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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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          Originally posted by earndoggy
          What is that symbol he's wearing around his neck? It looks familiar, but I can't quite place it.


            Originally posted by Admiral Q O
            What is that symbol he's wearing around his neck? It looks familiar, but I can't quite place it.
            It's the Yin Yang symbol. It's sorta like two tadpoles curled around each other in a circle with no spaces. If you look at the empty spaces on his symbol you'll see it. I believe it has something to do with his Buddhist faith... not real sure about that because I have some vague recollection that it's Chinese, but I could be wrong. Perhaps it's both.


              Thanks, doggy! I knew it was familiar.

              How ya doin' today?


                Originally posted by Admiral Q O
                Thanks, doggy! I knew it was familiar.

                How ya doin' today?
                I'm doing okay. Last night was a little rough... was missing my sister real bad, today I'm just trying to keep my mind occupied! One day at a time.


                  Originally posted by earndoggy
                  I'm doing okay. Last night was a little rough... was missing my sister real bad, today I'm just trying to keep my mind occupied! One day at a time.

                  Hang in there, babe.


                    Originally posted by Jessima
                    I agree. That is one of my fav eps. Mainly because of the salad scene, I mean he was so funny in the scene! Shep is talking and he is eyeing Teyla's plate. He gets up casually and BAM! He snatched up some salad, and when she demands that he gives it back, he stuffs it in his mouth. Then they start like boxing, I fell off the couch laughing! He reminded me of a playful child in the scene. That is one reason why if he was a real person, I would love to get to know him, because even though he is somewhat of a gruff and tough kind of fellow, he can also be fun and cool. He may be a tad bit impatient and has a bit of a temper, I love his character, plus I like meh boys bad

                    Here's a Grrrr for y'all xD
                    OH YEA, GRRRR for sure!! But Jason is way opposite in real life. Sweet and gentle.

                    I'll take the rough guy Ronon too! *fans self* I'm bad boy lover too but I usually tame them some what! LOL I'm up for the challenge and if they don't conform then I cut em loose! I know, I'm a bad girl


                      Originally posted by earndoggy
                      Yup, I sure did! It was a "trial" one for Anubis, but he wanted it modified a little. I'm making one of each character on both Stargate shows for him.... assuming he ever e-mails me back and tells me if he likes my latest effort!!
                      That's really cool! Good luck, I know how trying that stuff is!


                        Originally posted by purpletoo1
                        That's really cool! Good luck, I know how trying that stuff is!
                        Thanks!! I came up with something he likes, or at least accepts, so now I'm looking for decent pics of the characters. I can't find anything for Hamand and Landry. Would you have such a thing? If not I can keep looking.





