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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Baby
    ..and quite honestly, Blue, this is a reason why I haven't posted lately. I haven't seen Cat around neither (except for 1 post).
    Woo hoo, that was a mighty fine rant Baby!! I'm glad you are the one who said it! But I happen to agree! I think there are others who would too! Thanks for the well thought out response.

    Now back to our regularly scheduled thunking!
    Jason is a fine gentleman!
    Last edited by purpletoo1; 20 September 2005, 11:07 PM.


      Originally posted by Abby Sheppard
      Jason is so cool, I met him when he was still on Baywatch. Lets just say that if you thinkthat he is hott on Tv you should wait til you see him in person............I was doing a tour of Baywatch and I ended up staying there for three weeks. I spent most of the time with Jason and we had alot of laughs. The crew were great and I have to admit one thing, I can't wait til i see him again. I see him about everythree years and we get together and spend a few days catching up..............See you soon J!
      Welcome, aren't you the lucky one!


        This out fit is still an eye catcher! Never tire of it!


          Here's a thought...from now on lets just post and talk about Jason and his role on Atlantis.
          Let's PM each other if we want to talk over anything else.
          No one wants any DRAMA but the drama of the amazing pictures that we post of Jason Momoa. Cool?? Ok
          All this Drama is driving people as purple said...lets get back to business...I adore ALL OF YOU and I WANT OUR THREAD BACK!! No stress, no drama....PLEASE!!!
          I am not trying to control anything or anyone, just please, lets be a happy family again and POST PIC of MOMOA

          Our Happy Place...

          ps. purple got your PM unable to respond doesn't have you name in PM list. but I'm not goin anywhere...k...
          Purple's Biggest Fan
          A Purple Creation

          Atlantis Dex Style

          Dex Devil


            Purple's Biggest Fan
            A Purple Creation

            Atlantis Dex Style

            Dex Devil


              FOR YOU PURPLE...
              Purple's Biggest Fan
              A Purple Creation

              Atlantis Dex Style

              Dex Devil


                FOR YOU GREYTOP...
                Purple's Biggest Fan
                A Purple Creation

                Atlantis Dex Style

                Dex Devil


                  FOR LIDA...OUR JELLO QUEEN...GET WELL
                  Purple's Biggest Fan
                  A Purple Creation

                  Atlantis Dex Style

                  Dex Devil


                    FOR THE GREAT CAT OF RE...

                    for me too!!
                    Purple's Biggest Fan
                    A Purple Creation

                    Atlantis Dex Style

                    Dex Devil


                      Originally posted by Blue007
                      FOR THE GREAT CAT OF RE...

                      for me too!!

                      First post here, but wanted to say that I love Ronon Dex. In fact, the whole family loves the character (and we don't always agree).
                      ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                        Wow. .sounds like I've missed some controversy around here. Drats, I miss everything. *shaking head*

                        I do have to side with Jason's family with any complaints they have, and we do have to respect them. There are shots of some other SG1 and SGA actors floating around Gateworld that are not so flattering to them and probably shouldn't be posted, but people will post anything. I sure wouldn't want to see photo manips of my son plastered on the net (unless it was in fun - like the Shex Cereal Box). But I think the folks in this thread know when something is appropriate to post, and when it is not.

                        Anyway. . haven't peeked in lately. Wanted to oogle the pretty Jason pics.

                        Is Lida having school issues, or computer issues?

                        When all else fails, change channels.


                          A little late to the game but I was just browsing through some pictures of Momoa during his Baywatch days and HELLO!!! *falls of chair*

                          If Dex happens to run around Atlantis shirtless I shall not be disappointed.


                            Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                            A little late to the game but I was just browsing through some pictures of Momoa during his Baywatch days and HELLO!!! *falls of chair*

                            If Dex happens to run around Atlantis shirtless I shall not be disappointed.
                            Better late than never....**helps Blue Banrigh up from the floor**

                            Love your photo!! "Not the Mama" LOL
                            Purple's Biggest Fan
                            A Purple Creation

                            Atlantis Dex Style

                            Dex Devil


                              Originally posted by Blue007
                              Better late than never....**helps Blue Banrigh up from the floor**

                              Love your photo!! "Not the Mama" LOL
                              Hehe, thanks.

                              How many blues are in this thread? I count three already.


                                Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                                Hehe, thanks.

                                How many blues are in this thread? I count three already.
                                Three??? I only know of and me..who's the other blue??
                                Purple's Biggest Fan
                                A Purple Creation

                                Atlantis Dex Style

                                Dex Devil

