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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    and one for Snowy . . .


      I know it's not for me, but still LOVES Two very gorgeous men in one post woohoo!

      (now why haven't I been in this thunk thread prior to the con *waves* I think I am officially going to be de-lurking for fun here )


      sig by chlex


        Originally posted by cute_az_can_be View Post
        I know it's not for me, but still LOVES Two very gorgeous men in one post woohoo!

        (now why haven't I been in this thunk thread prior to the con *waves* I think I am officially going to be de-lurking for fun here )

        Great news JJ! Then officially welcome to the Playground!


          Okay I have been tring to stay away from spoliers but am weak and I read one about the shrine and

          Ronon comes up with a way to save Rodeny in The Shrine I love that.


            Originally posted by Altimera View Post
            Hey starg8fans, nice to meet you too! It's a running joke about a stuffed platypus my daughter received and her pressing need to know what sound it made during a live chat we were on. They are cool animals.

            Heya Alti! *Waves* Platypus. They make that funny kinda shuffling sound dont they? I can't remember...
            Awesome sig by Laura
            "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

            The randomess that is me
            Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


              Shippy, thank you soooooooooooooooo much It's like Christmas every morning, waking up to unwrap all the lovely new Jason pics


                Christmas, birthday and easter all rolled into one!
                Gotta run to school...

                Awesome sig by Laura
                "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                The randomess that is me
                Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                  Originally posted by ShippyChick View Post

                  and one for Snowy . . .
                  Thank you, Shippy!!
                  That is a nice one.
                  BTW who is he talking with? Jason's Mom too??


                    ronon rocks everyone!!
                    he sooo great, and jason momoa plays him very well
                    i hope he can be in the show for a long time
                    i want ep where we can see how he got his guns!
                    they kick ass
                    now my brothers in arms,, i stand before you now, like our for father did in the heed of battel,let us take the steel and our honor to victory


                      Originally posted by Altimera View Post
                      Hey starg8fans, nice to meet you too! It's a running joke about a stuffed platypus my daughter received and her pressing need to know what sound it made during a live chat we were on. They are cool animals.

                      Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                      Heya Alti! *Waves* Platypus. They make that funny kinda shuffling sound dont they? I can't remember...
                      Well, since I've never seen a live one I wouldn't know about the sound. But they do look like a snuffling-squeaking-grunting kind of animal. I've been fascinated by them ever since I first heard of them, and one day I will go to Australia and meet one.

                      Thank you so much for all the glasses-less yummyness, Shippy! Oh, to be that phone... Or to be at least on the other end of that line!

                      Originally posted by lommit View Post
                      ronon rocks everyone!!
                      he sooo great, and jason momoa plays him very well
                      i hope he can be in the show for a long time
                      i want ep where we can see how he got his guns!
                      they kick ass
                      Hi there, lommit, and welcome to the thread! I can only second everything you said. Yeah, the gun is a bit of a mystery. The travellers had one just like it, so there must be a source for them somewhere. Who knows, maybe the writers will give us some more clues in Season 5 - Joe M. said in his blog that one of the eps will address a question a lot of fans have asked. They're also talking about a new enemy - if they're the ones who have these babies, that would be a tough nut to crack...

                      And speaking of Ronon and his guns, here's a selection...

                      Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                        Okay, I'm gonna say it - the new picture posting rules SUCK!! I've been messing around with a photo, trying to get it to conform to the new forum requirements. They say "400x300 is a good size". Well, I beg to differ.

                        This is NOT a good size for a Ronon or Jason picture. Plus the file size should not be more than 75k - well, this is 50% over that mark, although the resolution isn't great. Of course we can use thumbnails, but it's such a drag to click on them, and then they open in an extra window and you can't see the post anymore... I mean, I understand the problems people have with slow connections and using up too much bandwidth, but this will seriously diminish our thunking pleasure.

                        Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                          Okay, I'm gonna say it - the new picture posting rules SUCK!! I've been messing around with a photo, trying to get it to conform to the new forum requirements. They say "400x300 is a good size". Well, I beg to differ.


                          This is NOT a good size for a Ronon or Jason picture. Plus the file size should not be more than 75k - well, this is 50% over that mark, although the resolution isn't great. Of course we can use thumbnails, but it's such a drag to click on them, and then they open in an extra window and you can't see the post anymore... I mean, I understand the problems people have with slow connections and using up too much bandwidth, but this will seriously diminish our thunking pleasure.
                          Totally agree Stars. I think the size is a just a guideline (ie we can still go up to 700px wide because that doesn't stretch the page), but the resolution limit is, IMO, excessively small.
                          Last edited by Lahela; 17 April 2008, 02:10 AM.


                            I immediately thought of you when I read those rules, guys!

                            No more double posting them (although you said to new people you preferred that only when it was deliberate, for saying a quick 'hmm' you didn't need to repost it)...

                            How about putting them behind spoiler tags? Won't that help? Does that mean they won't constantly have to be refreshed along with the written text on the page? It could be an idea... I practically always post pics behind tags. And not just cos the size might be too wide.

                            Funny how they're not mentioning siggies yet... Is that the next step?

                            Lah forgot me...

                            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                            I wish I got to know you better.


                              Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                              Okay, I'm gonna say it - the new picture posting rules SUCK!! I've been messing around with a photo, trying to get it to conform to the new forum requirements. They say "400x300 is a good size". Well, I beg to differ.

                              This is NOT a good size for a Ronon or Jason picture. Plus the file size should not be more than 75k - well, this is 50% over that mark, although the resolution isn't great. Of course we can use thumbnails, but it's such a drag to click on them, and then they open in an extra window and you can't see the post anymore... I mean, I understand the problems people have with slow connections and using up too much bandwidth, but this will seriously diminish our thunking pleasure.
                              Does this new 'rule' apply to what we put behind spoilers?
                              I agree with you. scolling down the page and seeing lifesize R/J always makes my heart skip a beat!


                                Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                                I immediately thought of you when I read those rules, guys!

                                No more double posting them (although you said to new people you preferred that only when it was deliberate, for saying a quick 'hmm' you didn't need to repost it)...

                                How about putting them behind spoiler tags? Won't that help? Does that mean they won't constantly have to be refreshed along with the written text on the page? It could be an idea... I practically always post pics behind tags. And not just cos the size might be too wide.

                                Funny how they're not mentioning siggies yet... Is that the next step?

                                Lah forgot me...
                                Spoiler tags aren't acceptable for big pics either, apparently.

                                I forgot you?!?! I didn't mean to!!!!!!!!!!!! *huggles*

                                Edit: Do you mean the cap? I promise it'll be done this weekend - it has been insane here still...

