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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    There'll be another p0rn run tomorrow, I promise

    As for the snurching thing... here I go with my opinionate self...

    [rant] Pics with ownership tags (eg pics that are actually owned by the person posting, such as con pics like mine or Nee's, and are marked as such) should be credited, every single time.

    Privately owned pics with a request not to snurch are not snurchable (well, they are, and anybody telling me I can't copy it to my hard drive can go &/ç%"* themselves, they shouldn't post it if they don't want it snurched... but I won't repost a privately owned pic if requested not to do so).

    As for freely available pics such as promo shots or unmarked stills, you can find them in so many places that ownership becomes questionable, and if the pic isn't clearly copyrighted then nobody has the right to claim ownership - for example, I don't claim ownership of my caps, ever. I spend hours and hours getting them, but I didn't film the thing so I have zero right to claim it as mine.

    Same goes for manips - you can claim the artistic aspect as yours, but not the pic.

    Stills with a watermark should theoretically have the watermark included when reposting, but unless MGM is going to get sniffy about it, I wouldn't worry.

    Generally though, ownership of images is a very touchy thing in copyright law and people need to be very careful about what they claim ownership of (eg, if I took the GW Ronon header and added a few lighting effects then claimed it as my own, as I have seen done in this thread, I would be infringing on MGM's copyrights of the original images and seriously stepping on the toes of the graphic artist who created the GW header... not a nice thing by any stretch of the imagination. Just because you manip someone else's manip does not mean you are in any position to claim ownership, except to say that you had manipped somebody else's manip.


      And to distract from my opinionated ramblings, some Kindred 1&2 stills from Andreas



        Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
        OT explaination
        I'd like to add I am not against Universe, just the way it was initially pitched against Atlantis: the young, edgier and leaner line. I am far from young and certainly not lean, but I believe I still have a lot to give.

        Universe is aimed at my crowd. A.K.A. those people leaving the Hannah-Montana-HSM-Twilight stage and getting into some serious fiction. Although some of them are still in that stage after supposedly leaving it...
        Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


          Originally posted by Lahela View Post
          And to distract from my opinionated ramblings, some Kindred 1&2 stills from Andreas

          Geez, Lah, you're killing me! Gorgeous shots - but these two are my favorites. One for the hawtness, one for the cuteness. Thanks for this good night present! *hugs*

          Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


            *luffs Lah's distractions* Loverly as always. Yay! Triple thunk with Carson and Shep!! *is very happy* Nice behind the scenes shots earndoggy!! The shots of Jason-not his cripes,never mind. Loverly pics everyone
            More please!! Wooooohooooo!!! hehehe }:O


              Originally posted by Lahela View Post
              There'll be another p0rn run tomorrow, I promise

              As for the snurching thing... here I go with my opinionate self...

              [rant] Pics with ownership tags (eg pics that are actually owned by the person posting, such as con pics like mine or Nee's, and are marked as such) should be credited, every single time.

              Privately owned pics with a request not to snurch are not snurchable (well, they are, and anybody telling me I can't copy it to my hard drive can go &/ç%"* themselves, they shouldn't post it if they don't want it snurched... but I won't repost a privately owned pic if requested not to do so).

              As for freely available pics such as promo shots or unmarked stills, you can find them in so many places that ownership becomes questionable, and if the pic isn't clearly copyrighted then nobody has the right to claim ownership - for example, I don't claim ownership of my caps, ever. I spend hours and hours getting them, but I didn't film the thing so I have zero right to claim it as mine.

              Same goes for manips - you can claim the artistic aspect as yours, but not the pic.

              Stills with a watermark should theoretically have the watermark included when reposting, but unless MGM is going to get sniffy about it, I wouldn't worry.

              Generally though, ownership of images is a very touchy thing in copyright law and people need to be very careful about what they claim ownership of (eg, if I took the GW Ronon header and added a few lighting effects then claimed it as my own, as I have seen done in this thread, I would be infringing on MGM's copyrights of the original images and seriously stepping on the toes of the graphic artist who created the GW header... not a nice thing by any stretch of the imagination. Just because you manip someone else's manip does not mean you are in any position to claim ownership, except to say that you had manipped somebody else's manip.
              It may be a rant but it's right on the money. I totally agree that if you don't want it snurched don't post it. There are programs that don't allow you to "right click" and "save" but there's ways around that.

              Technically, watermarks should be impossible to remove because they are embedded in the image. I would imagine that there's ways around that too.

              And yes, only pics taken by my own camera by my own hands can be considered mine as in owned by me. And I wouldn't post them if I minded if they were snurched. And yes, if people ask me not to repost, I don't. I have an entire separate album in PB of such pics. Since I've learned better I always try to get in touch with the person who posted the pics, whether or not they are the original "owner" and ask permission to repost. Always, always, always I ask with con pics. And nobody yet has said no. And if I can't reach the person but it's clearly not a pic they have taken themselves, I embed their screen name or the name of the site in the pics as a form of credit.

              Violating copyright law can get you in serious trouble. Someone tried to get me on that once, because I wrote a column for a website and quoted a poem, crediting it to "Anonymous" because it's all over the web and has been for many years. No less than three people decided to come after me, they all claimed authorship of the poem and had "proof" that they had written it. One person wanted to also sue the website I wrote the column for. I stood up for myself, and the "lawsuit" was dropped, but it goes to show how dangerous/expensive it can be.

              Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
              *luffs Lah's distractions* Loverly as always. Yay! Triple thunk with Carson and Shep!! *is very happy* Nice behind the scenes shots earndoggy!! The shots of Jason-not his cripes,never mind. Loverly pics everyone
              More please!! Wooooohooooo!!! hehehe }:O
              Glad to oblige!








                    Copyright is amazing.
                    Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*





                        Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
                        Copyright is amazing.
                        You got that right! I never knew how strict the laws were until that time with the column. Thing is they're really hard to enforce since the internet, there's sometimes virtually no way to tell for sure who an image belongs to. Written matter is a little easier. In order to copyright something, or to put a watermark in it, you have to pay, I wanted to copyright a short story I wrote once and it was $30.00!!!!!!!!!!! Yikes!!!!! For that much I'm gonna write an entire novel, that's for sure! LOL!!


                          Originally posted by earndoggy View Post
                          You got that right! I never knew how strict the laws were until that time with the column. Thing is they're really hard to enforce since the internet, there's sometimes virtually no way to tell for sure who an image belongs to. Written matter is a little easier. In order to copyright something, or to put a watermark in it, you have to pay, I wanted to copyright a short story I wrote once and it was $30.00!!!!!!!!!!! Yikes!!!!! For that much I'm gonna write an entire novel, that's for sure! LOL!!
                          You can copyright art/poems/other works on deviantart for free. I have all my stuff under some form of a copyright, even if it's fanart. It's still MINE! I drew it, no stealy!!
                          Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                            I am not sure how it works with art but I know with movies as long as 10% of the idea is different there is no copywrite infringment (Film student I have to know that) that is also why there is only 7 scripts in Hollywood don't need more take this one change it by 10% and it is yours why do you think there are so many crappy Romeo & Juilet stories (sorry that is the worst play IMHO)


                              Excuse me for this little brain flip, but...

                              Bare feet Doggy posted 6, count 'em, SIX, bare feet pics!!! I luffs you so!!!!!


                                I'm so glad I only know how to snurch and re-post otherwise I'd be in trouble a lot!
                                I don't know what a 'manip' is but it sounds yummy to me.... like a picture cut down to a specific body part?? For example....



                                And my personal favorite, arm.... yum....

                                Is that right Lah??

