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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    Any thank you for having the Brady Bunch theme stuck in my head for the last 30 min. LOL...

    Color me gone....

    **takes a running start across the room**
    Purple's Biggest Fan
    A Purple Creation

    Atlantis Dex Style

    Dex Devil


      Originally posted by Blue007
      Awh....that sucks...I just think of someone else when it's on...not that they play their music any am so giving up my age... Don't care I am proud to be an oldie but a goodie...
      As Steve Perry would say... "Don't stop .. believin'... Hold on to that FEEL-ehyeh-ing..."
      stellar sig by the one and only Purple


        Originally posted by purpletoo1
        ummmm humm! I love cheeseburgers, how'd ya know but the dessert is so good I think I'll skip that and go right to the Dex apple thong thing!!!!!! Guh!!

        Yeah!!! Babys back!!! (((hugs)))
        Yes, I see which dish everyone is going to lunge for!!
        stellar sig by the one and only Purple


          Originally posted by Blue007
          So Baby, tell me would this one be too huge for you??

          The picture girls for her siggy...the picture...
          Looks like it's the ... RIGHT SIZE..
          The siggy, I'm talking about, the siggy .....
          stellar sig by the one and only Purple


            Dex: "Oh gosh, how inconvenient. I have to squeeze out a nugget..."
            Shep: "Oh no, he's gonna blow the roof off..."
            McKay: "Brace yourselves!!!"

            sorry... can't resist poop humor.
            Last edited by Baby; 18 October 2005, 07:20 PM.
            stellar sig by the one and only Purple


              Originally posted by Blue007
              McKay: " Well I'd rather watch reruns of the Brady Bunch than something like Baywatch."
              Dex: " funny ha..ok let me outta here I gotta kick some Rodney A#@!!


              Thanks for the help on this one Baby...hope ya don't mind
              Of course I don't mind. It's TEAMWORK!!
              Or like Lucy and Ethel.. it's friendship.. friendship... just a perfect plan(?)ship....

              Gosh, I'm just as bad as you when it comes to remembering lyrics.
              stellar sig by the one and only Purple


                Dude: "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT, I take it back. Baywatch was a GOOD SHOW!!!"

                (See, Blue.. teamwork!!)
                stellar sig by the one and only Purple


                  McKay: "Don't disturb me, Dex, I'm trying to recreate the Colonel's secret recipe..."
                  Dex: "Excellent.... You're my hero, McKay.."
                  stellar sig by the one and only Purple


                    Originally posted by Blue007
                    So Baby, tell me would this one be too huge for you??

                    The picture girls for her siggy...the picture...
                    Yea, right!


                      Originally posted by Baby

                      Dude in background: "That Dex is so HOT, I'd grab his @ss like this..."
                      Dex: "I know they're talking about me..."
                      LMAO, She's baaaaack!


                        Originally posted by Baby

                        Dex: "Yeah that's right, you BETTER bow down to the Dread King..."
                        Shep: "Kiss his feet while you're there.."
                        "Shep, you know too? Now everybody knows about my thing for feet, how embarrassing. "


                          Originally posted by Blue007
                          I mean tell sexy is this...or is it just me bein' weird??

                          This is definitely sexy, so thinking so is not weird. As to whether or not you're weird, well I think we all know the answer to that one.

                          Oh, and Baby, about our food orders...think I'll skip to dessert too. My grandfather taught me 'life's uncertain, eat dessert first' and I think that's especially important in this case.


                            Originally posted by Blue007
                            I mean tell sexy is this...or is it just me bein' weird??

                            One word: Guh!


                              Originally posted by Baby
                              "Is that you God, it's me, Margaret... I mean, Dex. It's me, Dex..."
                              Now see, I thought he'd prefer Superfudge.

                              You really are on a roll tonight, Baby. Thanks for all the laughs.


                                Originally posted by Baby

                                McKay: "Don't disturb me, Dex, I'm trying to recreate the Colonel's secret recipe..."
                                Dex: "Excellent.... You're my hero, McKay.."
                                *McKay makes mental note on how to get on Ronon's good side: Just toss him a bone and he'll run to the corner with it and forget about what he was mad about*

