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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    There were others who tried to arm wrestle him too.

    It's a report from the promo in London.
    <sig removed for being over 100X our limit. Sigs must be 50K or less, thank you>


      I've been out of the thread for a while because I'm behind on GoT and don't want to be spoiled (even though I've read the books... but I don't know what is featured in each ep, so...) so I don't know if you lovelies have seen the super-big versions of the Conan poster/promo shots.



        Welcome back Lah *tacklehuggles* Hope you can get caught up on GoT soon. Love love love the big posters!!!

        such good gifs to drool over *drool*


          Hey guys, just found this little gem on youtube and HAD to share it!!

          I've been a member for a little while now, but usually just lurk in the background


            Found such a funny video interview with Jason about the shooting of Conan, his stunt work, the other actors and also the first movie he likely will watch with his kids.


            Lahela, I've seen the poster before, but the big versions are great, thanks for posting them.
            Last edited by cavegirl; 12 May 2011, 12:33 PM.
            <sig removed for being over 100X our limit. Sigs must be 50K or less, thank you>


              Hi Thunkers,

              Loving Jason in GoT!

              Found these in my PB. Forgive the quality - it was an old camera.

              Thanks to Copter for the Sig and Avi!!!


                Sorry Kazabel for posting the same, but when i made my post, yours was yet read by the mods.

                Thanks for the Ronon pics, Stars. Jason was so great in this role. I think, i still like him most as Ronan, even if i forget to post Ronon pics after the hype with aGoT and Conan. Poor Ronon.

                H Louise. I haven't seen those pics. Thanks for sharing them. From which con are they ?
                <sig removed for being over 100X our limit. Sigs must be 50K or less, thank you>


                  Originally posted by Kazabel View Post
                  Hey guys, just found this little gem on youtube and HAD to share it!!


                  I've been a member for a little while now, but usually just lurk in the background
                  Come back and post we don't bite


                    Hi Cavegirl, they are from Collectormania at the GMex in the UK, in I think 2007. I would have posted more but they are really blurry.
                    Thanks to Copter for the Sig and Avi!!!


                      Originally posted by starg8fans
                      I'd like to see somebody of Schwarzenegger's stature do those fight scenes Jason has done. Uber-muscles like that make the body sluggish and unwieldy. I mean, have you seen how a body builder walks? I'll take Jason's muscles and his agility over something bigger any day.
                      Let me guess because I don't want to see it, it looks something like a fried chicken waddling around?

                      Originally posted by Kazabel View Post
                      Hey guys, just found this little gem on youtube and HAD to share it!!


                      I've been a member for a little while now, but usually just lurk in the background
                      Originally posted by cavegirl View Post
                      Found such a funny video interview with Jason about the shooting of Conan, his stunt work, the other actors and also the first movie he likely will watch with his kids.


                      Lahela, I've seen the poster before, but the big versions are great, thanks for posting them.
                      Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                        *staggers in from a truly crappy 3rd shift,sees all of the hawt pix,gifs,and links,gets comfy on the floor* M'fine. GUH. Holy freaking GUH. I'll be in my bunk getting ready for my area's cancer Relay For Life event tomorrow night (Friday 7pm to 7am local time). I've got a personal Honor Roll book with the names of family,friends,co-workers,and even pets to keep me motivated. If you'd like me to honor someone special in your life,shoot me a PM and I'll add their names to my Honor Roll (no one will see it but me). More Momoa shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                          Originally posted by H Louise
                          LOL! You must have been sitting... let's see... about three people to the right of me


                            hi everyone....what a billiant interview! also hi to all the new people...have fun





                                So, Conan will be released in the UK on August 24th... and Stars and I have decided to have a weekend in London with a thunkers reunion. Anyone here interested in joining us for a squeeful cinema session? Tink and Michelle are already making plans to try to be there.

