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Dr Carson Beckett Discussion here

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    what if because everyone suddenly knows about it...

    ...they have to quickly kill off another character instead!!!!!!!!

    ORRRR as someone suggested to me

    they told the extra to leak the rumour! so that we're confuzzled!

    and honestly who wants to see Lam in Atlantis anyway? *shudder*

    We need a doc that's nice and Scottish accent...


      I dont wonna see ANYONE from SG1 in SGA, least of all at the expense of ANY character from SGA...and god forbid our Hot Scot. I mean, whose gonna play the straight guy to Rodney's comedy insanity? Whose gonna put up with his proclomations of impending death over a paper cut? Whose gonna charm all the ladies? Whose gonna look so damn sexy in scrubs or a white coat??? :::drool::: Whose gonna be the voice of reason and compassion and morality?

      Bleh...nasty rumours!!! Its bad enough Scifi saying they're gonna put Sg1 folks on SGA, that got me worried in the first place, now this????


      *wonders off to find the tissues and chocolate*


        Originally posted by TJuk
        I dont wonna see ANYONE from SG1 in SGA, least of all at the expense of ANY character from SGA...and god forbid our Hot Scot. I mean, whose gonna play the straight guy to Rodney's comedy insanity? Whose gonna put up with his proclomations of impending death over a paper cut? Whose gonna charm all the ladies? Whose gonna look so damn sexy in scrubs or a white coat??? :::drool::: Whose gonna be the voice of reason and compassion and morality?

        Bleh...nasty rumours!!! Its bad enough Scifi saying they're gonna put Sg1 folks on SGA, that got me worried in the first place, now this????


        *wonders off to find the tissues and chocolate*
        Did you manage to find the tissues and chocolates, TJ?

        I thought what you said was very interesting. I actually think Rodney's development would suffer if they got rid of Carson. Especially in this season they've had a lot of good interaction.

        I've been feeling down all day, because of this. I've been snapping at everyone, too!!



          I dragged this thread up to see how other fans of Carson felt about it.

          I've heard conflicting reports from Fan Expo though.

          One person said that Paul said that some of the actors' jobs were up in the air

          Another said Paul mentioned being on the show well into the future

          I've been looking for a con report, but alas no luck
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Well, it's possible that both could be true. Maybe he won't be getting the boot after all, but obviously someone's job is in danger. Not knowing for sure whose jobs are in danger is going to keep us in suspense until we all get a defininitive word from somewhere.


              One good thing about the schedule change, is that unlike SG1's heroes where they concealed who was going to be leaving, it'll be impossible to do that this time, as they'll probably be filming s4 while s3's still airing, and once any actors are let free I doubt they'd keep quiet.
              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                I dunno about that. I was at a convention where Christpher Judge appeared right after they finished filming Heroes, and he wouldn't budge when people asked him who was going to die. All he said was something about missing the person very much, and that it would spoil the dramatic ending if he told us. Until this episode airs, I think even the Atlantis cast will be obligated to keep it quiet. Unless, of course, someone is lucky enough to catch one of them with the question after he or she had one too many a drink.


                  Well in that case! Anyone know where Paul's usual watering holes are?
                  Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                    Even though Carson has almost been the invisible man so far this season, I really can't see TPTB writing him off. Atlantis needs a doctor and there's no viable replacement for him so he should be safe. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for several of the other characters. Sometimes it's hard to be a fan.
                    Sig by Luciana


                      I do agree. It is hard to be a fan. I think Carson is safe, because like you said they need a doctor. And it would be pointless. The only thing the show would gain from it is a bunch of very angry fans. And a fair share of irate Carson fans. More than anything, I believe it's just speculation that's getting out of hand. And people trying to gain their 15 seconds of fame by starting rumors.
                      Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                        I agree that the rumors are getting out of hand and that we're probably just panicking needlessly (at least I hope we are). Unfortunately, there's not much confidence that those in power know what they're doing, so I think many of us are afraid that they'll just muck things up in their feeble attempt to *improve* SGA.
                        Sig by Luciana


                          In my opinion, and this comes from other shows I've watched not only SGA, but it's always a whole lot worse than it sounds (and often something you didn't think of.) And then, people get to talking, and the longer they talk, the farther away from the original spoilers they get. People add opinion, and along the way opinion becomes fact. Things get outta hand, and then all of the sudden we have chaos that is pointless. I'm really afraid that by the end of the season we're all gonna be on blood pressure medication.

                          And I'm sure those people in fancy suits are gonna muck things up. That's what they're there for in my opinion. Cause they certainly seem to do more bad than good. It can't get much worse. But things will probably go to hell in a handbasket, before it's all said an done. Hopefully it won't be so horrible, and that it can eventually be fixed.
                          Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                            Well, obviously if the rumors are true and someone gets bumped, some people are going to be indifferent, and some people are going to end up being crushed. If it's Beckett, we are the ones who are going to end up being crushed by the news. It's that simple, I think. Yeah, there's no point getting riled up about it, but these rumors got started somehow and I only know that I certainly am not one who has all the answers. Speculation will go on, though, for as long as people pretend that they do know the answers.


                              LOL! I agree that we'll probably need blood pressure meds before this is over, especially if that rumored (or, is it fact?) 6 month break between the 1st and 2nd half of the season is true.

                              I, too, remain somewhat hopeful that something good can be salvaged from all this drama. SG-1 is not entirely dead yet, as far as I know, and as long as it remains, the rumors of what to do with SG-1's cast would become moot. As a fan of both shows, I hope that Season 10 is not SG-1's last, and, I would love to see SGA continue the long-running series tradition.

                              Oddly enough, the more I hear that Carson could be the one axed, the less I believe TPTB would be that short-sighted.
                              Sig by Luciana


                                Originally posted by alyssa
                                I think most people will be crushed if it's Beckett. I doubt there are many fans out there who dislike him. There's a division of fans with every other character: Rodney, Shep, Elizabeth, Teyla -- people either love them or hate them. There's not much in the way of middle ground. I think a lot of people have this really positive feeling towards Beckett, even if he's not their favourite. I can honestly say that Shep/Weir/McKay are my favourites, but Carson's very close to my top three, because he's such an honest, good, likeable character. And McGillion plays him so well! One of my favourite scenes of all time is the video message back to his mother! And Ford's line: "Dude! Fungus?" I love Beckett!
                                I completely agree. I think Carson is the sort of character most people like. He is my favourite but I accept many others have another favourite, but Carson is near the top of many, if not most, people's list. He's just such a sweetie. And with Paul McGillion's reactions, we get to see into his soul, and we can connect with him, and share his feelings.

