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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by purpletoo1
    Baby, you were in great form tonight!! Thanks for the laughs, sorry I haven't been much fun lately, stress! But here is more fuel for your fire! Just don't toot!!!
    Aw thanks. I try my best!! I understand stress so, don't sweat it. Sit back.. and enjoy.

    Dex: "Hey, is this a Wraith finger in my chicken soup??"

    Ford: "You bet your sweet petootie..."

    Shep: "....wraith finger, huh? I'm going to hurl chunks.."

    Dex: "I think I'm in love with you, man. Come here, give me a hug... *choke.. sniff*"
    stellar sig by the one and only Purple


      Originally posted by greytop
      If you ask for the paddle, you don't get it. That's you punishment. You'll get when you lest expect it.
      mm, I see that you understand the S&M mentality way too well...
      I'm afraid that ... I may be afraid now.
      stellar sig by the one and only Purple


        Originally posted by Blue007
        Whatever it is that your doing...stop it...
        That wasn't me poking your butt, Dex!! It was BLUE!!!
        (running away now)...
        stellar sig by the one and only Purple



          Hey, somebody stop that guy! He's stealing Dex's wallet!! Or coppin' a cheap feel???
          stellar sig by the one and only Purple


            Shep: "It's either a very very small spaceship, or a satellite dish!"
            McKay: "Satellite dish! Yes!! Can we get the Discovery channel??"
            Dex: "I want NFL package... or the cooking channel"
            stellar sig by the one and only Purple


              Originally posted by Baby
              surprisingly, I don't have one brother! Not even any brothers from another mother! I did have male cousins though and they did play pretty rough.

              (checking butt cheek, yep, it's red) Yes, I enjoyed it, ma'am! May I please have another??
              Sure you may!! Here are more of the bad boy in action!! Hope this will do for now. I will own you a spanking, LOL



                Alas, Vee's Uncle Freddie is no more. He is but a braid wrapped around Dex's AMPLE sword (handle).. We shall look upon this old photograph fondly....
                Should we have a candlelight vigil??
                stellar sig by the one and only Purple


                  More floating dreads for the dread sisters, Baby and Blue!! Where is Great Cat?

                  Whooooah!! Yeah, I like bad boys!! No, I love bad boys!!! *gets all sweaty* I think I need one of Grey's towels. And did I mention free butt shots with these!


                    oooh, is that alien poop???
                    stellar sig by the one and only Purple


                      Yes, alian bug poop!! LOL


                        Originally posted by Baby
                        Alas, Vee's Uncle Freddie is no more. He is but a braid wrapped around Dex's AMPLE sword (handle).. We shall look upon this old photograph fondly....
                        Should we have a candlelight vigil??
                        Don't we like dead wraith? Vee being the exception.


                          Here are some piccys of Dex (linked due to size) and they are non-spoilery cuz they just have Dex in them (well the ones that we have not seen the eppy for yet)

                          From The Hive:

                          From Duet:
                          Dex and his stick It's not the size that matters, it's how you use it


                          From Runner:
                          Bare-back Dex *drool*

                          Oh, and CONGRATS PURPLE ON 2700 POSTS!! WOOT!!


                            Originally posted by purpletoo1
                            More floating dreads for the dread sisters, Baby and Blue!! Where is Great Cat?
                            WHAH, I love these!! You are the Capture Queen! You shall be up by the throne with the Goggle King. (I've inserted myself next to the Goggle King, however, as the Captioning Princess) ...
                            I unfortunately must turn in ... MUST be at work tomorrow.
                            Until then, send out an A.P.B. on Cat!!
                            stellar sig by the one and only Purple


                              okay, I had to do at least this one before I went to sleep:

                              Dex: "... and this one is called the Running Man.. yeah, I know, humans are funny people.."
                              stellar sig by the one and only Purple


                                g'nite Baby...happy dex dreams

