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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Nici View Post
    What the heck is that chick feeding him?




        French Fries.
        Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


          oh okay


            In my studies I've found a lot of Stargate fans have similar tastes in TV at last...NCIS seems to be on just about everyone's watch list (It's on mine that's for sure!)

            And Nici! Now that you say french fries I see it! I thought it was like, chicken or something! *laughs*


              I've found that sci-fi fans seem to like the same kinds of shows, sci-fi and non sci-fi, as well. (Any PowerPuff Girl/Dexter's Lab fans out there?)

              Anyways...I was on to see when Kavan was going to be on TV next (Sunday; 'Cold Squad' on ABC at 1:35am) and was scrolling through the list of shows he's been on and saw that the first name they had for Garrity was 'Jed'. I know that there was a big debate about if it was 'Jed' or 'Jeb' so I hope that this puts it to rest.

              Also under his SGA section they have 'Evan' as Lorne's first name so here's hoping that they actually say the name and from here on out it'll be actual canon instead of 'we know what it is but they still have to say it'. -crosses fingers-

              It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes



                  Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                  I've found that sci-fi fans seem to like the same kinds of shows, sci-fi and non sci-fi, as well. (Any PowerPuff Girl/Dexter's Lab fans out there?)
                  *raises hand*
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                    Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                    I've found that sci-fi fans seem to like the same kinds of shows, sci-fi and non sci-fi, as well. (Any PowerPuff Girl/Dexter's Lab fans out there?)
                    Nope, but I love CSI, CSI NY, NCIS, JAG, Bones, Dexter, Dark Angel, The 4400, One Tree Hill, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Battlestar Galactica, The Dresden Files, Supernatural, Standoff, Grey's Anatomy, Firefly, Heroes and Farscape. Anyone else like any of these? (I need to stop watching tv...)

                    For OT


                      Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                      Nope, but I love CSI, CSI NY, NCIS, JAG, Bones, Dexter, Dark Angel, The 4400, One Tree Hill, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Battlestar Galactica, The Dresden Files, Supernatural, Standoff, Grey's Anatomy, Firefly, Heroes and Farscape. Anyone else like any of these? (I need to stop watching tv...)
                      Never watched CSI or any of it's offspring

                      I enjoyed the first NCIS I saw

                      I can take or leave JAG, it's one of those shows you can dip in and out of

                      Never seen Bones or Dexter or Dark Angel

                      I love The 4400, unlike others in the thread I don't watch it just because Kavan's in it, I've watched it since the beginning

                      I've watched Dr Who without fail since Jon Pertwee turned into Tom Baker and it's just got better and better

                      I wasn't impressed with Torchwood the first time round but I'm giving it another go, the second series looks like it could be fun tho

                      I tried and I failed to get into BSG, both incarnations of it, but nah, I can't see the attraction

                      And I haven't seen any others on the list either

                      So far only Dr Who and 4400 have had me running to the Sky+ box to series link it

                      Of my DVD collections the ones I watch most are Babylon 5, Dr Who and Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) the Vic and Bob version


                        Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                        Nope, but I love CSI, CSI NY, NCIS, JAG, Bones, Dexter, Dark Angel, The 4400, One Tree Hill, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Battlestar Galactica, The Dresden Files, Supernatural, Standoff, Grey's Anatomy, Firefly, Heroes and Farscape. Anyone else like any of these? (I need to stop watching tv...)

                        For OT
                        lets see... as we're OT, BSG (new... 2003 series), Dr. Who, Firefly (mal is a hottie, ) FARSCAPE... die hard scaper here... love it... want more of it, J/A shipper all the frakkin way, JAG, stop watchin TV... nah..., may as well also add Buffy the Vampire Slayer, (heh, never thought i'd get hooked on it but i did), Babylon 5... ohhh yes... erm... gimmee, have seen some of Grey's Anatomy, also watch ER as well.

