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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Click on the link for My lj in my sig and have a look for the tag Adult Fics, there's a lot of Dirty Lorne stuff there

    Left you a review EB, good stuff as usual


      Originally posted by leighanners View Post
      Anyone got some dirty Lorne fics? I know yall were talking about something the other day. I don't remember if I wasn't paying attention or just forgot. Which could be both.
      there's a het link somewhere that i came across but at the moment i can't remember where...

      oh wait--yeah this actually worked (man and i can't believe i can remember links this early in the morning): most of them are nc-17 so just be careful.


        Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
        -bumps offa page2-

        hehee...I've already tormented him three/four times and I'm not even half-way through my story. Here's the first chapter of my parenthood!Lorne fic...I'll try to update regularly (but no promises since I'm starting school up again in a week).
        you could always do what i'm doing...i posted the first 13 pages of the story but writing wise i'm on page 32.

        lol and my friend who is editing it is getting a kick out of reading it before all of you because she doesn't watch the show. i am so trying to talk her into watching though!

        i'm hoping to get mine done and then go back and edit it before aug. 30. but then again i get vacation starting aug. 24 so we'll see what happens.


          I've written a few stories featuring Lorne. Check them out if you want

          Predicament - it was the first fic I ever wrote so the first chapter is a bit weird but I'm pretty pleased with the rest of it Lorne gets trapped in a deserted part of the city, but he's not alone... Stuff happens 'meanwhile', too

          Closet Troubles - My first attempt at a comedy fic. Features Lorne, a money-making scheme and a closet. I think my favourite of the stories I've written.

          O Little Town Of Atlantis - Can you believe I actually started this on Christmas Day and it's *still* not finished? Christmas fic, only posted two chapters so far but Lorne's in the second chapter.


            god... still 5 more weeks + 1 day until Atlantis!


              I'm not counting down. I'll get too impatient and over-excited if I count down. I just want it to creep up on me and be all like "woohoo! Atlantis starts today! Had no idea!"


                lol i'm just gonna wait 3 extra weeks so i can see the first 3 episodes at the same time


                  Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


                    morning thunkers
                    Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                      Originally posted by Medie13 View Post
                      you could always do what i'm doing...i posted the first 13 pages of the story but writing wise i'm on page 32.

                      lol and my friend who is editing it is getting a kick out of reading it before all of you because she doesn't watch the show. i am so trying to talk her into watching though!
                      That's kind of what I'm doing, I have the first eight chapters done and I just posted the second one. I tried to take it easy on Lorne but found that I couldn't help but slightly-whump him.

                      It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                        Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                        That's kind of what I'm doing, I have the first eight chapters done and I just posted the second one. I tried to take it easy on Lorne but found that I couldn't help but slightly-whump him.
                        *looks sheepish* i kinda whumped him on accident in the one i'm working on. i was intending to whump one of my other characters more (and hey he's still unconcious so i guess i succeeded) but yeah...

                        anyway took a side trip today and wrote a really short one. there's more sheppard than lorne but lorne is in it. as soon as i get it back from my friend, i'll post it on-line and link ya.

                        how has no one posted since me??

                        anyway here's the link:

                        Last edited by Medie13; 14 August 2007, 04:47 PM. Reason: to add a link


                          I got an email from CKO (she is in Duluth, MN) and she has the slowest dial-up there and so she doesn't even try to get on GW...but she is good...she comes back tomorrow (Wed) evening sometime...but she is going through GW withdrawl she misses her Lorne thunk time Just wanted to let you all know that...she misses you guys and will be back Wed sometime


                            Thanks for the update SlytherinGal We look forward to having CKO home.

                            Now, pic-spam


                              That second picture is incredibly thunkable!

                              Banner by Stef
                              Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                                Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                                That second picture is incredibly thunkable!
                                Yeah, I'm rather fond of the second picture

