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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Blue007
    Do I really need to tell ya why???

    Belly sweater!!!!
    *bites belt buckle and pulls*


      Originally posted by Blue007
      Again...need I say???...

      LEATHER LACES!!! *clenches teeth* ready!


        Ok, can I just say STOP IT BLUE!! You are sooooooo killing me....Oh yea, porn day
        ....carry on....

        Slip and slide.....


          Great posts Purple. I loved that last pic **Drools** I'm think I need a soda to cool off **Slips and falls in drool** Ow...

          Ronon Dex Devil
          Sig made by my good friend, Sarah.


            Originally posted by purpletoo1
            NICE, slow is so can be good too!
            I'm on fire, I need a fix quick, run Dex run!!....... *Dex runs to purple *

            That wasn't exactly what I had in mind but it's a start...
            LMAO!!!!!! awh...poor Purple honey!!!
            Purple's Biggest Fan
            A Purple Creation

            Atlantis Dex Style

            Dex Devil


              Originally posted by Blue007
              *gasp* Don't you dare!!!

              Martin: (dusting himself off) "Jason!! Will you please get your thunkers under control?!?"
              Teyla: "Actually, that was pretty funny. You should have seen the look on your face, Martin!"
              Dex: "Those are my thunkers, baby! They look after me! And after me and after me and after me!" (grins)


                Originally posted by earndoggy

                Martin: (dusting himself off) "Jason!! Will you please get your thunkers under control?!?"
                Teyla: "Actually, that was pretty funny. You should have seen the look on your face, Martin!"
                Dex: "Those are my thunkers, baby! They look after me! And after me and after me and after me!" (grins)

                Ronon: "I think I'm getting the hang of this force-field-fishing, it's my turn! I'm going for the big fish, John **Evil grin**"

                Ronon Dex Devil
                Sig made by my good friend, Sarah.


                  Teyla: "I don't care if he snuck up on you, you should have used stun!"
                  Ronon: "Opps.."

                  Ronon Dex Devil
                  Sig made by my good friend, Sarah.


                    OK, ya'll knew THESE were coming.... I mean getting posted!

                    "Loving Arms"... Hank Locklin

                    Loving arms will wait for you
                    Sweet sweet dreams that won't come true

                    Your other love won't set you free
                    You'll never share a home with me

                    With loving arms and a heart so blue
                    Tonight I'll say my last goodbye to you

                    Loving arms must let you go
                    Loving arms will miss you so

                    I've just got to see you one more time
                    And let these loving arms pretend you're mine


                      Candlelight dinner, anyone?? **sigh**


                        **Doggy really wants to be that pool cue**


                          SPOILER Warning for those who have not seen Micheal.

                          Ronon: "Here's a warning: NEVER touch my sandwhich. Do it again and I hurt you. I don't care if it's roast beef!"


                          Ronon: "Can't say I didn't warn you!"


                          Ronon Dex Devil
                          Sig made by my good friend, Sarah.



                              Originally posted by earndoggy

                              **Wags tail** I thought it was gone! Return of the tail! **Tail wacks Jess in the face** BAD TAIL!

                              Ronon Dex Devil
                              Sig made by my good friend, Sarah.



