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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    he said at a con once that he's nothing like Ronon. i like to think of him as squidgy, makes me happy!


      Squidgy works for me too...hawt scoop of yum fits too I think. hehe More Momoa shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O



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        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi



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          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            Originally posted by Selene1212 View Post
            I'd like to know what Jason did to bulk up so much for GoT & Conan.

            Anyway, as most of you know I was really late coming to SGA and I've never liked dreadlocks on anyone before, but I think the one scene that really made me start looking at Ronon differently was the scene where Teyla tells John about her pregnancy and John just yells at her and is mean but Ronon says congratulations and holds her hand and walks her to the infirmary.
            Yep, I love his reaction there as well.

            Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
            *runs after and squishiehuggles* Hi, hun!

            Originally posted by mirishka View Post
            i absolutely LOVED that scene, it was so squidgy, he's a babe. not all rough and tough.

            and thats a nice banner DG.
            Originally posted by *Kiwi* View Post
            I love that scene too, Selene. I think that's what makes Ronon so interesting, he has so much depth.
            Yes, there is so much more than meats the eye...and the eyes are not complaining, either!
            Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
            Aristides de Sousa Mendes


              Posted by JadedWraith:
              Yes, there is so much more than meats the eye...and the eyes are not complaining, either!
              Lmao. Not complaining at all

              I finally got to see Conan last night. I have no memory of the film at all so it was interesting to watch with a view that Jason will soon play the role. Here are my random thoughts on Conan, The Destroyer: (I know this is the second film, but I figured it would do as a guide)

              * If they are going to remake the film, then imo they don't have a very high bar to meet. The acting is stiff and stilted and the sets are often cheap and fake. (sorry to any Conan fans!)

              * Arnie was surprisingly aglie and lithe for a man of his size. I kind of expected him to be a big lumbering ox, but he surprised me in a good way. His accent seemed strangely out of place though, and I found his character quite wooden to watch for most of the show. Jason has a far better range of emotions and his deep husky voice will be awesome.

              * There is a lot of horse riding! Poor Jason.

              * Arnie's costume is often miniscule. In one shot I got to see practically all of his butt cheek! Of course I won't complain if this applies to Jason, but I hope they make his costume just a little bit more practical.

              ETA: I just re-read my post and wanted to say that I actually really quite like Arnie as an actor. He is awesome in Predator, Terminator, Ture Lies etc...
              Thank you to mrscopterdoc for my Ronon sig


                Conan was one of Arnie's earlier movies when his grasp of English was still not good and that greatly effected how he acted in the movies. They wanted him because of his body builder body than his actual acting ability. He is much better now than then.


                  Hey, Playground! Been a while, I know but I got an email request for some images of Jason I've taken at various conventions, so....

                  PIC SPAM!!!







                              Posted by Dragongirl:
                              Conan was one of Arnie's earlier movies when his grasp of English was still not good and that greatly effected how he acted in the movies. They wanted him because of his body builder body than his actual acting ability. He is much better now than then.
                              Yes, that was what I was meaning. I think Arnie is quite cool, but not so much in Conan. Jason should be able to do an amazing job in the roll

                              Neelan_Liquor, thank you so much for the lovely pic spam! I adore the ones of Jason in red
                              Thank you to mrscopterdoc for my Ronon sig


                                Neelan!! those pictures are fantastic, clear and beautiful, thank you for posting and totally snurched!

