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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    DG, his gun is so shiny because sometimes it is in the holster


      It is a shame he keeps his gun so covered and not out in the open where we can all see it all the time


        DG blew up my poor unsuspecting brain cell with talk of unholstered guns. Yay!! Speaking of Conan posters...holy GUH I hadn't thought of Jason in poster size before. *rereads last part of sentence* Yup,that came out a tad cheeky. hehe As for the whole Wal-Mart thing,my crappy little town has 3-4 supersized monstrosities and several small ones. Hopefully they'll carry Conan posters. More Momoa shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


          Originally posted by Lahela View Post
          She's only been recast once AFAIK (Tamzin Merchant, now Emilia Clarke)
          She was only recast once, but according to the article you linked to, Lah, another actress quit as well.
          Some of the pilot, which was filmed last fall, will have to be reshot, given that Clark has replaced Merchant and Irish actress Michelle Fairley has replaced Jennifer Ehle, who also left "Thrones" after the pilot was filmed.
          Isn't it a bit strange to sign up for a pilot, and then drop out when it gets picked up?

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            That could be why the first one left didn't it get picked up then the first one left? It is possible something came up that the actress couldn't work around or maybe there was a problem with a working visa. It would be nice to know why they seem to have a problem getting someone to play Dany though


              Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
              She was only recast once, but according to the article you linked to, Lah, another actress quit as well.
              Isn't it a bit strange to sign up for a pilot, and then drop out when it gets picked up?
              I'm pretty sure I read that Jennifer Ehle has taken on another role in the meantime - this must be one of the worst things about dong pilots. The actors do them because they want a job, but by the time the studios fart around and actually decide the want to the show, eating has become more important so the actors have taken other parts. I actually read a media blog entry the other day complaining about actors who do pilots then are unavailable for the series, but if I were an actor struggling to make a living I know I'd take whatever work came along instead of sitting on my hands until decisions like that were made.

              Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
              That could be why the first one left didn't it get picked up then the first one left? It is possible something came up that the actress couldn't work around or maybe there was a problem with a working visa. It would be nice to know why they seem to have a problem getting someone to play Dany though
              Dany is a big commitment, because there are undoubtedly hopes to extend the series to all the books.


                When was GoT supposed to debut? I'm only watching it to see Jason so as long as Jason's role isn't recast,I'll wait patiently for GoT to get onscreen. *taps foot impatiently* Has it debuted yet? lol Hmm...any pix of Jason as Khal or were some posted and I'm too daft to remember? Yeah,I'm having a blonde moment and it's lasting all freaking day. lol More Momoa shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                  it has always been set for 2011 so this will not change things too much since while Jason is busy with Conan they can film stuff without him once he is done they will re-shot the stuff with Dany and him and scenes that they need him for but as his character is (along with Dany) in the first book at least fairly small that wont be a big issue.


                    Thanks DG!! Have pix of Jason as Khal been made available or am I dafter than usual? *smirks* Duh on the daft part but still curious about the Khal pix. lol }:O


                      So far none that I have found


                        Sorry CRW, the closest we've had are the wrap party shots...



                          *squishy hugs Lah* Thanks for the wrap party pix sweetie!! Jason looks a bit cheeky in the second pic. Yay!
                          More Momoa shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                            Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                            SQUEEE, C'Belle just sent the me the word document with the pics. Here they are. *furiously fans self*



                            Looks like that longer hair is in fact extensions. These must be from before they started shooting, since he still has the beard too. Why on earth did they make him shave anyway? Were razors even invented in those barbarian times? Those wrist bands look very familiar, BTW.

                            And here are three pictures from Jason's short movie he talked about in the interview, Brown Bag Diaries. Love the lighting in these. What a difference to the Conan shots.



                            And Jason's finally able to show off his guitar playing skills on screen.
                            Thank you for showing us the awesome pics.

                            It is too bad they had to shave him, but I never saw Conan with a beard and mustache. He still looks HOT!!



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                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                Thank you for showing us the awesome pics.

                                It is too bad they had to shave him, but I never saw Conan with a beard and mustache. He still looks HOT!!
                                You're welcome. And you sure made your point with that lovely sig of yours!

                                Personally, I never read the books or saw the other Conan movie, but to me the fact that a 'barbarian' is clean shaven is slightly incongruous.

                                Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on