                        oh yes.. uh mornin all my thunkers


                          I watch CSI, CSI NY, CSI Miami, NCIS, Bones, Dark Angel, The 4400, Battlestar Galactica, Supernatural, Firefly and Heroes

                          Bones i've just started watching and think its ok
                          Farscape i've seen some but not many. If the DVD weren’t so expensive i'd get them!

                          Anyone like criminal minds?
                          Sharpe was on one of the sky channels a few weeks ago and was great, i've not watched them in ages! (I love Sean Bean)


                            Okay, let's see... OT
                            I don't have a TV here in my new place yet and back in my mom's I have to divide my attention to my family and dogs, not to mention that my sis and bro also want to watch things that are not what I like.

                            But, let's give a go on this.

                            Watched a few eps of CSI and CSI Miami, only saw CSI-NY a couple of times. Liked all the eps I saw.

                            Watched a lot of NCIS and JAG. It's hard to keep track now that I stopped all TV things and when it's on there is always something appealing in another channel and I have to chose between both so I always end up losing something. I really like both. Not saw JAG in a long time, because it's not on anymore and they didn't even show the last season. I rarely missed an ep.

                            Watched a couple of 4400 and wanted to see it from the beggining, but I missed. Hard to follow afterwards, but I try when I have the time. The fact the Kavan is in it is another incentive.

                            Saw a couple of Bones. I'm not so into it, but is was a nice pass time.

                            Want to see Dexter, but it only started this week. Missed because I don't have TV.

                            Saw a few eps of BSG. Not in love with it, but it's interesting. I don't mind missing tons of eps and couldn't care less about being on or off. I find it too dark and for some reason don't really like Kara. I enjoyed seeing it, but on the usual thing of having to pick between two things that are on at the same time, BSG usually looses.

                            Never saw any of the others, but I would give it a try if I had the opportunity for Dr. Who, Firefly and Farscape.

                            Saw a few eps of Supernatural. Really liked it (Dean whump!). I want to watch the DVDs when I have the opportunity. Saw a maraton a few weeks ago and I have no idea what season that was but loved the finale. Something about hell. Don't remember the name.

                            I watched Lost s1 and s2 and a few of s3. I had decided to give up on it because they take way too long to explain things and I was begining to be frustrated, but then I heard that Rodrigo Santoro (brazilian actor) was going to be in it and the drooling factor won over, the guy is just too good to be true. Missed a lot of the season and ironically nearlly all of Rodrigo's eps, but my mom and sister watch it and tell me of the things I missed when I'm watching with them on the weekend. And there is the family together thing that is always nice. I want to catch up on the DVDs when they are out.

                            Watch Smallville a lot and only missed a few eps from the back of s6, but saw the finale. I think there is a lot of meh stuff, but I enjoy watching Tom Welling (sp?). And my brother loves it and it's nice to have at least one thing in common with him besides the parents. Now I'm working in addicting him with Stargate. He saw all of S1 when I had the DVDs (that were stollen Argh!). Hehe, I knew he had liked it when I heard the swearing and the curses when he saw the dreaded words in the end of the finale. He still mentions it, asking when he's going to be able to find out if Earth was destroyed or not. He says "I figure it wasn't, after all the series wouldn't have ten seasons if they had failed miserably after the first one." I want him to watch Atlantis now and he's excited about it, because he knows I'm more into it than SG1. There could a new convert on the way!

                            Oh yes, I'm LOVING Heroes!!! I hate missing the eps! But even if I have to take the bus, I'll go back home in the weekends to see it!

                            Saw a few Andromeda. Not in love with it, but liked. Missed tons of eps and don't mind.

                            Loved B5 and never missed. Don't remember a thing now, since I haven't see it since it was off. Saw Crusade too and felt bad about the cancelation.

                            Saw all ST except s7 of TNG, DS9 and VOY. Don't mind it though.

                            And to make it up for th long OT talk:

                            S3 pics:




                            Last edited by *Erika*; 12 July 2007, 06:05 AM.
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                              morning thunkers
                              Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                                mornin MC

