should we have a LorneLover's NYE party? If so I'll bring my clones, they're loads of fun once they get a few drinks in them
    Oooh that sounds like a party I don't want to miss!



      Not you as well Kethry feel better soon.

      Dr Kavan for you . * Although I seem to have lost my Dr clone so have a hot Lorne instead.*

      And general hotness

      A Party? I'll bring my Joe clone.

      Now it's bedtime. See ya all.


        Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post

        Oh no, not you too *huggles holding breath*

        Oooh that sounds like a party I don't want to miss!

        *huggles back - also holding breath*

        Well, I've been under the weather for a while, can't seem to really shake it off. For a few hours it looks like I might be on the way, then - wham! - cough, sneeze, headache, sweaty, shivery. Very weird kind of cold.

        Doc Lorne is certainly a big help. Even if he can't fight the germs, he is cute to look at. Raises my frame of mind --- directly down into the gutter. Is that the right direction?

        I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


          Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
          *huggles back - also holding breath*

          Well, I've been under the weather for a while, can't seem to really shake it off. For a few hours it looks like I might be on the way, then - wham! - cough, sneeze, headache, sweaty, shivery. Very weird kind of cold.

          Doc Lorne is certainly a big help. Even if he can't fight the germs, he is cute to look at. Raises my frame of mind --- directly down into the gutter. Is that the right direction?

          Yeah, I remember you saying you weren't too good, but I thought that was ages ago That's exactly how I am, very weird indeed

          That's definitely the right direction!

          Off to bed now, night. Night Lizzie *waves*



            Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
            Not you as well Kethry feel better soon.

            Dr Kavan for you . * Although I seem to have lost my Dr clone so have a hot Lorne instead.*


            And general hotness


            A Party? I'll bring my Joe clone.

            Now it's bedtime. See ya all.
            Hot? I'm already feeling hot - do I need more? *looks at pic* Definitely! Yes! Bring him on! It's a mathematical rule - hot x hot = cold = feeling better And hot Lorne - even better! I'm a genius!

            Joe clone? Where did you get a Joe clone. *lower lip quivers*

            Me want one too! *wails*

            I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


              Night Lizzie.

              I'd better be off, too. It's late and there is a Lorne shaped lump in my bed.


              (yeah, as if....hobbles more like it)

              We'll have to plan the party tomorrow.

              I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                Night QH, feel better soon!

                Night all!

                Haven't seen the lovely Flynn for some time. He can accompany me back to bed. It's freezing here, so I need someone to cuddle up to on both sides. He and Lorne will get along, I'm sure. It's medicine after all.

                *whistles innocently*


                I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                  Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                  Oooh that sounds like a party I don't want to miss!
                  no you don't although clone!Jack can get a little "grabby" (more so than normal ).

                  (cut for size)

                  It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                    very nice pictures!


                      Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                      *drags miserable, headachy self into thread*

                      *sniff, cough, shiver*

                      Mac - a fondue pot? Cool - could come in useful for the New Year's Eve party. We're having one, aren't we? I'll bring the cocktails - fruity and alcoholic ones.
                      *slips on 50lb rubber suit and huggles Kethry* Awwww I hope you feel better soon dear!

                      Yes, a Fondue Pot *scratches head* am still not quite sure about what to do with it. Though maybe we can try it out for the NYE party that sounds good to me

                      Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                      *intentional repost*

                      GUH, THUNK! *lvoe* this picture lizzie!!!

                      I'm a 60%'er


                        and this one as well

                        and this one

                        It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                          Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
                          My My Own Website


                            Originally posted by John's PuddleJumper View Post
                            CN are you trying to kill us? Hmmm but if we die we die happy
                            *laughs* Just thought I’d offer some rarely seen picspam! Honest

                            Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                            *drags miserable, headachy self into thread*

                            *sniff, cough, shiver*

                            Hi there, what did I miss?
                            Awwww *offers Dr. Lorne*

                            Sadly I maybe in need of some Dr. Lorne myself soon. I emailed my doc today with a problem with the ear I had so many problems with a few months ago – I’ve got my fingers crossed she’ll have some magic pill that will keep me out of the hospital!

                            And I know I haven’t done my own fic challenge yet, I plan to still, it’s just I’ve forgotten to scan my computer and had time today – it took up the entire afternoon!!


                              *drive-by pic!spam plus your daily dose of Lilo*

                              It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                                ohhhhhh very pretty of course

